This page lists Organizations which have benefitted from SciPost's publishing activities.
Organizations are linked through appearing in a publication's author affiliations, grant-giving agencies or explicit support acknowledgements.
For each Organization, the NAP (number of associated publications) is given (you can order in decreasing/increasing NAP using the header arrows).
Click on a row to see more details about the Organization, including per-year breakdowns of:
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Country | Name [acronym] | NAP
SciPost sponsor? |
[NL] Netherlands | Wageningen Universiteit en Researchcentrum / Wageningen University and Research [WUR] | 0 | Not yet |
[NL] Netherlands | SciPost | 0 | Not yet |
[NL] Netherlands | Association of European Research Libraries [LIBER] | 0 | Not yet |
[NL] Netherlands | Universiteit Utrecht / University of Utrecht [UU] | 27 | Yes, past |
[NL] Netherlands | Koninklijke Bibliotheek / National Library of the Netherlands [KB] | 0 | Not yet |
[NL] Netherlands | ICTRecht | 0 | Not yet |
[NL] Netherlands |
Lorentz Center
Parent: Leiden University |
0 | Not yet |
[NL] Netherlands | Dutch Institute for Emergent Phenomena [DIEP] | 2 | Not yet |
[NL] Netherlands | Universiteit Twente / University of Twente [UT] | 3 | Not yet |
[NO] Norway | Norsk Institutt For Vannforskning / Norwegian Institute for Water Research [NIVA] | 0 | Yes, past |
[NO] Norway | Universitetet i Bergen / University of Bergen | 3 | Yes, current |
[NO] Norway | Norges Miljø- og Biovitenskapelige Universitet / Norwegian University of Life Sciences [NMBU] | 0 | Yes, current |
[NO] Norway | VID Vitenskapelige Høgskole / VID Specialized University [VID] | 0 | Not yet |
[NO] Norway | Current Research Information System in Norway [CRISTIN] | 0 | Not yet |
[NO] Norway | Norges Forskningsråd / The Research Council of Norway | 8 | Not yet |
[NO] Norway | Senter for Klimaforskning / Center for International Climate Research [CICERO] | 0 | Not yet |
[NO] Norway | Transportøkonomisk institutt / Institute of Transport Economics [TØI] | 0 | Not yet |
[NO] Norway | Kunnskapssektorens Tenesteleverandør / Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research [SIKT] | 0 | Yes, current |
[NO] Norway | Universitetet i Stavanger / University of Stavanger [UiS] | 4 | Not yet |
[NO] Norway | Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet / Norwegian University of Science and Technology [NTNU] | 3 | Yes, current |
[NO] Norway | Universitetet i Tromsø / University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway [UiT] | 0 | Yes, current |
[NO] Norway | Nord University | 0 | Not yet |
[NO] Norway | Universitetet i Oslo / University of Oslo [UiO] | 7 | Yes, current |
[NO] Norway | Stiftelsen for Industriell og Teknisk Forskning / The Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research [SINTEF] | 1 | Yes, current |
[NZ] New Zealand | Massey University | 5 | Not yet |
[NZ] New Zealand | The Dodd-Walls Centre for Photonic and Quantum Technologies [DWC] | 10 | Not yet |
[NZ] New Zealand | University of Auckland | 0 | Not yet |
[NZ] New Zealand | University of Otago | 4 | Not yet |
[NZ] New Zealand | Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha / University of Canterbury | 1 | Not yet |
[NZ] New Zealand | Te Whare Wānanga o Te Ūpoko o Te Ika a Māui / Victoria University of Wellington | 4 | Not yet |
[NZ] New Zealand | University of New Zealand | 0 | Not yet |
[NZ] New Zealand | Royal Society Te Apārangi / Royal Society of New Zealand | 10 | Not yet |
[OM] Oman | جامعة السلطان قابوس / Sultan Qaboos University | 2 | Not yet |
[PH] Philippines | University of the Philippines Diliman [UPD] | 1 | Not yet |
[PL] Poland | Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza / Rzeszów University of Technology [PRz] | 3 | Not yet |
[PL] Poland | Politechnika Wrocławska / Wrocław University of Science and Technology | 1 | Not yet |
[PL] Poland | Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego / Ministry of Science and Higher Education | 5 | Not yet |
[PL] Poland |
Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences [IFJ PAN]
Parent: Polish Academy of Sciences |
24 | Not yet |
[PL] Poland | Kozminski University | 0 | Not yet |
[PL] Poland | Uniwersytet Wrocławski / University of Wroclaw [UW] | 2 | Not yet |
[PL] Poland |
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach / University of Silesia [UŚ]
Parent of: SMCEBI |
5 | Not yet |
[PL] Poland | Uniwersytet Szczeciński / University of Szczecin | 0 | Not yet |
[PL] Poland | Uniwersytet Gdański / University of Gdańsk [UG] | 1 | Not yet |
[PL] Poland | Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu / Nicolaus Copernicus University [UMK] | 0 | Not yet |
[PL] Poland |
Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, PAS
Parent: Polish Academy of Sciences |
1 | Not yet |
[PL] Poland | Uniwersytet w Białymstoku / University of Białystok [UwB] | 3 | Not yet |
[PL] Poland |
Śląskie Międzyuczelniane Centrum Edukacji i Badań Interdyscyplinarnych / SMCEBI [SMCEBI]
Parent: University of Silesia |
1 | Not yet |
[PL] Poland | Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu / Adam Mickiewicz University [UAM] | 2 | Not yet |
[PL] Poland |
Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej PAN / Center for Theoretical Physics [CFT PAN]
Parent: Polish Academy of Sciences |
1 | Not yet |
[PL] Poland |
Instytut Fizyki PAN / Institute of Physics [IFPAN]
Parent: Polish Academy of Sciences |
2 | Not yet |