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Four-Dimensional Chern-Simons and Gauged Sigma Models

by Jake Stedman

This is not the latest submitted version.

Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Jake Stedman
Submission information
Preprint Link:  (pdf)
Date submitted: 2023-03-10 16:31
Submitted by: Stedman, Jake
Submitted to: SciPost Physics
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • High-Energy Physics - Theory
  • Mathematical Physics
Approach: Theoretical


In this paper we introduce a new method for generating gauged sigma models from four-dimensional Chern-Simons theory and give a unified action for a class of these models. We begin with a review of recent work by several authors on the classical generation of integrable sigma models from four dimensional Chern-Simons theory. This approach involves introducing classes of two-dimensional defects into the bulk on which the gauge field must satisfy certain boundary conditions. One finds integrable sigma models from four-dimensional Chern-Simons theory by substituting the solutions to its equations of motion back into the action. The integrability of these sigma models is guaranteed because the gauge field is gauge equivalent to the Lax connection of the sigma model. By considering a theory with two four-dimensional Chern-Simons fields coupled together on two-dimensional surfaces in the bulk we are able to introduce new classes of `gauged' defects. By solving the bulk equations of motion we find a unified action for a set of genus zero integrable gauged sigma models. The integrability of these models is guaranteed as the new coupling does not break the gauge equivalence of the gauge fields to their Lax connections. Finally, we consider a couple of examples in which we derive the gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten and nilpotent gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten models. This latter model is of note given one can find the conformal Toda models from it.

Current status:
Has been resubmitted

Reports on this Submission

Anonymous Report 3 on 2023-5-13 (Invited Report)


Discussion of the gauge group of doubled 4D Chern-Simons


In section 4 of this article, the discussion of gauge transformations of the doubled 4D Chern-Simons seems to me to be very short. Indeed, one has the unusual situation, which does not appear in 4D Chern-Simons (see for instance equation (2.21)), that the gauge transformations u, v satisfy constraints (4.25) which depend on the boundary value of the fields A, B. This is not common. In such a situation, one has to be careful with the product law of gauge transformations. For instance, considering the set of solutions of constraints (4.25) for a given value of the boundary fields, generically two elements in this set cannot be multiplied together since the product would not satisfy the constraints. Thus, strictly speaking there is no gauge group. There is still however a notion of composition of the gauge transformations. Denoting by u(a,B), v(A,B) a solution of(4.25) for a boundary value (A,B) of the fields, and by (A′,B′) the boundary value of the fields after applying u(A,B), v(A,B) on (A,B), then it makes sense (probably) to compose transformations as (u′(A′,B′)u(A,B), v′(A′,B′)v(A,B)), where (u′(A′,B′), v′(A′,B′)) is a solution of (4.25) for a boundary value (A′,B′) of the fields.

Notice however that there exists a group of gauge transformations : those who go to the identity on the boundary (or maybe in some neighborhood of the boundary)and thus leave the boundary values of the fields invariant. Would it be enough to reach the gauge advocated by the author?

This situation is sufficiently unusual to require some explanations inside the article.

A few minor remarks follow.
1. After (2.26), u, which is a group element, cannot die off to zero.
2. In the first line of page 10, the word ”pole”is missing
3. In the third line of the second paragraph of 3.2, a ”the” should be replaced by a ”that”.
4. In the fourth line of the first paragraph of 3.3, a ”of” is missing.
5. In (3.26) and in the subsequent sentence, it is completely unclear how a term cubic in the Lax matrix may appear.

Requested changes

Discussion of the gauge group of doubled 4D Chern-Simons

  • validity: -
  • significance: -
  • originality: good
  • clarity: low
  • formatting: -
  • grammar: -

Author:  Jake Stedman  on 2023-05-30  [id 3694]

(in reply to Report 3 on 2023-05-13)

I would like to thank the referee for their comments. I agree with the concerns they have raised and hope that they are satisfactorily addressed in the following. I address each issue in turn, first quoting the referee and then giving my response.

The primary issue raised by the referee was:

... one has the unusual situation, which does not appear in 4D Chern-Simons (see for instance equation (2.21)), that the gauge transformations $u$, $v$ satisfy constraints (4.25) which depend on the boundary value of the fields $A$, $B$. This is not common. In such a situation, one has to be careful with the product law of gauge transformations. For instance, considering the set of solutions of constraints (4.25) for a given value of the boundary fields, generically two elements in this set cannot be multiplied together since the product would not satisfy the constraints. Thus, strictly speaking there is no gauge group.

The referee is correct to worry that the set of gauge transformations as presented does not form a closed group. Below I have shown there exists solutions to the relevant equations such that the gauge transformations of $A$ and $B$ are a group. In fact, this set is larger than that suggested in the comment:

`` Notice however that there exists a group of gauge transformations : those who go to the identity on the boundary (or maybe in some neighborhood of the boundary)and thus leave the boundary values of the fields invariant.

For the referee's ease, let me remind you of a few facts from the paper which are relevant to the following discussion. In the article I discussed field configurations of two gauge fields $A$ and $B$ which live on a manifold $\Sigma \times \mathbb{C} P^{1}$. I work in the light-cone coordinates $x^{\pm}$ on $\Sigma$ and parametrise $\mathbb{C} P^{1}$ by $z,\bar{z}$. Respectively, the fields $A$ and $B$ are valued in the Lie algebras $\textbf{g}$ and $\textbf{h}$. In the constructions $\textbf{h}$ is taken to be a subalgebra of $\textbf{g}$. In particular, I focused on the case with a decomposition $\textbf{g} = \textbf{f} \oplus \textbf{h}$, and restricted to the cases where $[\textbf{f},\textbf{h}] \subseteq \textbf{f}$. Unlike in the article, the projections into $ \textbf{f} $ and $ \textbf{h} $ are denoted by $ \pi_{\textbf{f}}$ and $\pi_ {\textbf{h}} $. This is simply to aid in writing this response.

The field configurations which I considered have boundary conditions satisfying the defect equations of motion: \begin{equation} \left( \eta_q^{(0)}+\eta_q^{(1)} \partial_z \right) \int_{\Sigma_q} \left\langle A-B \, , \, \delta A + \delta B \right\rangle = 0 \, . \end{equation} Here, $\eta_{q}^{(0,1)}$ are numbers, $\int_{\Sigma_q}$ is an integral along the surface $\Sigma$ and the subscript $q$ on $\Sigma_q$ denotes the evaluation of the expression at a point $(q,\bar{q}) \in \mathbb{C} P^1$. I presented three classes of boundary condition, these are the gauged chiral boundary conditions: \begin{equation} \pi_{\textbf{f}} (A_{-}) = 0 \, , \quad \pi_{\textbf{h}} (A_{\pm} ) = B_{\pm} \, , \end{equation} gauged anti-chiral: \begin{equation} \pi_{\textbf{f}} (A_{+}) = 0 \, , \quad \pi_{\textbf{h}} (A_{\pm} ) = B_{\pm} \, , \end{equation} and gauged Dirichlet: \begin{equation} \pi_{\textbf{f}}(A_{\pm}) = 0 \, , \quad \pi_{\textbf{h}}(A_{\pm} ) = B_{\pm} \, , \quad \partial_z ( \pi_{\textbf{h}}(A_{\pm}) - B_{\pm} ) = 0 \, , \quad \pi_{\textbf{h}}(A_{\bar{z}}) = B_{\bar{z}} \, . \end{equation} (Please note, I have dropped the condition $\partial_z ( \pi_{\textbf{h}}(A_{\bar{z}}) - B_{\bar{z}}) = 0$ from the gauged Dirichlet case, this is for reasons highlighted in report 1 which I will address in my response to that report.)

Of course, you wish for these boundary conditions to be preserved by the gauge transformations ${}^u A = u (d+A)u^{-1}$ and ${}^v B = v (d+B) v^{-1}$. To find the constraints on gauge transformations due to gauged chiral boundary conditions I defined $y = u^{-1} v$, and used $[\textbf{h},\textbf{f}] \subseteq \textbf{f}$ and $[\textbf{h},\textbf{h}] \subseteq \textbf{h}$. This leads to the following constraints upon $y$: \begin{equation} y^{-1} B_{-} y + y^{-1} \partial_{-} y = B_{-} \, , \quad \pi_{\textbf{h}}( y^{-1} A_{+} y + y^{-1} \partial_{+} y ) = B_{+} \, . \end{equation} When discussing the gauge invariance of an action you consider arbitrary field configurations satisfying the boundary condition, not just those which are on-shell, for this reason the above equation must hold for every $A$ and $B$. Thus, the first of the above equations implies the two conditions: $y \in C_{G}(\textbf{h})$, where $C_{G}(\textbf{h})$ is the centraliser of $\textbf{h}$ within $G$, and $\partial_{-} y = 0$. Using these conditions, the second equation reduces to $ \pi_{\textbf{h}}(y^{-1} \pi_{\textbf{f}}( A_{+}) y + y^{-1} \partial_{+} y) = 0$. This implies $ \pi_{\textbf{h}}(y^{-1} \partial_{+} y) = 0$ and $y \in N_{G}(\textbf{f})$, the normaliser of $\textbf{f}$ within $G$.

Let $K = C_{G}(\textbf{h}) \cap N_{G}(\textbf{f})$. Hence, given gauged chiral boundary conditions the group element $y$ must satisfy the following conditions on the defect: \begin{equation} y = u^{-1} v \in K \, , \quad \partial_{-} y = 0 \, , \quad \pi_{\textbf{h}}(y^{-1} \partial_{+} y )= 0 \, . \end{equation} Using similar logic, the same conditions hold for the gauged anti-chiral case, but with $+$ and $-$ swapped.

