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A Portable Parton-Level Event Generator for the High-Luminosity LHC

by Enrico Bothmann, Taylor Childers, Walter Giele, Stefan Höche, Joshua Isaacson, Max Knobbe

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Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Enrico Bothmann · Stefan Höche · Joshua Isaacson · Max Knobbe
Submission information
Preprint Link:  (pdf)
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Date submitted: 2024-05-19 23:18
Submitted by: Bothmann, Enrico
Submitted to: SciPost Physics
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • High-Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Approach: Computational


The rapid deployment of computing hardware different from the traditional CPU+RAM model in data centers around the world mandates a change in the design of event generators for the Large Hadron Collider, in order to provide economically and ecologically sustainable simulations for the high-luminosity era of the LHC. Parton-level event generation is one of the most computationally demanding parts of the simulation and is therefore a prime target for improvements. We present a production-ready leading-order parton-level event generation framework capable of utilizing most modern hardware and discuss its performance in the standard candle processes of vector boson and top-quark pair production with up to five additional jets.

Author indications on fulfilling journal expectations

  • Provide a novel and synergetic link between different research areas.
  • Open a new pathway in an existing or a new research direction, with clear potential for multi-pronged follow-up work
  • Detail a groundbreaking theoretical/experimental/computational discovery
  • Present a breakthrough on a previously-identified and long-standing research stumbling block

Author comments upon resubmission

We thank the two referees very much for their detailed reports and valuable suggestions. We believe that we have addressed all points which have been raised in our new version of the draft (v3). In the following we will give our answers to each of the requested changes, which we repeat here for easier reference. The citations numbering conforms to the references given in the resubmitted draft (v3).

Referee report 1 - requested changes and our replies:

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 7)

Title underline too short.

Referee report 1 - requested changes and our replies:
  1. The authors should tune abstract, introduction and conclusion in order to

  • better indicate the existence of previous work. In particular, I do not understand why they claim to be the ”first” while they quote the previous work of [25] which is the first complete implementation on GPU as far as I know. They should also cite the much more recent MadFlow implementation.

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 12)

Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

Our reply: We removed “first” in the abstract and the conclusions, and the MadFlow references are now added in the introduction.

  • weaken the statement that event simulation is the limiting factor in the introduction.

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 15)

Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

Our reply: We do not claim that event generation is the limiting factor, only that it “can become a limiting factor”. This statement is in agreement with the assessment by experimental collaborations at various recent workshops and planning exercises, see for example the ATLAS and CMS presentations at, or refs. [3-5] (we have added [3] in the text). We also mention now the developments of modern approaches to detector simulation and reconstruction, which is expected to reduce the relative cost of these steps in the simulation pipeline (and thus increase the relative cost of event generation), and cite these approaches.

  • weaken the statement, in the conclusion, that parton-level generation will no longer contribute. (NLO and NNLO will still be problematic, and many LO computation are performed for BSM physics which is not supported by pepper)

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 19)

Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

Our reply: We have weakened the statement in the conclusions. Please note, however, that the authors have evaluated this problem very carefully in [13], and that the simulation in realistic LHC setups is dominated by the high-multiplicity tree-level components, not by NLO calculations.

  • comment on the fact that state of the art are today NLO and not LO.

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 22)

Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

Our reply: We have added a sentence in the introduction to stress that delivering a portable parton-level generator at LO is not only a natural starting point, but of immediate utility because tree-level matrix elements and phase-space sampling have the largest computational footprint even in state-of-the-art multi-jet merged calculations where the lower multiplicities are evaluated at NLO, as has been reported in [13, 39]. Further, we have acknowledged the importance of NLO calculations at the LHC in the Summary and Outlook, and discuss possibilities and challenges when extending Pepper towards NLO.

2. Present some validation at parton-level. Our reply: This is now added as a new App. C. The appendix is referred to from the validation section. The new results show that the parton-level only data is also statistically compatible, directly comparing Pepper vs. Amegic without any further down-stream simulation steps.

