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Approaching the Tsirelson bound with a Sagnac source of polarization-entangled photons

by Sandra Meraner, Robert J. Chapman, Stefan Frick, Robert Keil, Maximilian Prilmüller, Gregor Weihs

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Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Robert J. Chapman
Submission information
Preprint Link: scipost_202009_00021v2  (pdf)
Date accepted: 2021-01-22
Date submitted: 2021-01-13 07:14
Submitted by: Chapman, Robert J.
Submitted to: SciPost Physics
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • Quantum Physics
Approach: Experimental


High-fidelity polarization-entangled photons are a powerful resource for quantum communication, distributing entanglement and quantum teleportation. The Bell-CHSH inequality $S\leq2$ is violated by bipartite entanglement and only maximally entangled states can achieve $S=2\sqrt{2}$, the Tsirelson bound. Spontaneous parametric down-conversion sources can produce entangled photons with correlations close to the Tsirelson bound. Sagnac configurations offer intrinsic stability, compact footprint and high collection efficiency, however, there is often a trade off between source brightness and entanglement visibility. Here, we present a Sagnac polarization-entangled source with $2\sqrt{2}-S=\num{5.65(57)e-3}$, on-par with the highest $S$ parameters recorded, while generating and detecting $\SI[per-mode=symbol]{4660\pm70}{\pairs\per\second}\SI[per-mode=symbol]{}{\per\mW}$, which is a substantially higher brightness than previously reported for Sagnac sources and around two orders of magnitude brighter than for traditional cone sources with the highest $S$ parameters. Our source records $\num{0.9953(3)}$ concurrence and $\num{0.99743(14)}$ fidelity to an ideal Bell state. By studying systematic errors in Sagnac sources, we identify that the precision of the collection focal point inside the crystal plays the largest role in reducing the $S$ parameter in our experiment. We provide a pathway that could enable the highest $S$ parameter recorded with a Sagnac source to-date while maintaining very high brightness.

Author comments upon resubmission

Changes implemented as per the referees' comments.

Published as SciPost Phys. 10, 017 (2021)

Reports on this Submission

Anonymous Report 2 on 2021-1-14 (Invited Report)


I think the authors have adequately responded to my comments.

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Anonymous Report 1 on 2021-1-13 (Invited Report)


The authors have addressed the comments I made in a satisfactory way and added clarifications to the manuscript. Thanks a lot!

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  • significance: -
  • originality: -
  • clarity: -
  • formatting: -
  • grammar: -

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