In the gauged Dirichlet case the first two conditions as well as the last, after following the argument used above, imply $y$ satisfies the following on the defect: \begin{equation} y = u^{-1} v \in K \, , \quad \partial_{\pm} y = 0 \, , \quad \pi_{\textbf{h}}(y^{-1} \partial_{\bar{z}} y ) = 0 \, . \end{equation} The condition $\partial_{z}( \pi_{\textbf{h}}(A_{\pm}) - B_{\pm} ) = 0$ implies: \begin{equation} \partial_{z}( \pi_{\textbf{h}}(y^{-1} A_{\pm} y + y^{-1} \partial_{\pm} y) - B_{\pm}) = 0 \, . \end{equation} Which, upon expanding the $z$ derivative and using the conditions already imposed upon $y$ gives: \begin{equation} \pi_{\textbf{h}}([B_{\pm},y^{-1}\partial_{z} y] + \partial_{z} (y^{-1} \partial_{\pm} y )) = 0 \, . \end{equation} By again demanding that $y$ be independent of the field configurations you find the conditions $y^{-1} \partial_z y \in \textbf{f}$, $\partial_z (y^{-1} \partial_{\pm} y ) \in \textbf{f}$, by $[\textbf{h},\textbf{f}] \subseteq \textbf{f}$ and $[\textbf{h},\textbf{h}] \subseteq \textbf{h}$. However, $y^{-1} \partial_z y \in \textbf{f}$ combined with the constraint $y \in N_{G}(\textbf{f})$ implies $\partial_z (y^{-1} \partial_{\pm} y ) \in \textbf{f}$. This is because $y \in N_{G}(\textbf{f})$ implies $\partial_z y y^{-1} \in \textbf{f}$ on $\Sigma_q$ and thus $\partial_{\pm}( \partial_{z}y y^{-1}) \in \textbf{f}$. Which by again using $y \in N_{G}(\textbf{f})$ gives $y^{-1} \partial_{\pm}( \partial_{z}y y^{-1}) y \in \textbf{f}$. Hence, by the identity $y^{-1} \partial_{\pm} ( \partial_{z} y y^{-1} ) y = \partial_z ( y^{-1} \partial_{\pm} y)$ you have $\partial_z (y^{-1} \partial_{\pm} y ) \in \textbf{f}$. Therefore, the final condition on $y$ at the defect is: \begin{equation} y^{-1} \partial_z y |_\textbf{h} = 0 \, . \end{equation}

You might worry that the composition of two gauge transformations, each of which satisfies the above constraints, might not itself satisfy these constraints. The only potential impediment to this would be the conditions $ \pi_{\textbf{h}}(y^{-1} \partial_{z} y )= \pi_{\textbf{h}}(y^{-1} \partial_{\bar{z}} y) = 0$. Taken sequentially two gauge transformations are given by $(A,B) \rightarrow ({}^{u^{\prime}u} A, {}^{v^\prime v} B)$ where I assume $y = u^{-1} v$ and $y^\prime = {u^\prime}^{-1} v^\prime$ satisfy the above constraints. Hence, the composition of the two gauge transformations, given by $y^{\prime \prime} = (u^\prime u)^{-1} v^\prime v = u^{-1} y^\prime v$, must also satisfy the above conditions. Since $y^\prime$ commutes with $H$ by construction I have $y^{\prime \prime} = u^{-1} y^\prime v = u^{-1} v y^\prime = y y^\prime$ and thus ${y^{\prime \prime}}^{-1} \partial_z y^{\prime \prime} = {y^{\prime}}^{-1} y^{-1} \partial_{z} y y^\prime + {y^{\prime}}^{-1} \partial_{z} y^\prime$. Again, by construction I have $ \pi_{\textbf{h}}(y^{-1} \partial_{z} y) = \pi_{\textbf{h}}({y^{\prime}}^{-1} \partial_{z} y^\prime ) = 0$, which together with $y \in K$ and $[\textbf{h},\textbf{f}] \subseteq \textbf{f}$ implies $\pi_{\textbf{h}}({y^{\prime \prime}}^{-1} \partial_z y^{\prime \prime} ) = 0$. The same argument works for the $\bar{z}$ derivative. Hence the set of gauge transformations as defined is indeed closed.

The following are typos which can be fixed in a revised version. In particular, $u$ should die off to the identity and the cubic term in the Lax connection should in fact be $\left\langle \tilde{g} \mathcal{L} \tilde{g} \, , \, \tilde{g} \mathcal{L} \tilde{g}^{-1} \wedge \tilde{g} d \tilde{g}^{-1} \right\rangle$.

  1. After (2.26), $u$, which is a group element, cannot die off to zero.
  2. In the first line of page 10, the word ”pole”is missing
  3. In the third line of the second paragraph of 3.2, a ”the” should be replaced by a ”that”.
  4. In the fourth line of the first paragraph of 3.3, a ”of” is missing.
  5. In (3.26) and in the subsequent sentence, it is completely unclear how a term cubic in the Lax matrix may appear.

Anonymous Report 2 on 2023-5-8 (Invited Report)


The paper presents the construction of gauged sigma-models from the 4-dimensional Chern-Simons theory formulation. A presentation of this construction had not been given prior to this paper, so that the results are new. The paper contains various details and it includes two sections (section 2 and 3) where material from other papers is reviewed. In principle the details are enough to follow all the calculations. Overall the level of clarity is good.

I find that all general acceptance criteria of SciPost Physics are met, however in my opinion none of the "expectations" in the acceptance criteria of this journal are met (1. groundbreaking discovery, 2. breakthrough on a long-standing issue, 3. new pathway for multipronged follow-up work, 4. link between different areas).

At the same time, I find that the paper meets one of the expectations of the acceptance criteria of SciPost Physics Core, namely "Detail one or more new research results significantly advancing current knowledge and understanding of the field". I therefore suggest to redirect the publication to the latter journal, after some requested changes have been addressed.

Requested changes

===Potential conceptual issues to be addressed===

- In section 4.1 boundary conditions are identified to solve equation (4.9). To me it seems that equation (4.12) is weaker that what (4.9) implies. In fact, the variations of $A$ and $B$ are independent. I would therefore expect to read 3 independent equations: one for $\delta A_k|_\mathrm{f}$ (i.e. eq. (4.11), one for $\delta A_k|_\mathrm{h}$ and one for $\delta B_k$. I would like to know if the author agrees with this. In that case, one should check if the boundary conditions presented in the paper correctly solve (4.9).

- After (4.52) it is claimed that in order to reach the vanishing of $I^q_{2,\text{sing}}$ the author makes the requirement $y\partial_+y^{-1}\in \mathrm{f}$. What is the mechanism to reach this requirement? Is this a restriction on $y$? Isn't it an issue that $y$ is not generic?

=== Notation ===

- in $\eta^l_q$ the index $l$ may be mistaken for a power exponent. I would suggest to modify the notation to avoid confusion (for example using $\eta^{(l)}_q$).

=== Presentation ===

- In section 2.1 there is a lot of material that is repeated from appendix A. I suggest to reduce the material presented in section 2.1, leaving only the relevant points.

- After equation (2.26) "left hand side" should be replaced by "right hand side".

- In equation (2.27) I would suggest to remove the $=0$ on the right hand side. In fact, the vanishing of $\delta S_q$ is something that is not found at that stage yet, it is demonstrated later.

- In the text just after (3.26), the expression $A'\wedge A'\wedge \hat A$ is related to the last term in (3.26), but it should be related to the first term there instead.

- When writing the boundary conditions, the notation never makes it explicit that the equations are understood as evaluated at fixed values of $z$. I do not want to ask to introduce a new notation where this information is made more explicitly, because the notation would become quite heavy. But there are cases in which this "light notation" may create confusion in the reader, for example in (4.31) (and later) where the equations without the $\partial_z$ would naively imply those with $\partial_z$. I would suggest to add a comment in the text around those equations reminding that they are always meant at fixed values of $z$, so that to avoid confusion.

- In the text after (5.64) there is a misplaced sentence "If we define $\tilde g$ as in section 3.2."

=== References to equations ===

- In the text after (3.8) there is a reference to (3.20) which I believe is misplaced. The reference should probably be to (2.4).

- In the text after (3.16) there is a reference to (5.4) which I believe is misplaced. The reference should probably be to (3.7).

=== Some typos ===

- After (2.26), totaly $\to$ total.

- In the text after (5.3), $y$ should be $u$.

- In the text after (5.12) there is an $h$ missing a hat.

- In the Conclusion "sectio" $\to$ "section".

  • validity: -
  • significance: -
  • originality: -
  • clarity: -
  • formatting: -
  • grammar: -

Author:  Jake Stedman  on 2023-05-30  [id 3695]

(in reply to Report 2 on 2023-05-08)

I would like to thank the referee for their response. In the following I've addressed the conceptual issues and comments they have raised, first quoting them and following up with a comment. Please note, I have change the notation for projection into $\textbf{f}$ and $\textbf{h}$ to $\pi_{\textbf{f}}$ and $\pi_{\textbf{h}}$, respectively. This is simply to make writing this response easier.

The first conceptual issue was:

In section 4.1 boundary conditions are identified to solve equation (4.9). To me it seems that equation (4.12) is weaker that what (4.9) implies. In fact, the variations of A and B are independent. I would therefore expect to read 3 independent equations: one for $\pi_{\textbf{f}}(\delta A_k)$ (i.e. eq. (4.11), one for $\pi_{\textbf{h}}(\delta A_k)$ and one for $\delta B_k$. I would like to know if the author agrees with this. In that case, one should check if the boundary conditions presented in the paper correctly solve (4.9).

I disagree with the referee here.

This is because boundary or defect equations of motion can be satisfied either because the fields obey a dynamical equation of motion (for example Neumann conditions) or because the fields obey a constraint (such as Dirichlet conditions) or, as in the article, a mixture of the two. The requirement is \begin{equation} \left( \eta_q^{(0)}+\eta_q^{(1)} \partial_z \right) \int_{\Sigma_q} \left\langle A-B \, , \, \delta A + \delta B \right\rangle = 0 \, . \end{equation} The referee is correct to say that one could take $\delta A$ and $\delta B$ to be unconstrained and independent of each other, but that is not what I have done - I have instead chosen boundary conditions in which $\pi_{\textbf{h}}(A_\pm)$ and $B_\pm$ satisfy a constraint which implies that $\pi_{\textbf{h}}(\delta A_{\pm})$ and $\delta B_{\pm}$ are not independent. This means the variation of the action can be made to vanish if we consider field configurations satisfying (4.11) and (4.12). To be explicit, all the gauged boundary conditions in the paper satisfy the constraint $\pi_{\textbf{h}}(A_{\pm})-B_{\pm}=0$. If you then view $\delta$ as a derivative acting on the space of field configuration and assume $\pi_{\textbf{h}}(\delta A_{\pm}) - \delta B_{\pm} = \delta (\pi_{\textbf{h}}(A_{\pm}) - B_{\pm}) \neq 0$ it follows that somewhere on defect the condition $\pi_{\textbf{h}}(A_{\pm}) - B_{\pm}=0$ would not hold. Hence, $\pi_{\textbf{h}}(\delta A_{\pm}) - \delta B_{\pm} = 0$ is imposed for consistency. Note, an example of a boundary condition which is a dynamical equation of motion in the paper occurs in gauged Dirichlet boundary conditions where you have $\partial_z (\pi_{\textbf{h}}(A_{\pm}) - B_{\pm}) = 0$. This ensures the defect equations of motion are satisfied once you impose the constraints $\pi_{\textbf{h}}(A_{\pm})-B_{\pm}=0$ and $\pi_{\textbf{h}}(\delta A_{\pm}) - \delta B_{\pm} = 0$.