3. Give more technical number on the usage of the GPU (like batch size/rate of divergence of thread/occupancy/. . . ) and how much of the peak performance (and bandwidth) are used for each of the GPU. Our reply: We have performed detailed technical performance studies of the core algorithms in our previous paper on the gluon-only case [32], which we also supplemented with NVidia NSight performance benchmarks. The conclusions drawn in [32] are still valid. In particular we are still memory bound, because the introduction of fermions requires the use of complex currents and thus only intensifies the memory requirements. The focus of this work was rather on the generalization to a tool that can be used for physics applications, its portability and accompanying performance comparisons across different state-of-the-art architectures. We think that the performance presented here is excellent compared to currently available tree-level matrix element generators and significantly alleviates the phase-space and matrix-element bottlenecks discussed in [34]. Therefore, in our opinion, in-detail technical benchmarks of GPU runs—while certainly interesting—are not urgently needed, and can be done in a future study. We have added a second paragraph in the introduction of Sec. 5, to better define the scope of this work's performance studies, and refer to [32] for more technical studies.

4. Add some comment on dynamical scale choice (in particular in view of CKKW type of merging, which is surprisingly not mentioned at all in the paper). Our reply: • We have modified Sec. 3.1 to mention the possibility of dynamical scale choices. We have also noted that the strong coupling is also evaluated in parallel using the modified LHAPDF version. • The fact that the scales can by evaluated dynamically is now also listed as step 5 of the new enumeration of the parallelized event generation steps in Sec. 3.3. • We now refer to [39] in the Conclusions and Outlook, for a discussion and application for a multi-jet merged calculation. Therein, parton-level events by Pepper are read in by Sherpa, which perform the CKKW-type merging.

5. explain why SOA is helping in case of single thread while AOS should be a better match (but if vectorization is applied). Our reply: • There likely is a good degree of vectorization across events, since our event loop is around relatively simple compute kernels (and not the outer-most loop). However, we did not study this systematically. • We now realize that our comparison was not fair. Our comparison number came from comparing to an older prototype of our code. While that meant we did compare to an AOS data layout, the speed-up might come from various sources, so our statement is too strong. • However, now, given that our data access goes through getter and setter methods, we were able to quickly implement an AoS variant of Pepper. Note that this only changes the data layout, but not the hierarchy of the loops (i.e. the event loop is still close to the individual algorithms, which should favour an SOA layout). With that, we were able to generate new comparison numbers and quote those. We have put the details into App. D, and only mention the main takeaways in the main text of Sec. 3.3, in order to keep the flow of the text intact.

6. The workflow corresponding to when cuts are evaluated/unweighting performed/... is not well explained in the paper. One point which is not clear is that you seem to evaluate the matrix-element even if the phase-space points do not pass the cuts. If this is True, it would be important to mention how much of the GPU time is wasted due to that. Our reply: The event generation steps are now listed in Sec. 3.3. The question about the cuts is specifically addressed below the list of steps. While we indeed evaluate the matrix elements for events that do not pass the cuts (or, actually, simply return early for the kernels where the event weight is set to zero by the cuts, such that these threads will be idle most of the time), this is not a severe issue for the applications (processes and parton-level cuts) studied in the paper. Even for Z+5j and tt+4j with standard cuts, the phase-space efficiencies are above 85 %. We therefore conclude that a more complex strategy is not required at this point.

7. Related to the previous point, the correlation within a block of 32 events seems to indicate that you write all event and not only unweighted events (which the authors state later that this is not the case)... I guess that the re-ordering is actually only needed for low multiplicity. Our reply: This is true, we do not write out every event but only the unweighted ones. Thus, the referee is correct that correlation is indeed more prevalent for the lower multiplicities, if unweighting is enabled (which is the default), since they typically have larger unweighting efficiency and hence often unweight multiple events per block of 32. In the text, we have now explained this more clearly.

