SciPost Submission Page
Inclusive top cross sections in ATLAS
by Charlie Chen
Submission summary
Authors (as registered SciPost users): | Charlie Chen |
Submission information | |
Preprint Link: | (pdf) |
Date accepted: | 2024-12-19 |
Date submitted: | 2024-11-19 18:34 |
Submitted by: | Chen, Charlie |
Submitted to: | SciPost Physics Proceedings |
Proceedings issue: | The 17th International Workshop on Top Quark Physics (TOP2024) |
Ontological classification | |
Academic field: | Physics |
Specialties: |
Approach: | Experimental |
The ATLAS collaboration at the LHC has published inclusive cross-section measurements for the single-top and $t\overline{t}$ production modes at center-of-mass energies of $\sqrt{s} = 5.02, 8.16$, $13$, and $13.6$ TeV. Single-top measurements are conducted in the $t$-channel and $tW$ channel. In addition to the nominal cross-section measurements, various measurements of other interesting observables such as the $V_{tb}$ element of the Cabibbo Kobayashi Maskawa (CKM) quark-mixing matrix, the ratio of the inclusive cross-sections between $tq$ and $t\overline{q}$, the ratio of inclusive cross-sections between $t\overline{t}$ and $Z\rightarrow \ell\ell$, and the nuclear modification factor (defined as the ratio of the inclusive $t\overline{t}$ cross section in heavy-ion collisions to the inclusive $t\overline{t}$ cross-section in $pp$ collisions) are also reported. These results are compared to their corresponding SM predictions, calculated at (N)NLO in QCD. All results are in good agreement with SM predictions.
Current status:
Editorial decision:
For Journal SciPost Physics Proceedings: Publish
(status: Editorial decision fixed and (if required) accepted by authors)
Reports on this Submission
Dear editor, author,
thanks a lot to the author for furnishing these proceedings. I found them very clear and quite well written, but there are a few small mistakes and a few references missing. I recommend them to be published once the minor comments I suggest below are implemented.
Kind regards,
Your referee
Title: Inclusive top cross sections → Inclusive top [quark] cross sections
Abstract, 4th line: “nominal” is not necessarily the right word, suggest rephrasing
Abstract: 5th line: Vtb is not an observable. Suggest “other interesting parameters and observables”
Section 1, 1st paragraph: “and remains” → “and its study remains”
Section 1, 1st paragraph: of perturbative QCD at NNLO precision → suggest “up to NNLO precision” as some of the predictions shown are not NNLO
Section 3, 3rd paragraph: “calculated at NNLO as shown in Figure 1” → this is not correct, as Figure 1 shows NLO predictions
Section 2, 2nd paragraph: “Systematic uncertainties are included [...]” this sentence should go earlier when you describe the fit
Section 2, 3rd paragraph: please add a reference to the calculation of the SM prediction
Section 3, 1st paragraph: (with exactly one b-jet) => and exactly one b-jet
Equations (4) and (5): suggest breaking down the results in systematic and statistical uncertainties as for the other results
Equations (6) and (7): please add a reference to the calculation of the SM prediction
Equation (8): would it be possible to add a statement on the agreement of this measurement with the predictions?
Section 4, 1st paragraph: suggest rephrasing “special”, as all sqrt(s) values are equally special
Section 4, 1st paragraph: “This provides an independent test” → suggest rephrasing this, as some uncertainties may not be independent with respect to measurements at 13 TeV
Equations (12) and (13) would it be possible to add a statement on the agreement of this measurement with the predictions?
Section 7, 1st paragraph: at the NNLO level” → “up to NNLO level”
Section 7, 1st paragraph: “at the nominal center of mass energies” → suggest removing “nominal”, as one could argue the nominal is 13.6 or 14 TeV
Section 7, 1st paragraph: “An independent measurement” → suggest rewording “independent”
Ask for minor revision
Author: Charlie Chen on 2024-12-10 [id 5036]
(in reply to Report 1 on 2024-12-08)Dear Referee,
Thank you very much for your detailed reading of the document and your suggestions. I have implemented most of them and I am preparing to resubmit. I have a few comments in regards to some of your suggestions:
Many thanks again for your suggestions,
B. Chen
Anonymous on 2024-12-11 [id 5037]
(in reply to Charlie Chen on 2024-12-10 [id 5036])Dear Authors,
thanks a lot for your questions, I'm looking forward for the updated draft.
Kind regards, Your referee
Author: Charlie Chen on 2024-12-11 [id 5038]
(in reply to Anonymous Comment on 2024-12-11 [id 5037])Dear Referee,
Thanks for your reply, I've made the appropriate changes and I am preparing to upload a revised version.
B. Chen