The second potential conceptual issue was:

After (4.52) it is claimed that in order to reach the vanishing of $I^q_{2,\text{sing}}$ the author makes the requirement $y \partial_{+} y^{-1} \in \textbf{f}$. What is the mechanism to reach this requirement? Is this a restriction on $y$? Isn't it an issue that $y$ is not generic?

The referee is correct to raise this issue. As has been discussed in the response to report 3, this condition arises naturally from the boundary conditions by requiring gauge transformations be independent of the field configurations. I will summarise this here, and point the referee to the response to report 3 for more details.

In the paper I consider gauge transformations $(A,B) \rightarrow ({}^u A, {}^v B) = (u(d+A)u^{-1},v(d+B)v^{-1})$ which preserve the boundary conditions. This constraint implies a series of conditions on the group element $y = u^{-1} v$. For example, the gauged chiral boundary conditions: \begin{equation} \pi_{\textbf{f}}(A_{\pm}) = 0 \, , \quad \pi_{\textbf{h}}(A_{\pm}) = B_{\pm} \, , \end{equation} imply: \begin{equation} y^{-1} B_{-} y + y^{-1} \partial_{-} y = B_{-} \, , \quad \pi_{\textbf{h}}( y^{-1} A_{+} y + y^{-1} \partial_{+} y ) = B_{+} \, , \end{equation} by demanding $y$ be independent of $A$ and $B$ we find the following conditions on $y$ at the defect: \begin{equation} y = u^{-1} v \in K \, , \quad \partial_{-} y = 0 \, , \quad \pi_{\textbf{h}}(y^{-1} \partial_{+} y ) = 0 \, . \end{equation} Here $K = C_{G}(\textbf{h}) \cap N_{G}(\textbf{f})$, where $C_{G}(\textbf{h})$ is the centraliser of $\textbf{h}$ in $G$ and $N_{G}(\textbf{f})$ is the normaliser of $\textbf{f}$ in $G$. It is not an issue that $y$ is not a generic element of $G$. This is because $y = u^{-1} v$ is the freedom leftover in choosing the group element $u$ given a fixed $v$. The constraint on the space time dependence encoded in $\pi_{\textbf{h}}(y^{-1} \partial_{+} y )= 0$ is perfectly natural in four-dimensional Chern-Simons. For example, if $\textbf{h} = 0$ and $\textbf{f} = \textbf{g}$ then $y=u^{-1}$ and the above conditions are those associated to chiral boundary conditions in standard four-dimensional Chern-Simons.

I agree with the following suggested changes and will be made in a revised version:

-In $\eta^l_q$ the index $l$ may be mistaken for a power exponent. I would suggest to modify the notation to avoid confusion (for example using $\eta^{(l)}_q$). - In section 2.1 there is a lot of material that is repeated from appendix A. I suggest to reduce the material presented in section 2.1, leaving only the relevant points. - After equation (2.26) "left hand side" should be replaced by "right hand side". - In equation (2.27) I would suggest to remove the $=0$ on the right hand side. In fact, the vanishing of $\delta S_q$ is something that is not found at that stage yet, it is demonstrated later. - When writing the boundary conditions, the notation never makes it explicit that the equations are understood as evaluated at fixed values of z. I do not want to ask to introduce a new notation where this information is made more explicitly, because the notation would become quite heavy. But there are cases in which this "light notation" may create confusion in the reader, for example in (4.31) (and later) where the equations without the $\partial_z$ would naively imply those with $\partial_z$. I would suggest to add a comment in the text around those equations reminding that they are always meant at fixed values of $z$, so that to avoid confusion. - In the text after (5.64) there is a misplaced sentence "If we define $\tilde{g}$ as in section 3.2." - In the text after (3.8) there is a reference to (3.20) which I believe is misplaced. The reference should probably be to (2.4). - In the text after (3.16) there is a reference to (5.4) which I believe is misplaced. The reference should probably be to (3.7). - After (2.26), totaly $\rightarrow$ total. - In the text after (5.3), $y$ should be $u$. - In the text after (5.12) there is an $h$ missing a hat. - In the Conclusion "sectio" $\rightarrow$ "section".''

The following is actually the result of a typo, $\left\langle \tilde{g} \mathcal{L} \tilde{g} \, , \, \tilde{g} \mathcal{L} \tilde{g}^{-1} \wedge \tilde{g} \mathcal{L} \tilde{g}^{-1} \right\rangle$ should be $\left\langle \tilde{g} \mathcal{L} \tilde{g} \, , \, \tilde{g} \mathcal{L} \tilde{g}^{-1} \wedge \tilde{g} d \tilde{g}^{-1} \right\rangle$. The text then relates to both terms.

In the text just after (3.26), the expression $A^\prime \wedge A^\prime \wedge \hat{A}$ is related to the last term in (3.26), but it should be related to the first term there instead.

Anonymous on 2023-06-13  [id 3726]

(in reply to Jake Stedman on 2023-05-30 [id 3695])

I would like to thank the author for addressing the points raised in my previous report. I am satisfied by the answers provided by the author. I confirm that in my opinion the article is more suited for publication in SciPost Physics Core.

Anonymous Report 1 on 2023-5-8 (Invited Report)


1. In view of the current research activity in the study of 4-dimensional Chern-Simons theory as a unifying framework for integrable models, together with the pre-existing results on doubled 3-dimensional Chern-Simons theory, it is natural to investigate a doubled version of the 4-dimensional setup and its potential relation to gauged integrable sigma-models. This is what this paper aims for, which in my opinion is a relevant line of research for further developments in the field.


1. I have two major questions on the paper, which concern potential issues in some of its important proofs (see the detailed review below). If these reservations cannot be answered or resolved by another argument, it is my impression that they strongly impact the main results and the relevance of the method presented in the paper.


This paper studies a doubled version of the 4-dimensional Chern-Simons theory and its relation to gauged integrable sigma-models, in particular gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten models. This is a gauge theory described by two gauge fields $A$ and $B$, respectively valued in a Lie algebra $\mathbf{g}$ and a subalgebra $\mathbf{h} \subset \mathbf{g}$, coupled through a 2-dimensional defect term. The paper investigates the classical properties of this theory: it derives its equations of motion, proposes a class of appropriate boundary conditions of the gauge fields at the 2-dimensional defects and discusses its gauge invariance. The main goal of the article is to solve parts of the equations of motion of the theory, reinsert the corresponding solutions in the action and show that the latter can then be reduced to a 2-dimensional action on the defects. A universal formula is proposed for the latter, which takes the form of a gauged sigma-model action. Moreover, it is argued that this resulting model possesses a Lax connection, thus showing its classical integrability. Finally, the paper studies a particular example of this general construction, which yields the $G/H$ vectorially gauged WZW model, as well as a second example based on a slight variation of the construction, which produces nilpotent gauged WZW models.

The standard (non-doubled) 4-dimensional Chern-Simons theory is an active and growing subject of research, in particular in the quest for a unifying perspective on integrable 2-dimensional field theories. In this context, the introduction and the study of a doubled version of this theory is a natural development, motivated in particular by the works of Moore and Seiberg and of Gawedzki on doubled 3-dimensional Chern-Simons theory (references [29] and [30] in the submission). Thus, it is my opinion that the questions investigated in this article are of interest for the study of integrable sigma-models and can be the subject of a scientific publication.

I have however several reservations on the submission as it stands (see the section on requested / suggested changes for details). Below I develop the two major ones, which in my opinion can have a significant impact on the results of the paper if not addressed accordingly.

1. The first comment concerns the passage to the archipelago gauge in section 5.3 and more precisely the proof that the gauge transformation by $\tilde{u}$ respects the boundary condition (5.17) at a double pole $q$ of $\omega$. Below this equation, it is argued that this is the case using $A_{\bar{z}}|_{\mathbf{h}}=\partial_z A_{\bar{z}}|_{\mathbf{h}} = 0$ at the point $(z,\bar{z})=(q,\bar{q})$, which together with $A_{\bar z} = \hat{g}^h \partial_{\bar{z}} (\hat{g}^h)^{-1}$ imply $\hat{g}^h \partial_{\bar{z}} (\hat{g}^h)^{-1} |_{\mathbf{h}} = \hat{g}^h \partial_{z} (\hat{g}^h)^{-1} |_{\mathbf{h}} = 0$ at $(z,\bar{z})=(q,\bar{q})$. It seems to me that this last equality is wrong (for a simple counter-example, take for instance $q=0$ and $\hat{g}^h=\exp( z\,X )$, with $X\in\mathbf{h}$).
Although this might seem like a small technical point, this can potentially have important consequences on the paper. Indeed, this seems to suggest that the archipelago gauge cannot be attained in the presence of a gauged Dirichlet boundary condition, thus putting in jeopardy the main results of section 5, including the gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten examples. In fact, such an observation would mean that the quantity $\hat{g}^h \partial_{z} (\hat{g}^h)^{-1}$ evaluated on the 2-dimensional defect $(z,\bar{z})=(q,\bar{q})$ contains physical degrees of freedom, which cannot be eliminated by a gauge transformation and which should thus appear in the resulting 2-dimensional theory. This is related also to the discussion following equation (5.22), where it is said that terms involving evaluations of $\partial_z \tilde{g}$ on the defects cannot appear in the 2-dimensional action: this seems false to me. In fact, in the case of the non-doubled 4-dimensional Chern-Simons theory, only a few examples are ultimately described by only evaluations of $\tilde{g}$ at the defects. The vast majority of cases also involve derivatives $\partial_z^k \tilde{g}$ at the defects and still result in consistent integrable 2-dimensional sigma-models (see in particular the reference [39] for an extensive discussion of these general cases, which require an alternative to the use of the archipelago gauge).

