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  • Ambra Mariani on behalf of the SABRE North Collaboration

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 026 (2023) · published 4 July 2023 | · pdf

  • R. Bernabei, P. Belli, F. Cappella, V. Caracciolo, R. Cerulli, C.J. Dai, A. d'Angelo, A. Incicchitti, A. Leoncini, X.H. Ma, V. Merlo, F. Montecchia, X.D. Sheng, Z.P. Ye

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 025 (2023) · published 3 July 2023 | · pdf

    1 citation

  • P. Knights on behalf of the NEWS-G Collaboration

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 024 (2023) · published 3 July 2023 | · pdf

  • Ben Broerman

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 023 (2023) · published 3 July 2023 | · pdf

  • Masato Kimura on behalf of DarkSide-50 Collaboration

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 022 (2023) · published 3 July 2023 | · pdf

    1 citation

  • Vincenzo Caracciolo, Volodymyr Yakovych Degoda, Pierluigi Belli, Rita Bernabei, Y. A. Borovlev, Fabio Cappella, Riccardo Cerulli, Fedor A. Danevich, Antonella Incicchitti, Alice Leoncini, Vittorio Merlo, N. Cherubini, Dmytro V. Kasperovych, Y. P. Kogut, G. P. Podust, Oksana G. Polischuk, A. G. Postupaeva, V. N. Shlegel, Volodymyr I. Tretyak

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 021 (2023) · published 3 July 2023 | · pdf

  • Matti Heikinheimo, Sebastian Sassi, Kimmo Tuominen, Kai Nordlund, Nader Mirabolfathi

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 020 (2023) · published 3 July 2023 | · pdf

  • F. D. Amaro, E. Baracchini, L. Benussi , S. Bianco, C. Capoccia, M. Caponero, D. Santos Cardoso, G. Cavoto, A. Cortez, I. A. Costa, E. Dané, G. Dho, F. Di Giambattista, E. Di Marco, G. D’Imperio, F. Iacoangeli, H. P. L. Jùnior, G. S. P. Lopes, G. Maccarrone, R. D. P. Mano, R. R. M. Gregorio, D. J. G. Marques, G. Mazzitelli, A. G. McLean, A. Messina, C. M. B. Monteiro, R. A. Nobrega, I. Fonseca Pains, E. Paoletti, L. Passamonti, S. Pelosi, F. Petrucci, S. Piacentini, D. Piccolo, D. Pierluigi, D. Pinci, A. Prajapati, F. Renga, R. J. C. Roque, F. Rosatelli, A. Russo, J. M. F. dos Santos, G. Saviano, N. J. C. Spooner, R. Tesauro, S. Tommasini, S. Torelli

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 019 (2023) · published 3 July 2023 | · pdf

  • Vitaly A. Kudryavtsev, Piotr Krawczun, Rayna Bocheva

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 018 (2023) · published 3 July 2023 | · pdf

  • Mouli Chaudhuri, Andrew Jastram, Glenn Agnolet, Samir Banik, Hao Chen, Vijay Iyer, Varchaswi K. S. Kashyap, Andrew Kubik, Matthew Lee, Rupak Mahapatra, Sandro Maludze, Nader Mirabolfathi, Nityasa Mishra, Bedangadas Mohanty, Himangshu Neog, Mark Platt

    SciPost Phys. Proc. 12, 017 (2023) · published 3 July 2023 | · pdf