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This page lists Organizations which have benefitted from SciPost's publishing activities.

Organizations are linked through appearing in a publication's author affiliations, grant-giving agencies or explicit support acknowledgements.

For each Organization, the NAP (number of associated publications) is given (you can order in decreasing/increasing NAP using the header arrows).

Click on a row to see more details about the Organization, including per-year breakdowns of:

  • associated publications
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Country Name  [acronym] NAP
SciPost sponsor?
BE flag [BE]  Belgium Université de Namur / University of Namur   0 Not yet
BE flag [BE]  Belgium International Solvay Institutes   4 Not yet
BE flag [BE]  Belgium Universiteit Gent / Ghent University   26 Yes, current
BE flag [BE]  Belgium Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten / Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts  [KVAB]

Parent of: Jonge Academie

0 Not yet
BE flag [BE]  Belgium Université Libre de Bruxelles  [ULB] 24 Yes, current
BE flag [BE]  Belgium Universiteit Antwerpen / University of Antwerp   12 Not yet
BE flag [BE]  Belgium Vrije Universiteit Brussel  [VUB] 4 Not yet
BE flag [BE]  Belgium Fondation Travail-Université   0 Not yet
BE flag [BE]  Belgium Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen / Research Foundation - Flanders  [FWO] 28 Not yet
BE flag [BE]  Belgium OpenAIRE   0 Yes, past
BE flag [BE]  Belgium European Commission  [EC]

Parent of: European Regional Development Fund,  European Research Council

625 Not yet
BE flag [BE]  Belgium European Regional Development Fund  [ERDF]

Parent: European Commission

21 Not yet
BE flag [BE]  Belgium European Research Council  [ERC]

Parent: European Commission

366 Not yet
BE flag [BE]  Belgium Université de Mons / University of Mons  [UMONS] 3 Not yet
BE flag [BE]  Belgium Universiteit Hasselt / University of Hasselt  [UHasselt] 0 Not yet
BE flag [BE]  Belgium Centre for European Policy Studies  [CEPS] 0 Not yet
BE flag [BE]  Belgium Science Europe   0 Not yet
BE flag [BE]  Belgium KBC Groep / KBC Group   1 Not yet
BG flag [BG]  Bulgaria Bulgarian Science Fund  [BSF] 2 Not yet
BG flag [BG]  Bulgaria Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy  [INRNE] 1 Not yet
BG flag [BG]  Bulgaria Софийски университет / Sofia University   2 Not yet
BG flag [BG]  Bulgaria Българска академия на науките / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences  [BAS] 1 Not yet
BJ flag [BJ]  Benin Université d'Abomey-Calavi / University of Abomey-Calavi  [UAC] 1 Not yet
BO flag [BO]  Bolivia Universidad Mayor de San Andrés / Higher University of San Andrés  [UMSA] 1 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil FGV Escola de Direito de São Paulo / FGV Sao Paulo Law School  

Parent: Getulio Vargas Foundation

0 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil Federal University of Pampa / Universidade Federal do Pampa   1 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro / Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro  [PUC-Rio] 3 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil União das Faculdades dos Grandes Lagos / Union of Colleges of Great Lakes  [UNILAGO] 1 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada  [IMPA] 1 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil Faculdades de Tecnologia do Estado de São Paulo / São Paulo State Technological College  [FATEC] 1 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca / Federal Center for Technological Education Celso Suckow da Fonseca  [CEFET] 1 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil Universidade de São Paulo / University of Sao Paulo  [USP] 15 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil Universidade Federal de Uberlândia / Federal University of Uberlândia  [UFU] 2 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil Universidade Federal de São Carlos / Federal University of São Carlos  [UFSCar] 0 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro  [FAPERJ] 6 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil Fundação Getulio Vargas / Getulio Vargas Foundation  [FGV]

Parent of: FGV Sao Paulo Law School

0 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil Universidade Federal de Pernambuco / Federal University of Pernambuco  [UFPE] 0 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil Universidade Federal de Pelotas  [UFPel] 1 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil Laboratório Nacional de Nanotecnologia / Brazilian Nanotechnology National Laboratory  [LNNano]

Parent: Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials

0 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro / Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro  [UFRRJ] 1 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil Universidade Estadual de Londrina / Londrina State University  [UEL] 4 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" / Sao Paulo State University  [UNESP] 5 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil Universidade Federal do Pará / Federal University of Pará  [UFPA] 0 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil Universidade Estadual de Campinas / State University of Campinas  [UNICAMP] 5 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil Universidade Federal do Ceará / Federal University of Ceará  [UFC] 1 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo / São Paulo Research Foundation  [FAPESP] 26 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil Universidade Federal do ABC  [UFABC] 5 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas / Brazilian Center for Research in Physic  [CBPF] 3 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil Laboratório Nacional de Biociências / Brazilian Biosciences National Laboratory  [LNBio]

Parent: Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials

0 Not yet
BR flag [BR]  Brazil Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron / Brazilian Synchrotron Light National Laboratory  [LNLS]

Parent: Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials

0 Not yet