2. The second comment concerns the discussion around and below equation (5.39), whose goal is to argue that $\mathcal{L}_{A,\pm}|_{\mathbf{h}}$ and $\mathcal{L}_{B,\pm}$ have no pole at $z=k$. The approach followed in the article is to consider the limit $k\to\infty$ and ask that the analytical structure of $\mathcal{L}_{A,\pm}$ and $\mathcal{L}_{B,\pm}$ for finite $k$ is compatible with the presence of a gauged anti-chiral boundary condition at $z=\infty$ in this limit. I have several reservations on this argument. First of all, it is not clear to me why an analysis of the pole structure of $\mathcal{L}_{A,\pm}|_{\mathbf{h}}$ and $\mathcal{L}_{B,\pm}$ in the limit $k\to\infty$ would have exact consequences for $k$ finite: rather, I would think that it can at most establish some results up to corrections which vanish when $k\to\infty$.
More importantly, it naively seems to me that a pole at $z=k$ in $\mathcal{L}_{A,-}|_{\mathbf{h}}$ and $\mathcal{L}_{B,-}$ simply does not pose any contradiction with the presence of a gauged anti-chiral defect at $z=\infty$ when $k \to \infty$. This point being rather technical, let me develop it more concretely. Following the main procedure reviewed in section 3.4 and assuming that $z=k$ is a (0,1) type A defect, one finds that $\mathcal{L}_{A,+}$ and $\mathcal{L}_{B,+}$ are independent of $z$, while $\mathcal{L}_{A,-}$ and $\mathcal{L}_{B,-}$ have the following analytical structure:
\mathcal{L}_{A,-} = \mathcal{L}_{A,-}^c + \frac{\mathcal{L}_{A,-}^{k,\mathbf{h}} + \mathcal{L}_{A,-}^{k,\mathbf{f}}}{z-k}\,, \qquad \mathcal{L}_{B,-} = \mathcal{L}_{B,-}^c + \frac{\mathcal{L}_{B,-}^{k}}{z-k}
where $\mathcal{L}_{A,-}^c\in\mathbf{g}$, $\mathcal{L}_{A,-}^{k,\mathbf{h}},\mathcal{L}_{B,-}^c, \mathcal{L}_{B,-}^{k}\in\mathbf{h}$ and $\mathcal{L}_{A,-}^{k,\mathbf{f}}\in\mathbf{f}$. To the best of my understanding, in these notations, the paper claims that consistency with $k\to\infty$ implies that $\mathcal{L}_{A,-}^{k,\mathbf{h}}$ and $\mathcal{L}_{B,-}^{k}$ vanish. I do not seem to arrive to the same conclusion. Assuming that we can work in the archipelago gauge when $k$ is finite (which might in any case be affected by point 1 above) with $g_\infty=1$, the gauged Dirichlet boundary condition at $z=\infty$ (see also point 3 in the requested changes) imply that
\mathcal{L}_{A,-}^c = \mathcal{L}_{B,-}^c\,, \qquad \mathcal{L}_{A,-}^{k,\mathbf{h}} = \mathcal{L}_{B,-}^{k}\,,
but does not further constrain $\mathcal{L}_{B,-}^{k}$. The gauged chiral boundary condition at $z=0$, with $g_0=g$, then gives
\mathcal{L}_{A,-}^{k,\mathbf{f}} = k\bigl( C_- - g^{-1}\partial_- g - g^{-1}C_- g \bigr)\,, \qquad with \qquad C_- = \mathcal{L}_{B,-}^{c} - \frac{\mathcal{L}_{B,-}^{k}}{k}\,,
which in turns can be used to express $\mathcal{L}_{A,-}^{k,\mathbf{f}}$ and $C_-$ in terms of $g$ using the fact that they are respectively valued in $\mathbf{f}$ and $\mathbf{h}$. Putting all this together, we get
\mathcal{L}_{A,-} = C_- + \frac{z}{k(z-k)} \mathcal{L}_{B,-}^k + \frac{k\bigl( C_- - g^{-1}\partial_- g - g^{-1}C_- g \bigr)}{z-k}\,, \qquad \mathcal{L}_{B,-} = C_- + \frac{z}{k(z-k)} \mathcal{L}_{B,-}^k \,.
In the limit $k\to\infty$, we thus find
\mathcal{L}_{A,-} \to g^{-1}\partial_- g + g^{-1}C_- g\,, \qquad \mathcal{L}_{B,-} \to C_- \,.
This produces gauge fields $A$ and $B$ which are solutions to a gauged chiral boundary condition at $z=0$ and a gauged anti-chiral boundary condition at $z=\infty$. Thus, it seems to me that the compatibility with $k\to\infty$ does not impose any additional restriction on $\mathcal{L}_{B,-}^k$ and in particular does not require its vanishing, as claimed in the paper (the only condition seems to be that if $\mathcal{L}_{B,-}^k$ is $k$-dependent, it should not grow faster than $k$ when $k\to\infty$). It is not clear to me how the presence of this term would impact the rest of the construction and in particular be compatible with the zero curvature equation of $\mathcal{L}_{A,-}$. It might be that the consistency of the theory requires the vanishing of $\mathcal{L}_{B,-}^k$: however, if that is the case, it seems to me that the justification of why this holds should follow from another argument than the one proposed in the paper.

I would like to ask the author to comment on the two main remarks above and their consequences on the method proposed in the paper. Let me observe that, despite these two potential issues, the end results for the gauged WZW model and its Lax connection are, as far as I can see, correct and consistent. It thus seems that, guided by the expected results for this model, one could impose by hand $\hat g^h\partial_z(\hat g^h)^{-1}|_{\mathbf{h}} = 0$ at a gauged Dirichlet defect in section 5.3 as well as $\mathcal{L}_{B,-}^k=0$ in section 5.5 and still obtain a consistent theory. In my opinion, in the absence of an external justification of why this is the case, this would significantly impact the systematic and universal character of the method and thus its overall relevance for a publication in SciPost (for instance, in contrast with the requirements under consideration here, I would naively expect that most additional assumptions put by hand on the field $\hat{g}^h$ or on the analytical structure of the Lax connection would generically lead to inconsistent theories).
For these reasons, I do not recommend the present submission for publication in SciPost, at least in its current form. In my opinion, it requires major revisions to address the points raised above. Moreover, it seems to me that there are a few other errors throughout the paper, which although less significant should be corrected, and that the presentation and the arguments could be made clearer in various places. In the following section, I give a more complete list of requested or suggested changes.

Requested changes

1-2. Most importantly, address the points 1 and 2 raised in the main report above.

3. In various places in the paper, when dealing with a double pole of $\omega$ at $q$, one gets expressions involving the derivative $\partial_z A$ evaluated at $q$. Importantly, this is true only when $q$ is finite: if $q=\infty$, one has to replace $z$ by a local coordinate $z^{-1}$ around infinity, thus yielding derivatives $-z^2 \partial_z A$ rather than $\partial_z A$. This has important consequences when considering gauged Dirichlet boundary conditions imposed at $z=\infty$.

4. In the introduction, it is said that the only gauged sigma-models that have been obtained from standard 4-dimensional Chern-Simons theory are the ones on symmetric spaces in [12]. Let me note that there are various existing works in the literature extending this construction to $\eta$-deformed and $\lambda$-deformed coset models, including .... Of particular relevance for the present paper are the works on coset $\lambda$-models, whose conformal points are gauged WZW models, showing that the latter also arise in the context of standard 4-dimensional Chern-Simons theory (with the restriction that the subgroup $H \subset G$ is the set of fixed points of an involutive automorphism).

5. Before equation (2.10), it is said that $\Lambda$ is supposed here to be a 3-form depending meromorphically on $z$ and that $CS(A)$ is an example of such 3-form. It seems to me that this is not true, as $CS(A)$ is not meromorphic in $z$ (even after the gauge transformation sending $A$ to $\mathcal{L}$). In fact, it seems to me that in most cases where (2.10) is applied, the 3-form $\Lambda$ is not meromorphic in $z$.

6. After equation (2.12), it is said that one can remove $\partial \psi$ from the action of the model. If I understand well, this is relevant for the case $\Lambda=CS(A)$, to search under which condition the action is finite: it would seem useful to explain this context explicitly, as in my opinion, the goal of the discussion is not stated in the current version, making the understanding of this part difficult.

7. What are the assumptions on $\xi$ in equation (2.12)? It is said in the following sentence that $\omega \wedge \xi$ is meromophic in $z$ but it seems to me that, similarly to the case of $\Lambda$ in the point 5 above, this identity is mostly used in the case where $\xi$ is in fact not meromorphic (for instance when $\xi=\langle A, dA \rangle$). Moreover, the notation $\Sigma_q$ should be explained in this equation. Finally, after (2.12), it seems to me that it is the integral of $\bar{\partial}(\omega \wedge \xi)$ which is send to zero rather than $\bar{\partial}(\omega \wedge \xi)$ itself.

8. To derive equation (2.15), one has to discard the integral of an exterior derivative $d_\Sigma(...)$ along $\Sigma$: it would seem useful to mention it.

9. Technically, the proof that (2.33) vanishes due to $\xi_{+-}=0$ on the defect seems to only treat the case of simple poles, since a double pole would require also $\partial_z\xi_{+-}=0$. It would seem relevant to also explain how the case of double poles with Dirichlet conditions is treated or to mention that one restricts to this simple poles for simplicity.

10. At the end of page 10 (beginning of section 3), it is said that working in the archipelago gauge requires that $\omega F_{\bar{z}\pm}=0$. It is not clear to me why this is the case and I would thus like to ask the author to clarify this point (is that condition used rather for the next step, \textit{i.e.} extracting a Lax connection from $A$?).

11. The discussion in section 3.2 relies extensively on the fact that a gauge transformation $A \mapsto A^u$ acts on $\hat{g}$ by $\hat{g}\mapsto u\hat{g}$. As far I can see, this is not mentioned at this point in the paper, making the discussion potentially difficult to follow.

12. It seems to me that the proposed form (3.6) of $\tilde{g}$ is in general not smooth at the boundary of $U_q$ and $V_q$ and thus that the interpolating path between $g_q$ and $1$ should be reparametrised using a map that has constant plateau around this boundaries.

13. It seems to me that one should not include the term $\chi_z dz$ in (3.7) if one has redefined $d$ as in (2.9).

14. The paragraph after equation (3.8) refers to (3.20), which is later in the text.

15. In the paragraph before (3.9), it is said that the paper will now explain why $\mathcal{L}$ satisfies the property 3 of a Lax connection in the case $\Sigma = S^1 \times \mathbb{R}$. I think that this is not what is done here, as the proposed explanation only shows how to extract conserved quantities from the monodromy, following directly from the property 1. It seems to me that the main non-trivial part of the property 3 is the Poisson-commutation of these quantities, which requires further analysis, as done in [24]. Let me also mention that in the property 3, one should more technically consider the expansion in $z$ of the trace of the monodromy matrix, rather than of the matrix itself. In the discussion around equation (3.9), it would also be useful to introduce the notations $\theta$ and $t$ used here. Finally, it seems to me that in equation (3.11), $\mathcal{L}_\theta$ should in fact be $\mathcal{L}_t$.

16. In (3.12), the right redundancy acts on $\tilde{g}$ by $h$, whereas the notation used before in (3.2) was $k_g$: it would be useful to use uniform notations. Moreover, the discussion here is a bit confusing since it is explained early in this subsection that we will always work with the right-redundancy fixed by $\tilde{g}_\infty=1$: the discussion around (3.12) now seems to relax this assumption, which is then imposed again around (3.15).

17. It is said that (3.20) holds when $\omega$ has a pole at infinity: it seems to me that it more precisely happens when $\omega$ is non-vanishing at infinity.

18. Before (3.24), should "third term" be "fourth term"? In (3.26) and in the sentence below, one $\tilde{g}\mathcal{L}\tilde{g}^{-1}$ should be a $\tilde{g} d \tilde{g}^{-1}$.