8. Comment on the floating point precision need of your GPU (especially since you are motivating the deployment of GPU by AI software which likes to use half precision). Our reply: During these calculations, the floating point precision required is typically double precision to ensure sufficient momentum conservation, and at higher orders to ensure sufficient precision on the loop corrections. We have added a short paragraph in the outlook discussing the precision requirements of our calculation, the issues that may arise from AI influences on hardware developments, and some approaches we are considering in addressing these concerns.

Referee report 2 - requested changes and our replies:

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 53)

Title underline too short.

Referee report 2 - requested changes and our replies:

1. The authors mention environmental impact in the introduction. Although a detailed assessment of the impact if outside the scope of the paper, it would be good to see some discussion of this in relation to the portability .For instance in terms of the power consumption of the various architectures and the time spent on equivalent computations. Our reply: We have added a short discussion in the introduction about fully using HPC systems, which have a variety of architectures. Also, we highlight that providing a portable framework would enable the adoption of new more efficient hardware with minimal testing requirements.

2. Related to that, in section 5.2 the authors compare the performance of Pepper on a number of different architectures. Although this nicely confirms the portability aspects of the code, it is not clear what one can conclude in terms of performance, since this is not an apples to apples comparison. Could the authors try to address that? Our reply: In the second paragraph of Section 5.2, we described this apples-to-apples comparison, but can see that our description was a bit confusing. We reworked it to clarify for the reader what was done. We hope that this answers the reviewers request.

3. It makes sense to limit the implementation to leading-order for now, but given that almost all analyses at the LHC use next-to-leading order (or beyond) the authors must at least discuss the possibilities of extending their framework in that direction, and outline what the difficulties might be. It would also be interesting to understand if merged samples could be generated with Pepper. Our reply: Both the merged samples question and the possibilities of using GPUs in the calculation of one-loop matrix elements has now been added in the ‘Summary and Outlook’ section, in the revised first and newly added second paragraph.

4. This one doesn’t have to be addressed, but I just wanted to note that it isn’t clear that one needs to be on the ”native” branch (or download the native release) in order to compile without Kokkos. I managed in the end, although the code did not compile with my Cuda installation (Ubuntu + nvcc 12.3). After compiling I also could not find any documentation on how to run the code. I guess this will be added at a later stage? Our reply: • The introduction of the manual now has a prominent note explaining the separation into a native and a main/Kokkos version, cf. • Our CI tests successfully tests compilation of the native branch with CUDA enabled using the “” docker image, see for the latest compilation log. Hence we can not currently reproduce the reported compilation error. However, the CI builds have been added only recently, so perhaps the version that the reviewer tested has an issue which has been fixed in the meantime. We have improved and streamlined the getting-started tutorials for both the native and the main branch, see and, respectively. • A guide for a first Pepper run is now added to the manual:

Again, we would like to thank both referees for their insightful comments and thorough review of our work. We believe that this input has helped us to improve the draft significantly.

Best regards, Enrico Bothmann (on behalf of the authors)

