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Title: Universal tradeoff relation between speed, uncertainty, and dissipation in nonequilibrium stationary states
Author(s): Izaak Neri
As Contributors: Izaak Neri
Journal ref.: SciPost Physics 12
Date: 2022-04-22


We derive universal thermodynamic inequalities that bound from below the moments of first-passage times of stochastic currents in nonequilibrium stationary states of Markov jump processes in the limit where the thresholds that define the first-passage problem are large. These inequalities describe a tradeoff between speed, uncertainty, and dissipation in nonequilibrium processes, which are quantified, respectively, with the moments of the first-passage times of stochastic currents, the splitting probability, and the mean entropy production rate. Near equilibrium, the inequalities imply that mean first-passage times are lower bounded by the Van't Hoff-Arrhenius law, whereas far from thermal equilibrium the bounds describe a universal speed limit for rate processes. When the current is the stochastic entropy production, then the bounds are equalities, a remarkable property that follows from the fact that the exponentiated negative entropy production is a martingale.

Comments on this Commentary

Izaak Neri  on 2022-08-27  [id 2763]


There is an error in Equations (231), (232), (238), and (239) of Appendix E.4. Since $z^\ast<0$ the symbol $z^\ast$ in those equations should be replaced by $|z^\ast|$. This a localised typo that does not affect the rest of the paper.

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