19. In (4.49), it is required that $\partial_\pm y=0$ and $\partial_z(\partial_\pm y)=0$ at a double pole to ensure the vanishing of $E(y)$ and $\partial_z E(y)$. It seems to me that the first condition is enough, since the various terms in the derivative $\partial_z E(y)$ are always proportional to either $\partial_+ \zeta$ or $\partial_- \zeta$.

20. Before (5.20), should "they take the form (5.1)" be "they take the form (5.18)"?

21. Should the last equations in (5.32) and (5.33) be supplemented with their analogues including a derivative with respect to $z$ when $q$ is a double pole? Otherwise, it would seem that these equations are not enough to deduce the flatness of $\mathcal{L}_A$ and $\mathcal{L}_B$.

23. After (5.53), I would say that $B$ and $C$ should not be seen as valued in the adjoint representations of $\mathbf{n}_+$ and $\mathbf{n}_-$, since the latter are highly non faithful (for instance, the highest-root vector of $\mathbf{n}_+$ vanishes in the adjoint representation of $\mathbf{n}_+$). Rather, it seems to me that $A$, $B$ and $C$ should all be seen in the adjoint representation of $\mathbf{g}$ (or alternatively as elements of the abstract Lie algebra $\mathbf{g}$).

24. In the discussion on top of page 36, it is said that the boundary conditions (5.61,5.62) are preserved by the gauge transformation by $u$ since $u$ is the identity at infinity. It seems to me that this is not true for (5.62) since the latter also involves derivatives with respect to $z$. This is similar to the aspects discussed in the point 1 of the main report and should also be addressed in the context of nilpotent gauged WZW models.

25. Several paragraphs in the conclusion are devoted to the discussion of Manin doubles and triples and their use to define other types of boundary conditions. It seems to me that the notations used there can lead to some confusions. In particular, the Lie algebra $\mathbf{d}$ used in these paragraphs is never defined. In the context of this conclusion, is it simply equal to the Lie algebra $\mathbf{g}$ in which the gauge field $A$ is valued? This case, to the best of my understanding, is the setup considered in [10,12] (the one of [25] being slightly different, building $\mathbf{d}=\mathbf{g}\oplus\mathbf{g}$ from a pair of simple poles). In my opinion, adding some precisions in this paragraph on the definition of $\mathbf{d}$ and the setup would be a useful improvement. Similarly, the following paragraph on Poisson-Lie T-duality can also lead to some confusion as my understanding is that this notion is mostly related to the exchange of the two isotropic subalgebras in a Manin triple rather than to a change in the reality conditions (although an analytic continuation is sometimes required to treat some of the examples).

26. In equation (C.2), shouldn't there be an additional $e^{i\theta_q}$ coming from the measure? This seems necessary to obtain the residue term in equation (C.3).

27. Below are what seem to be typos in equations and mathematical notations:
- in (2.4), $\eta_\infty$ should be $\eta_\infty^1$
- after (3.18), $\mathcal{L}_\pm^{l}$ should be $\mathcal{L}_\pm^{\zeta,l}$
- before (3.50), $r_0$ should be $r_\infty=0$
- after (4.4), $\langle\cdot,\cdot\rangle_g$ should be $\langle\cdot,\cdot\rangle_{\mathbf{g}}$
- in the first paragraph of 4.2.1, $\zeta_{+-}$ should be $\xi_{+-}$
- before (5.11), $VhV_\infty^{-1}$ should be $V\hat{h}V_\infty^{-1}$
- in (5.11), the last $g^h$ should be a $\hat{g}^h$
- starting from (5.14), what used to be $\hat{u}$ in (5.11) is now denoted $\tilde{u}$
- before (5.18), should "section 5.4" be "section 5.2"?
- after (5.30), should $2\langle\chi_g \mathcal{L}_A, \mathcal{L}_A \rangle$ be $2\langle\chi_g, \mathcal{L}_A \wedge \mathcal{L}_A \rangle$?
- in (5.44), $d^+$ should be $dx^+$
- in (5.72), $g^{-1}B_+g$ should be $gB_+g^{-1}$
- in the second line of (A.10), $n_p$ should be $n_q$
- in footnote 6, $\partial_\theta\hat{g}$ should be $\partial_\theta\tilde{g}$
- in various places, it is sometimes not clear from the notation or the surrounding text whether some equation holds only at a defect $(z,\bar z)=(q,\bar q)$ or on the whole Riemann sphere, which can make some arguments harder to follow

  • validity: -
  • significance: -
  • originality: -
  • clarity: -
  • formatting: -
  • grammar: -

Author:  Jake Stedman  on 2023-06-09  [id 3721]

(in reply to Report 1 on 2023-05-08)

I would like to thank the referee for their very thorough report. They were correct that the highlighted issues affected the generality of the construction. In the following I've quoted each issue and followed it with the relevant discussion. As in the other responses, I will use $\pi_{\textbf{f}}$ and $\pi_{\textbf{h}}$ to denote the projections into $\textbf{f}$ and $\textbf{h}$, respectively. I have also changed the notation for the Lax connections of $A$ and $B$ to $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{B}$. This is only to aid in writing this response.

I begin by addressing the following:

(1) The first comment concerns the passage to the archipelago gauge in section 5.3 and more precisely the proof that the gauge transformation by $\tilde{u}$ respects the boundary condition (5.17) at a double pole $q$ of $\omega$. Below this equation, it is argued that this is the case using $\pi_{\textbf{h}}(A_{\bar{z}}) = \pi_{\textbf{h}}(A_{\bar{z}}) = 0$ at the point $(z,\bar{z}) = (q,\bar{q})$, which together with $A_{\bar{z}} = \hat{g}^h \partial_{\bar{z}} (\hat{g}^h)^{-1}$ imply $\pi_{\textbf{h}}(\hat{g}^h \partial_{\bar{z}} (\hat{g}^h)^{-1}) = \pi_{\textbf{h}}(\hat{g}^h \partial_{z} (\hat{g}^h)^{-1}) = 0$ at $(z,\bar{z}) = (q,\bar{q})$. It seems to me that this last equality is wrong (for a simple counter-example, take for instance $q=0$ and $\hat{g}^h = \exp(z X)$, with $X \in \textbf{h}$). I agree with the referee, for this reason I have dropped the boundary condition $\partial_{z}(\pi_\textbf{h}(A_{\bar{z}}) - B_{\bar{z}}) = 0$.

The referee is correct in their assessment here:

Although this might seem like a small technical point, this can potentially have important consequences on the paper. Indeed, this seems to suggest that the archipelago gauge cannot be attained in the presence of a gauged Dirichlet boundary condition, thus putting in jeopardy the main results of section 5, including the gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten examples. In fact, such an observation would mean that the quantity $\hat{g}^h \partial_{z} (\hat{g}^h)^{-1}$ evaluated on the 2-dimensional defect $(z,\bar{z}) = (q,\bar{q})$ contains physical degrees of freedom, which cannot be eliminated by a gauge transformation and which should thus appear in the resulting 2-dimensional theory.

I will now go into some detail and describe the resolution to this issue. In ref. [39] it shown in propositions 2.8 and 3.6 that for a group element $g \in C^{\infty}(\Sigma \times \mathbb{C} P^1, G)$ the Wess-Zumino term:

\begin{equation} I_{\text{WZ}} = \int_{\Sigma \times \mathbb{C}P^1} \omega \wedge \left\langle g^{-1} d g , (g^{-1} d g)^2 \right\rangle \end{equation}

depends upon $g$ and its $z$-derivatives evaluated at the poles of $\omega$.This is because $\left\langle g^{-1} d g , (g^{-1} d g)^2 \right\rangle$ is closed and therefore exact on the manifolds the authors (and I) consider. In Lemmas 2.4, 2.5, 2.7 and 3.5 it was shown that there is one homotopy class of group elements with the values of $g$ and its $z$-derivatives at the poles of $\omega$. Let $\tilde{g}$ be a group element in this class which is rotationally invariant in a disc around each pole and the identity outside of the discs. Since the integrals in the four-dimensional Chern-Simons action are determined by the boundary values of $g$ we are free to replace $g$ by the group element $\tilde{g}$. Therefore, as in ref. [39], we have:

\begin{equation} I_{\text{WZ}} = \int_{\Sigma \times \mathbb{C}P^1} \omega \wedge \left\langle \tilde{g}^{-1} d \tilde{g} , (\tilde{g}^{-1} d \tilde{g})^2 \right\rangle = \sum_{q \in P} \int_{\Sigma \times U_q} \omega \wedge \left\langle \tilde{g}^{-1} d \tilde{g} , (\tilde{g}^{-1} d \tilde{g})^2 \right\rangle = \sum_{q \in P} \int_{\Sigma \times U_q} \omega \wedge d\left( - \int_{\gamma_z} \left\langle \tilde{g}^{-1} d \tilde{g} , (\tilde{g}^{-1} d \tilde{g})^2 \right\rangle \right) = - 2\pi i \sum_{q \in P} \sum_{l=0}^{n_q-1} \eta_q^{(l)} \int_{\Sigma \times I_q} \partial_{z}^l \left\langle \tilde{g}^{-1} d \tilde{g} , (\tilde{g}^{-1} d \tilde{g})^2 \right\rangle =: \tilde{I}_{\text{WZ}} (\tilde{g}) \end{equation}

where $I_q$ denotes the interval of the radial coordinate of the disc $U_q$. Note, I've had to integrate by parts here and sent an integral of a total derivative to zero, this requires the regularisation constraint $g^{-1} \partial_{\bar{z}} g = 0$. If I apply the replacement of $g$ argument to the localisation of the unified gauged sigma model action for $\omega$ with at most double poles, I find new additional terms. These terms include a new scalar field $\Delta_q = (\hat{g}^h_q)^{-1} \partial_{z} \hat{g}^h_q \in \textbf{g}$ which is found at double poles of $\omega$. Note, here $ \partial_{z} \hat{g}^h_q$ means the evaluation of $\partial_z \hat{g}^h$ at $z=(q,\bar{q})$. The new action is:

\begin{equation} S_{USGM} (g^h, \mathcal{A} ,\mathcal{B} ,\Delta )= - \frac{i}{\hbar} \sum_q \int_{ \Sigma_q} \left( \left\langle res_q \left( \omega \wedge \mathcal{A} \right) , (g^h_q)^{-1} d_{\Sigma} g^h_q \right\rangle + res_q \left( \omega \wedge \left\langle - d_{\Sigma} g^h_q (g^h_q)^{-1} + g^h_q \mathcal{A} (g^h_q)^{-1} , \mathcal{B} \right\rangle \right) \right) \end{equation} \begin{equation} - \frac{i}{\hbar} \sum_{q \in P} \eta_q^{(1)} \int_{\Sigma_q} \left( \left\langle \mathcal{A} , d_{\Sigma} \Delta \right\rangle + \left\langle (g^h_q)^{-1} d_{\Sigma} g^h_q , [\mathcal{A}, \Delta] \right\rangle - \left\langle d_{\Sigma} \Delta + [\mathcal{A} ,\Delta], (g^h_q)^{-1} \mathcal{B} g^h_q \right\rangle \right) + \tilde{I}_{\text{WZ}}(\tilde{g}^{h}) \quad \quad (1) \end{equation}

