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Insulator phases of Bose-Fermi mixtures induced by intraspecies next-neighbor interactions
by F. Gómez-Lozada, R. Franco, J. Silva-Valencia
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Submission summary
Authors (as registered SciPost users): | Jereson Silva |
Submission information | |
Preprint Link: | (pdf) |
Date accepted: | 2024-12-10 |
Date submitted: | 2024-11-25 17:48 |
Submitted by: | Silva, Jereson |
Submitted to: | SciPost Physics Core |
Ontological classification | |
Academic field: | Physics |
Specialties: |
Approach: | Computational |
We study a one-dimensional mixture of two-color fermions and scalar bosons at the hardcore limit, focusing on the effect that the intraspecies next-neighbor interactions have on the zero-temperature ground state of the system for different fillings of each carrier. Exploring the problem's parameters, we observed that the non-local interaction could favor or harm the well-known mixed Mott and spin-selective Mott insulators. We also found the emergence of three unusual insulating states with charge density wave (CDW) structures in which the orders of the carriers are out of phase with each other. For instance, the immiscible CDW appears only at half-filling bosonic density, whereas the mixed CDW state is characterized by equal densities of bosons and fermions. Finally, the spin-selective CDW couples the bosons and only one kind of fermions. Appropriate order parameters were proposed for each phase to obtain the critical parameters for the corresponding superfluid-insulator transition. Our results can inspire or contribute to understanding experiments in cold-atom setups with long-range interactions or recent reports involving quasiparticles in semiconductor heterostructures.
Author comments upon resubmission
Dear Editor
Thank you for sending us the referees' comments on our paper entitled ``Insulator phases of Bose-Fermi mixtures induced by intraspecies next-neighbor interactions''.
We appreciate your advice, and a new version of the paper has been submitted to SciPost Physics Core. Furthermore, we are pleased to learn of the positive comments of the referees, and that both recommend the publication of the paper. In particular, the first referee states Accept in alternative Journal", and the second referee reports that
Overall, the manuscript may be publishable provided some improvements are implemented".
Taking into account the suggestions raised by the referees, we have modified the paper as follows:
(i) The main criticism of both referees concerns the absence of discussion about the quantum phase transitions of the new phases reported in the paper. To resolve this issue, we have included an appendix that deals with the order of the phase transitions, where we have included a new figure of the ground-state energy versus the next-neighbor interactions, showing that all the transitions are continuous.
(ii) We have expanded the motivation of the multi-parameter model.
(iii) We have removed the term “incommensurable” and substituted “non-local” for “long-ranged”, since it's more appropriate for next-neighbor interactions.
(iv) We have improved the clarification of Fig. 1.
(v) We have added a further explanation of the numerical methods used.
(vi) We have added a explanation to Fig. 10.
(vii) We have added comments about the appearance of fermionic gaps in the presented mixed insulators.
(viii) We have included the following new references:
G. Gruner, Reviews of Modern Physics \textbf{60}, 1129 (1988)
A. van Otterlo and K.-H. Wagenblast, Physical Review Letters \textbf{72}, 3598 (1994)
G. G. Batrouni, R. T. Scalettar, G. T. Zimanyi and A. P. Kampf, Physical Review Letters \textbf{74}, 2527 (1995).
A. V. Chubukov and D. I. Golosov, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter \textbf{3}, 69 (1991)
M. Oshikawa, M. Yamanaka and I. Affleck, Physical Review Letters \textbf{78}, 1984 (1997)
K. Totsuka, Physical Review B \textbf{57}, 3454 (1998).
A. A. Balandin, S. V. Zaitsev-Zotov and G. Grüner, Applied Physics Letters \textbf{119}, 170401 (2021).
We hope that with these modifications, which clarify and improve the presentation of the paper, the manuscript is appropriate for publication in SciPost Physics Core in its revised form.
Yours sincerely,
The authors.
List of changes
(i) The main criticism of both referees concerns the absence of discussion about the quantum phase transitions of the new phases reported in the paper. To resolve this issue, we have included an appendix that deals with the order of the phase transitions, where we have included a new figure of the ground-state energy versus the next-neighbor interactions, showing that all the transitions are continuous.
(ii) We have expanded the motivation of the multi-parameter model.
(iii) We have removed the term “incommensurable” and substituted “non-local” for “long-ranged”, since it's more appropriate for next-neighbor interactions.
(iv) We have improved the clarification of Fig. 1.
(v) We have added a further explanation of the numerical methods used.
(vi) We have added a explanation to Fig. 10.
(vii) We have added comments about the appearance of fermionic gaps in the presented mixed insulators.
(viii) We have included the following new references:
- G. Gruner, Reviews of Modern Physics \textbf{60}, 1129 (1988)
- A. van Otterlo and K.-H. Wagenblast, Physical Review Letters \textbf{72}, 3598 (1994)
- G. G. Batrouni, R. T. Scalettar, G. T. Zimanyi and A. P. Kampf, Physical Review Letters \textbf{74}, 2527 (1995).
- A. V. Chubukov and D. I. Golosov, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter \textbf{3}, 69 (1991)
- M. Oshikawa, M. Yamanaka and I. Affleck, Physical Review Letters \textbf{78}, 1984 (1997)
- K. Totsuka, Physical Review B \textbf{57}, 3454 (1998).
- A. A. Balandin, S. V. Zaitsev-Zotov and G. Grüner, Applied Physics Letters \textbf{119}, 170401 (2021).
Published as SciPost Phys. Core 8, 007 (2025)
Reports on this Submission
Report #1 by Anonymous (Referee 2) on 2024-12-6 (Invited Report)
- Cite as: Anonymous, Report on arXiv:2309.05594v4, delivered 2024-12-06, doi: 10.21468/SciPost.Report.10288
Compared to my previous report the authors seem to have addressed some issues, but not all. I will give one example, namely the nature of the phase transitions which the authors decided to address in the following way: The authors add a sentence in the text, referring to Appendix B and adding that it falls outside the scope in this paper. In Ref B there is an argument about a possible second order phase transition, and citing a review.
However, this question could be addressed more accurately, by checking if U(1) and lattice symmetries are simultaneously broken or not, and this in turn relates to another question about possible supersolid-like phases. The authors seem to have missed that.
For me, the reply is therefore not sufficient. Whether the paper meets the requirements of the journal is a question I leave to the editors with reference to my earlier report.
Accept in alternative Journal (see Report)