List of changes

- Remove “first” in the abstract and the conclusions, and MadFlow references are now added in the introduction.
- Add ref. [3] in the introduction.
- In the introduction, mention now the developments of modern approaches to detector simulation and reconstruction, which is expected to reduce the relative cost of these steps in the simulation pipeline (and thus increase the
relative cost of event generation), and cite these approaches.
- Weaken the statement, in the conclusion, that parton-level generation will no longer contribute.
- Add a sentence in the introduction to stress that delivering a portable parton-level generator at LO is not only a natural starting point, but of immediate utility because tree-level matrix elements and phase-space sampling have the largest computational footprint even in state-of-the-art multi-jet merged calculations where the lower multiplicities are evaluated at NLO, as has been reported in [13, 39]. Further, we have acknowledged the importance of NLO calculations at the LHC in the Summary and Outlook, and discuss possibilities and challenges when extending Pepper towards NLO.
- Present validation at parton level in the new App. C. The appendix is referred to from the validation section. The new results show that the parton-level only data is also statistically compatible, directly comparing Pepper vs. Amegic without any further down-stream simulation steps.
- Add a second paragraph in the introduction of Sec. 5, to better define the scope of this work's performance studies, and refer to [32] for more technical studies.
- We have modified Sec. 3.1 to mention the possibility of dynamical scale choices. We have also noted that the strong coupling is also evaluated in parallel using the modified LHAPDF version.
- The fact that the scales can by evaluated dynamically is now also listed as step 5 of the new enumeration of the parallelized event generation steps in Sec. 3.3.
- We now refer to [39] in the Conclusions and Outlook, for a discussion and application for a multi-jet merged calculation. Therein, parton-level events by Pepper are read in by Sherpa, which perform the CKKW-type merging.
- Amend statement about a speed-up between our struct-of-arrays and array-of-structs layout when running on a CPU
- Add a dedicated study of struct-of-arrays and array-of-structs layout speeds on the CPU as App. D. Mention the main takeaways in the main text of Sec. 3.3, in order to keep the flow of the text intact.
- The event generation steps are now listed in Sec. 3.3. The question of what happens to events that do not pass phase-space cuts when evaluating many events in parallel is addressed below the list of steps.
- Clarify discussion of possible correlations between events.
- Add a short paragraph in the outlook discussing the precision requirements of our calculation, the issues that may arise from AI influences on hardware developments, and some approaches we are considering in addressing these concerns.
- Add a short discussion in the introduction about fully using HPC systems, which have a variety of architectures. Also, we highlight that providing a portable framework would enable the adoption of new more efficient hardware with minimal testing requirements.
- Clarify performance comparison discussion in second paragraph of Sec. 5.2.
- Add discussion points about merged samples and using GPU for one-loop matrix elements in the Summary and Outlook section, in the revised first and newly added second paragraph.

Current status:
Has been resubmitted

Reports on this Submission

Anonymous Report 2 on 2024-6-11 (Invited Report)

  • Cite as: Anonymous, Report on arXiv:2311.06198v3, delivered 2024-06-11, doi: 10.21468/SciPost.Report.9192


Thanks to the authors for updating their document taking into account both comments. This impressive paper should therefore be mostly ready for publication.

However, I would like to ask further clarification on a couple of points from my previous report.

1. Concerning the new Appendix D and Figure 10: As the author knows pretty well, a good usage of the hardware (M2 chip here) and a good memory layout, should lead to a factor of two speed up (speed-up of eight for the most modern HPC hardware). The authors do not observe such factor (either due to the memory layout, due to the code algorithm or to Kokkos itself or ...).

This weakens the "ecology" point of the paper, since it shows not fully efficient use of the hardware (but still better or on part to current used code). Additionally, if the issue is related to non-optimal memory layout, this should also impact GPU performance.

While fixing the issue might be too complicated for this paper, I think that that author should comment on this, on the probable cause and if they plan to fix it in the future.

2. Given the previous point, I want to reiterate, my previous request to see hardware reports showing how efficiently the hardware is used. While I understand that the authors do not want to do a technical paper, such information is crucial for the claim that portability is helping the environment. Those numbers can be provided as supplementary material online and might not even need to be formatted with text/... However, I will not block the publication if this is not provided.

3. The authors gave convincing argument about their strategy for their handling of the cuts but only as a reply to the referee. I think that the paper should include such arguments.

Requested changes

1. Comment on the fact that the code use poorly CPU+RAM paradigm (very minor)

2. Comment on why Appendix D seems to not use the CPU correctly and what are the reason/plan to fix it (or why you consider this reasonable).


Ask for minor revision

  • validity: -
  • significance: -
  • originality: -
  • clarity: -
  • formatting: -
  • grammar: -

Anonymous Report 1 on 2024-6-3 (Invited Report)


The authors have sufficiently addressed all my comments, and I can now recommend the paper for publication.


Publish (easily meets expectations and criteria for this Journal; among top 50%)

  • validity: -
  • significance: -
  • originality: -
  • clarity: -
  • formatting: -
  • grammar: -

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