I will now address the construction of the gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten model using this new action. As in the paper I take $\omega$ to be: \begin{equation} \omega = \frac{(z-k)}{z}dz \, , \end{equation} with poles at $z=0$ and $z=\infty$. I impose gauged chiral boundary conditions at $z=0$: \begin{equation} A_{-} = B_{-} \, , \quad \pi_{\textbf{h}} (A_{+}) = B_{+} \, , \end{equation} gauged Dirichlet conditions at $z=\infty$: \begin{equation} A_{\pm} = B_{\pm} \, , \quad z^2\partial_{z} (\pi_{\textbf{h}} (A_{\pm}) - B_{\pm}) = 0 \, , \quad \quad (2) \end{equation} and insert a $(0,1)$ defect in $\mathcal{A}$ at $z=k$. I take $\mathcal{B}$ to be regular. Hence, the Lax connections are of the form:

\begin{equation} \mathcal{A} = \mathcal{A}^c_{+} dx^+ + \left( \mathcal{A}^c_{-} + \frac{\mathcal{A}^k_{-} }{z-k}\right) dx^- \, , \quad \mathcal{B} = B_{+} (x^\pm) dx^{+} + B_{+} (x^\pm) dx^{-} \, . \quad \quad (3) \end{equation}

As in the paper, the right redundancy is used to set $\tilde{g}^{h} = 1$ at $z=\infty$ and we denote $\tilde{g}^h_{0} = g^h_{0} = g$. Using the equations

\begin{equation} A = \tilde{g}^h d_{\Sigma} (\tilde{g}^h)^{-1} + \tilde{g}^h \mathcal{A} (\tilde{g}^h)^{-1} \, , \quad \mathcal{B} = B \end{equation}

and the boundary conditions we can solve for the Lax connections. The first equation of the gauged Dirichlet boundary conditions (2) implies $\mathcal{A}^c = B$ while the second equation reduces to:

\begin{equation} \lim_{z\to\infty} \; z^2 \pi_{\textbf{h}} \left( \partial_z \mathcal{A} - d_{\Sigma} \Delta_{\infty} - [\mathcal{A} ,\Delta_\infty] \right) = 0 \, . \end{equation}

Upon substituting $\mathcal{A}$ from equations (3) this simplifies further to the equations:

\begin{equation} \pi_{\textbf{h}} ( d_{\Sigma} \Delta_{\infty} + [ B ,\Delta_{\infty} ]) = 0 \, , \quad \pi_{\textbf{h}}(\mathcal{A}^{k}_{-} ) = 0 \, , \end{equation}

\begin{equation} \pi_{\textbf{h}} ([\Delta_{\infty}, \mathcal{A}^{k}_{-}]) = 0 \end{equation}

These equations will be a subset of the equations of motion of the sigma model which appears on the defects. The gauged WZW model appears from this model as a "gauge fixing" or "truncation", $\Delta_{\infty} = 0$ in very much the same way that affine Toda field theory appears from conformal affine Toda field theory by setting a subset of the fields to zero. From here you can follow the argument in the paper and recover the gauged WZW model using equation (1).

Given the above we can remove the discussion highlighted by the comment below from the paper. This is because the condition $\pi_{\textbf{h}}(\mathcal{A}_{-}^k)=0$ now follows naturally as a solution to the equations of motion and no other justification is required.

(2) The second comment concerns the discussion around and below equation (5.39), whose goal is to argue that $\pi_{\textbf{h}}(\mathcal{A})$ and $\mathcal{B}$ have no pole at $z=k$. The approach followed in the article is to consider the limit $k \rightarrow \infty$ and ask that the analytical structure of $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{B}$ for finite $k$ is compatible with the presence of a gauged anti-chiral boundary condition at $z=\infty$ in this limit. I have several reservations on this argument. First of all, it is not clear to me why an analysis of the pole structure of $\pi_{\textbf{h}}(\mathcal{A})$ and $\mathcal{B}$ in the limit $k \rightarrow \infty$ would have exact consequences for $k$ finite: rather, I would think that it can at most establish some results up to corrections which vanish when $k\rightarrow \infty$.

The rest of the referees comments are dealt with below.

(4) In the introduction, it is said that the only gauged sigma-models that have been obtained from standard 4-dimensional Chern-Simons theory are the ones on symmetric spaces in [12]. Let me note that there are various existing works in the literature extending this construction to $\eta$-deformed and $\lambda$-deformed coset models, including .... Of particular relevance for the present paper are the works on coset $\lambda$-models, whose conformal points are gauged WZW models, showing that the latter also arise in the context of standard 4-dimensional Chern-Simons theory (with the restriction that the subgroup $H \subset G$ is the set of fixed points of an involutive automorphism).

Could the referee please confirm which paper(s) they intended to refer to in `...' in the above comment? I assume this at least includes 1909.13824. I will change the introduction to clarify this issue.

(5) Before equation (2.10), it is said that $\Lambda$ is supposed here to be a 3-form depending meromorphically on $z$ and that $\text{CS}(A)$ is an example of such 3-form. It seems to me that this is not true, as $\text{CS}(A)$ is not meromorphic in $z$ (even after the gauge transformation sending $A$ to $\mathcal{L}$). In fact, it seems to me that in most cases where (2.10) is applied, the 3-form $\Lambda$ is not meromorphic in $z$.

(7) What are the assumptions on $\xi$ in equation (2.12)? It is said in the following sentence that $\omega \wedge \xi$ is meromophic in $z$ but it seems to me that, similarly to the case of $\Lambda$ in the point 5 above, this identity is mostly used in the case where $\xi$ is in fact not meromorphic (for instance when $\xi = \langle A, d A + \rangle$). Moreover, the notation $\Sigma_q$ should be explained in this equation. Finally, after (2.12), it seems to me that it is the integral of $\bar{\partial} (\omega \wedge \xi)$ which is send to zero rather than $\bar{\partial} (\omega \wedge \xi)$ itself.

These comments were a reference to an old calculation and should not have appeared in the paper. The referee is correct that meromorphicity is not true in most cases where (2.10) is used. I will add a comment making it clear that $\Sigma_q = \Sigma \times (q,\bar{q})$ before (2.12). You are correct that it is the integral of $\bar{\partial} (\omega \wedge \xi)$ which is sent to zero, this is the only assumption made of $\xi$.

(6) After equation (2.12), it is said that one can remove $\partial \psi$ from the action of the model. If I understand well, this is relevant for the case $\Lambda = \text{CS}(A)$, to search under which condition the action is finite: it would seem useful to explain this context explicitly, as in my opinion, the goal of the discussion is not stated in the current version, making the understanding of this part difficult.

I will add an explanation into the paper addressing the point above.

(9) Technically, the proof that (2.33) vanishes due to $\xi_{+-} = 0$ on the defect seems to only treat the case of simple poles, since a double pole would require also $\partial_z \xi_{+-} = 0$. It would seem relevant to also explain how the case of double poles with Dirichlet conditions is treated or to mention that one restricts to this simple poles for simplicity.

(19) In (4.49), it is required that $\partial_{\pm} y = 0$ and $\partial_z (\partial_{\pm} y) = 0$ at a double pole to ensure the vanishing of $E(y)$ and $\partial_{z}E(y)$. It seems to me that the first condition is enough, since the various terms in the derivative $\partial_z E(y)$ are always proportional to either $\partial_+ \zeta$ or $\partial_{-} \zeta$.

I agree with point 19 here, whose content addresses point 9. In particular, $\partial_z \xi_{+-}$ will always be proportional to either $\partial_+ \zeta$ or $\partial_{-} \zeta$ meaning the Dirichlet boundary conditions $\partial_{\pm} u = 0$ ensure gauge invariance.

(10) At the end of page 10 (beginning of section 3), it is said that working in the archipelago gauge requires that $\omega F_{\bar{z} \pm} = 0$. It is not clear to me why this is the case and I would thus like to ask the author to clarify this point (is that condition used rather for the next step, \textit{i.e.} extracting a Lax connection from $A$?).

The condition in the above does indeed refer to extracting the Lax connection, and should come after the following sentence.

(11) The discussion in section 3.2 relies extensively on the fact that a gauge transformation $A \mapsto A^u$ acts on $\hat{g}$ by $\hat{g} \mapsto u \hat{g}$. As far I can see, this is not mentioned at this point in the paper, making the discussion potentially difficult to follow.

The referee is correct in the above. I will insert a few sentences in section 3.1 explaining the origin of the gauge transformation law of $\hat{g}$ and make the required changes to section 3.3 as a result.

(12) It seems to me that the proposed form (3.6) of $\tilde{g}$ is in general not smooth at the boundary of $U_q$ and $V_q$ and thus that the interpolating path between $g_q$ and $1$ should be reparametrised using a map that has constant plateau around this boundaries.

The above is true and I will add in the required clarification. It has no impact on the construction of actions as all integrals are determined by the data at the poles of $\omega$.

(16) In (3.12), the right redundancy acts on $\tilde{g}$ by $h$, whereas the notation used before in (3.2) was $k_g$: it would be useful to use uniform notations. Moreover, the discussion here is a bit confusing since it is explained early in this subsection that we will always work with the right-redundancy fixed by $\tilde{g}_{\infty} = 1$: the discussion around (3.12) now seems to relax this assumption, which is then imposed again around (3.15).

I agree that the change in notation is confusing and will fix this. However, it is necessary to include a discussion of the action of the right redundancy on $\mathcal{L}$ since a generic (boundary condition preserving) gauge transformation will not leave $\mathcal{L}$ invariant, as shown in equation (3.17). I will restructure this argument to avoid removing and reimposing the fixing of the right redundancy as highlighted.

(21) Should the last equations in (5.32) and (5.33) be supplemented with their analogues including a derivative with respect to $z$ when $q$ is a double pole? Otherwise, it would seem that these equations are not enough to deduce the flatness of $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{B}$.

This is true, and now occurs for the revised gauged sigma model action given above.

(23) After (5.53), I would say that $B$ and $C$ should not be seen as valued in the adjoint representations of $\textbf{n}^+$ and $\textbf{n}^-$, since the latter are highly non faithful (for instance, the highest-root vector of $\textbf{n}^+$ vanishes in the adjoint representation of $\textbf{n}^+$). Rather, it seems to me that $A$, $B$ and $C$ should all be seen in the adjoint representation of $\textbf{g}$ (or alternatively as elements of the abstract Lie algebra $\textbf{g}$).

I agree. The correct statement is that $A$, $B$ and $C$ are valued in the adjoint representation of $\textbf{g}$.

(24) In the discussion on top of page 36, it is said that the boundary conditions (5.61,5.62) are preserved by the gauge transformation by $u$ since $u$ is the identity at infinity. It seems to me that this is not true for (5.62) since the latter also involves derivatives with respect to $z$. This is similar to the aspects discussed in the point 1 of the main report and should also be addressed in the context of nilpotent gauged WZW models.

The above point has the same resolution as given to point 1.

(13) It seems to me that one should not include the term $\chi_z dz$ in (3.7) if one has redefined $d$ as in (2.9).

My intent in the above was to write the most general expression, where $d$ includes $\partial_z$. This is clearly a source of confusion, given (2.9), I will therefore remove $\chi_z dz$.

(15) In the paragraph before (3.9), it is said that the paper will now explain why $\mathcal{L}$ satisfies the property 3 of a Lax connection in the case $\Sigma = S^1 \times \mathbb{R}$. I think that this is not what is done here, as the proposed explanation only shows how to extract conserved quantities from the monodromy, following directly from the property 1. It seems to me that the main non-trivial part of the property 3 is the Poisson-commutation of these quantities, which requires further analysis, as done in [24]. Let me also mention that in the property 3, one should more technically consider the expansion in $z$ of the trace of the monodromy matrix, rather than of the matrix itself. In the discussion around equation (3.9), it would also be useful to introduce the notations $\theta$ and $t$ used here. Finally, it seems to me that in equation (3.11), $\mathcal{L}_\theta$ should in fact be $\mathcal{L}_t$.

My intent with this paragraph was not to explain the origin's of integrability, indeed, I do not in fact say I will do this. I only wished to illustrate the origins of the charges from the four-dimensional Chern-Simons prospective and to point to the relevant literature for the Poisson commutativity requirement. I agree that I should say the traces of the monodromies. You are correct that $\mathcal{L}_\theta$ should be $\mathcal{L}_t$.

(17) It is said that (3.20) holds when $\omega$ has a pole at infinity: it seems to me that it more precisely happens when $\omega$ is non-vanishing at infinity.

Yes, this is correct - all I intended to say was that it occurred in the cases I consider, in all of which $\omega$ has a pole at infinity, which clearly implies $\omega$ is non-vanishing at infinity. But I would agree that this is confusing and I will clarify this in the paper.

(25) Several paragraphs in the conclusion are devoted to the discussion of Manin doubles and triples and their use to define other types of boundary conditions. It seems to me that the notations used there can lead to some confusions. In particular, the Lie algebra $\textbf{d}$ used in these paragraphs is never defined. In the context of this conclusion, is it simply equal to the Lie algebra $\textbf{g}$ in which the gauge field $A$ is valued? This case, to the best of my understanding, is the setup considered in [10,12] (the one of [25] being slightly different, building $\textbf{d} = \textbf{g} \oplus \textbf{g}$ from a pair of simple poles). In my opinion, adding some precision in this paragraph on the definition of $\textbf{d}$ and the setup would be a useful improvement. Similarly, the following paragraph on Poisson-Lie T-duality can also lead to some confusion as my understanding is that this notion is mostly related to the exchange of the two isotropic subalgebras in a Manin triple rather than to a change in the reality conditions (although an analytic continuation is sometimes required to treat some of the examples).

I agree with the above and will add more precision.

The following are true, I will make the required changes and clarifications in a revised version. Where necessary I have included responses in brackets after the query.

(3) In various places in the paper, when dealing with a double pole of $\omega$ at $q$, one gets expressions involving the derivative $\partial_z A$ evaluated at $q$. Importantly, this is true only when $q$ is finite: if $q = \infty$, one has to replace $z$ by a local coordinate $z^{-1}$ around infinity, thus yielding derivatives $-z^2 \partial_z A$ rather than $\partial_z A$. This has important consequences when considering gauged Dirichlet boundary conditions imposed at $z = \infty$. (8) To derive equation (2.15), one has to discard the integral of an exterior derivative $d_\Sigma (...)$ along $\Sigma$: it would seem useful to mention it. (14) The paragraph after equation (3.8) refers to (3.20), which is later in the text. (This sentence will be altered to say solution to the first of equations 3.8 will be given shortly). (20) Before (5.20), should "they take the form (5.1)" be "they take the form (5.18)"? (Yes.) (18) Before (3.24), should "third term" be "fourth term"? In (3.26) and in the sentence below, one $\tilde{g} \mathcal{L} \tilde{g}^{-1}$ should be a $\tilde{g} d \tilde{g}^{-1}$. (26) In equation (C.2), shouldn't there be an additional $e^{i \theta_q}$ coming from the measure? This seems necessary to obtain the residue term in equation (C.3).

I agree with the typos found in.

(27) Below are what seem to be typos in equations and mathematical notations:

I will address the following by stating when the equation holds at a defect.

in various places, it is sometimes not clear from the notation or the surrounding text whether some equation holds only at a defect $(z,\bar{z}) = (q,\bar{q})$ or on the whole Riemann sphere, which can make some arguments harder to follow.

Anonymous on 2023-06-18  [id 3739]

(in reply to Jake Stedman on 2023-06-09 [id 3721])

In their answer, the author discusses the various points raised in my report. Some of these are addressed in a way which, to my opinion, is correct and sufficient. However, I still have serious concerns on various elements of the answer, in particular for the two main points raised in my initial report. In this comment, I will focus on these concerns, as it is my opinion that they can still impact the results and methods proposed by the paper if not addressed.

a) I completely agree that in presence of a double pole $q$ of $\omega$, the reduction procedure should give rise to a new field $\Delta_q$ valued in the Lie algebra: I thank the author for addressing this important point in their answer. However, it seems to me that the treatment of this new field in the main example of the gauged WZW model is not fully correct, in particular in the unnumbered equation
$$\lim_{z\to\infty} z^2 \pi_{\mathbf{h}} (\partial_z\mathcal{A} - d_\Sigma\Delta_\infty - [\mathcal{A},\Delta_\infty] ) = 0 \qquad\qquad\qquad\quad (A)$$ which I will refer to as (A), and the conclusions that follow. Indeed, I do not see why this equation is true and would like to ask the author to clarify this. In particular, I would like to stress that since $\Delta_\infty$ is extracted from the pole at $\infty$, it should be given by $\Delta_\infty = -z^2(\hat g^h)^{-1} \partial_z \hat g^h |_{z=\infty}$ and not by $(\hat g^h)^{-1} \partial_z \hat g^h |_{z=\infty}$, taking into account the change of variable to work in a local coordinate $1/z$ around $\infty$. It seems to me that the above equation (A) is the one that would arise for $\Delta_\infty=(\hat g^h)^{-1} \partial_z \hat g^h |_{z=\infty}$ and is thus wrong. In the author's response, the equation (A) is used to derive 3 different constraints, which to my understanding arise from asking that the divergent terms and the constant term in the expansion around $z=\infty$ of $z^2 \pi_{\mathbf{h}} (\partial_z\mathcal{A} - d_\Sigma\Delta_\infty - [\mathcal{A},\Delta_\infty] )$ vanish. This is a bit surprising since we expect the boundary condition under investigation to impose only one constraint. However, if one uses what appears to me as the right definition $\Delta_\infty = -z^2(\hat g^h)^{-1} \partial_z \hat g^h |_{z=\infty}$, the equation (A) is modified in such a way that all terms are in fact convergent at infinity and we thus derive only one constraint from it, which seems more natural. As a consequence, various elements of the discussion in the author's response, including the interpretation and treatment of $\Delta_\infty$, would have to be carefully corrected.

In my opinion, it is important that the author fixes all these questions to ensure the correctness of the reasoning.

b) If after carefully taking into account the point a) above, one can still conclude that $\Delta_\infty$ can be consistently put to zero, it seems to me that this last step is still rather arbitrary and should be justified or at least commented on, as it affects the systematic character of the method. In particular, is there a natural reason to impose such a restriction on the field other than the pre-requisite knowledge of the gauged WZW action that one wants to recover?

Moreover, in my opinion, it would be useful to carefully comment on the nature of the field $\Delta_\infty$ before putting it to zero: how does it appear in the action and in the equations of motion? is it an auxiliary field or a proper new degree of freedom? is the model with $\Delta_\infty$ non-zero a more general sigma-model than gauged WZW, or a theory of another type?

c) My last important concern is about the point 2) raised in my initial report, which asked for a justification of the fact that $\pi_{\mathbf{h}}\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{B}$ do not have poles at $z=k$. It seems to me that this has not been answered in the author's response, or at least not completely. Indeed, the author simply states "I take $\mathcal{B}$ to be regular", without proving that this is the case: in my opinion, this should also be justified or at least commented on, as it impacts the systematic character of the method. Although this choice might lead to a consistent final configuration, it seems like one would not really know that this was a good choice to make without the pre-requisite knowledge of the wanted gauged WZW model. It also raises the questions of the nature and the consistency of the model where one allows for poles in $\mathcal{B}$.

Author:  Jake Stedman  on 2023-07-07  [id 3784]

(in reply to Anonymous Comment on 2023-06-18 [id 3739])

Thank you for your response, I will address your queries in the order (c), (a) and (b). This is because results from point (c) are relevant to (a) and (b). Point (c) was:

c) My last important concern is about the point 2) raised in my initial report, which asked for a justification of the fact that $\pi_{\textbf{h}}(\mathcal{A})$ and $\mathcal{B}$ do not have poles at $z=k$. It seems to me that this has not been answered in the author's response, or at least not completely. Indeed, the author simply states "I take $\mathcal{B}$ to be regular", without proving that this is the case: in my opinion, this should also be justified or at least commented on, as it impacts the systematic character of the method. Although this choice might lead to a consistent final configuration, it seems like one would not really know that this was a good choice to make without the pre-requisite knowledge of the wanted gauged WZW model.

This point can be addressed by noting that the pole structure of $\mathcal{B}$ is determined by imposing boundary conditions at the zeros of $\omega$, just as with $\mathcal{A}$. The statement "I take $\mathcal{B}$ to be regular" is an, admittedly somewhat indirect, way of stating the required boundary condition -- i.e. that there is no pole at the zero of $\omega$. This is a perfectly admissible thing to do and can be done in standard four-dimensional Chern-Simons. In fact, my expectation is that a gauged version of any model constructed from standard four-dimensional Chern-Simons can be found when $\mathcal{B}$ has no pole; this is provided a gauged analogue of the required boundary conditions exists. This was the reasoning which motivated the choice of the boundary conditions and pole structure used to constructed the gauged WZW model. I agree, this should be stated in the example.

As for:

It also raises the questions of the nature and the consistency of the model where one allows for poles in $\mathcal{B}$.

Broadly, I agree with the sentiment here. My expectation is that field configurations where $\mathcal{B}$ has a pole will be genuinely new theories as they are certainly not gauging of known models (given the new additional structure and the reasoning stated above). There will clearly be minutiae involved in constructing such model which, together with their apparent originality, means they deserve a separate treatment. I intend to do this in other work. Given these obvious concerns I will comment on this in the paper. I'd also like to note the following. The point of the paper was to construct the doubled four-dimensional Chern-Simons theory, show it was gauge invariant etc. and that it could be reduced to a two-dimensional model on the defects. This is enough to conjecture the existence of entirely new integrable models. Given the potential for new phenomena, I felt it was necessary to show known integrable gauged models can also be found from the construction; the gauged WZW model being the simplest case.

I now turn to:

Indeed, I do not see why this equation is true and would like to ask the author to clarify this. In particular, I would like to stress that since $\Delta_{\infty}$ is extracted from the pole at $\infty$, it should be given by $\Delta_{\infty} = -z^2 (\hat{g}^h)^{-1} \partial_z \hat{g}^h $ (evaluated at $z=\infty)$ and not $(\hat{g}^h)^{-1} \partial_z \hat{g}^h$, taking into account the change of variable to work in a local coordinate $1/z$ around $\infty$. It seems to me that the above equation (A) is the one that would arise for $\Delta_\infty = (\hat{g}^h)^{-1} \partial_z \hat{g}^h |_{z=\infty}$ and is thus wrong.

Thank you for highlighting the sloppiness in my calculation of equation (A) in your response:

\begin{equation} \lim_{z\rightarrow \infty} z^2 \pi_{\textbf{h}}(\partial_z \mathcal{A} - d_{\Sigma} \Delta_{\infty} - [\mathcal{A},\Delta_{\infty}]) = 0 \, . \quad \quad \quad (A) \end{equation}

The correct version of this equation arises from the second equation of the gauged Dirichlet boundary conditions, $\lim_{z \rightarrow \infty} z^2 \partial_z (\pi_{\textbf{h}} (A_{\pm}) - B_{\pm}) = 0$. Using $A=\hat{g}^h d_{\Sigma} (\hat{g}^h)^{-1} + \hat{g}^h \mathcal{A} (\hat{g}^h)^{-1}$, $B = \mathcal{B}$, $\Delta_{\infty} = - z^2 (\hat{g}^h)^{-1} \partial_z \hat{g}^h$ (evaluated at $z=\infty$), the requirement that $B$ is regular and $\hat{g}^h_{\infty}=1$ (to fix the right redundancy) the correct equation is:

\begin{equation} \lim_{z \rightarrow \infty} \pi_{\textbf{h}} (z^2 \partial_z \mathcal{A} + d_{\Sigma} \Delta_{\infty} + [\mathcal{A},\Delta_{\infty}]) = 0 \, . \end{equation}


\begin{eqnarray} \mathcal{A} = \mathcal{A_{+}^c} dx^{+} + \mathcal{A_{-}^c} + \frac{\mathcal{A_{-}^k}}{1/z-k} dx^{-} \, , \end{eqnarray}

(where I have used $z \rightarrow 1/z$ since I'm studying the behaviour at infinity) I find:

\begin{equation} \frac{\pi_{\textbf{h}}(\mathcal{A_{-}^k})}{k^2} + \pi_{\textbf{h}}(\partial_{-} \Delta_{\infty} + [-\frac{1}{k} \mathcal{A_{-}^k} + \mathcal{A_{-}^c} , \Delta_{\infty}]) = 0 \, , \quad \pi_{\textbf{h}} (\partial_{+} \Delta_{\infty} + [\mathcal{A_{+}^c} ,\Delta_{\infty}]) = 0 \, . \quad (B) \end{equation}

Hence, the following is indeed correct:

However, if one uses what appears to me as the right definition $\Delta_{\infty} = -z^2 (\hat{g}^h)^{-1} \partial_z \hat{g}^h |_{z=\infty}$, the equation (A) is modified in such a way that all terms are in fact convergent at infinity and we thus derive only one constraint from it, which seems more natural.

Finally, I will address:

(a continued) As a consequence, various elements of the discussion in the author's response, including the interpretation and treatment of $\Delta_\infty$, would have to be carefully corrected.

b) If after carefully taking into account the point a) above, one can still conclude that $\Delta_\infty$ can be consistently put to zero, it seems to me that this last step is still rather arbitrary and should be justified or at least commented on, as it affects the systematic character of the method. In particular, is there a natural reason to impose such a restriction on the field other than the pre-requisite knowledge of the gauged WZW action that one wants to recover?

Moreover, in my opinion, it would be useful to carefully comment on the nature of the field $\Delta_\infty$ before putting it to zero: how does it appear in the action and in the equations of motion? Is it an auxiliary field or a proper new degree of freedom? is the model with $\Delta_\infty$ non-zero a more general sigma-model than gauged WZW, or a theory of another type?

Since their queries are related, I respond to (a continued) and the second paragraph of (b) first. The scalar field $\Delta_{\infty}$ does indeed appear in the action with $d_\Sigma$ acting upon it (see the action given in my previous response, although note there $\Delta$ should be $\Delta_q$). For this reason I believe $\Delta_{\infty}$ is a physical degree of freedom with the equations of motion (B). This being said, one can integrate by parts and rearrange the action such that $\Delta_{\infty}$ acts as a Lagrange multiplier, this is analogous to the scalar $B$ in two-dimensional $BF$ theory.

As for setting $\Delta_{\infty}$ to zero. It is not unusual to consider 'generalised' integrable models which is are extensions of known models. For example in "Conformal affine $sl_2$ Toda field theory" (By Babelon and Bonora), or hep-th/9207061 and hep-th/9402079 affine Toda theories are perturbed by a scalar field ($\eta$ in the first reference) and studied as limits of conformal affine Toda theory. I expect the scalar field $\Delta_{\infty}$ to play a similar role. That is $\Delta_{\infty}$ gives an integrable deformation of an integrable model which is recovered in the limit $\Delta_{\infty} \rightarrow 0$. The condition $\Delta_{\infty} \rightarrow 0$ should not be thought of as a restriction, only as a `truncation' which allows us to find the undeformed theory. As with singular field configurations of $\mathcal{B}$, I feel the deformed theories as sufficiently unusual that they deserve their own treatment elsewhere, and intend to do this.

Anonymous on 2023-07-14  [id 3809]

(in reply to Jake Stedman on 2023-07-07 [id 3784])

It seems to me that the answer of the author still contains mistakes in the computation of the boundary condition at infinity. Indeed, the given expression
$$\mathcal{A} = \mathcal{A}^c_+ dx^+ + \mathcal{A}^c_- dx^- + \frac{\mathcal{A}^k_-}{1/z-k} dx^-$$ is the one obtained after the change of variable $z\mapsto 1/z$, and this expression is used to compute $\lim_{z\to\infty} \mathcal{A}$ and $\lim_{z\to\infty} -z^2\partial_z \mathcal{A}$. I think that this is not correct: either one does the change of variable $z\mapsto 1/z$ from the very beginning and then compute $\lim_{z\to 0} \mathcal{A}$ and $\lim_{z\to 0} \partial_z \mathcal{A}$ (corresponding to an analysis around $\infty$ in the initial variable), or one does not make the change of variable at all but then compute $\lim_{z\to\infty} \mathcal{A}$ and $\lim_{z\to\infty} -z^2\partial_z \mathcal{A}$ (where the term $-z^2$ takes into account the local behaviour of derivatives around infinity). Mixing the two is incorrect and source of errors and confusions.
It seems to me that such computations should be very carefully checked. As there are already been several back-and-forth exchanges in the reviewing process, these new mistakes at each step make it quite difficult to converge (they might in the end not affect the general approach of the paper but make it hard to evaluate it).

Let me now comment on the more conceptual aspects of the answer and my opinion on publication. The concerns raised in my previous comments have been at least partially addressed by the author, partly by stating that a full analysis of these points would require further work and would go beyond the scope of a first publication. It seems to me that this can be a justified and reasonable approach: however, let me stress that I also think these points should then be carefully and openly commented on in the paper. Indeed, in my opinion, they are not just perspectives for generalisations but rather questions to clarify to ensure that the general approach proposed in the article is consistent (admittedly, this might be a subjective point: I develop this opinion further in the paragraph below). I think a completely revised version of the paper could be published in SciPost Physics Core if (i) most importantly, all computation mistakes are corrected and in the end do not affect any of the main results and (ii) the open questions and limitations are properly mentioned.

**Comments on consistency:** To illustrate my concerns on consistency mentioned above, let me develop slightly my thoughts and answer the comments of the author, concerning the absence of poles in $\mathcal{B}$. In standard 4-dimensional Chern-Simons theory, the poles of the gauge field can indeed be seen as boundary conditions imposed at the zeroes of $\omega$: the corresponding residues are then related to the 2-dimensional sigma-model fields by the other boundary conditions, at the poles of $\omega$. Although one might consider a case where $\mathcal{A}$ is regular at one of the zeroes of $\omega$, as suggested by the author, I think such a configuration would in fact lead to an inconsistent theory where one does not have sufficiently many degrees of freedom in $\mathcal{A}$ to solve the other boundary conditions. In the case of standard Chern-Simons theory, it then seems that consistency requires having "as many singularities" in $\mathcal{A}$ as allowed by the analytical structure of $\omega$, making the approach quite systematic. This is in contrast with the specific configuration of the doubled theory leading to the gauged WZW model, which seems consistent with all possible poles in $\mathcal{A}$ but without poles in $\mathcal{B}$. This raises the question of whether the general case considered in the first part of the paper (with poles in $\mathcal{B}$) is in fact allowed, as it is not clear how the new degrees of freedom introduced at these poles would be related to the sigma-model fields (they might be independent auxiliary degrees of freedom but this would then also require clarifications). At this point, given a 1-form $\omega$, it does not seem clear to me what is the recipe to choose the analytical structure of the gauge fields in a way which is consistent.
The second point I raised, concerning the truncations of fields such as $\Delta_\infty$, is similar as there is no apparent guide to decide which fields could be removed or not and whether the theory with $\Delta_\infty$ non-zero is consistent. As mentioned above, I understand that this might go beyond the scope of a first publication and think that describing the particular consistent configuration that reproduces the gauged WZW model is interesting in itself and can justify a publication. But I also think it is important to mention when an "external" choice is made for the configuration of the fields and to comment on these open questions and potential limitations.

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