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Dynamics of non-Hermitian Floquet Wannier-Stark system

by H. P. Zhang, K. L. Zhang, Z. Song

Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Hong Peng Zhang
Submission information
Preprint Link:  (pdf)
Date submitted: 2024-06-18 15:37
Submitted by: Zhang, Hong Peng
Submitted to: SciPost Physics Core
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • Condensed Matter Physics - Theory
  • Quantum Physics
Approaches: Theoretical, Computational


We study the dynamics of the non-Hermitian Floquet Wannier-Stark system in the framework of the tight-binding approximation, where the hopping strength is a periodic function of time with Floquet frequency $\omega$. It is shown that the energy level of the instantaneous Hamiltonian is still equally spaced and independent of time $t$ and the Hermiticity of the hopping term. In the case of off resonance, the dynamics are still periodic, while the occupied energy levels spread out at the resonance, exhibiting $t^z$ behavior. Analytic analysis and numerical simulation show that the level-spreading dynamics for real and complex hopping strengths exhibit distinct behaviors and are well described by the dynamical exponents $z=1$ and $z=1/2$, respectively.

Author comments upon resubmission

Referee's comments are valuable and constructive for revising and improving our paper. Following the those comments and suggestions, we have improved the manuscript. We hope the editor and referee will be satisfied with the revised version.

List of changes

1. Introduction
According to referee's comments and "Requested changes" many references related to Wannier-Stark ladder and Floquet engineering, including the ones by Andrey Kolovsky and co-workers, and by the Bloch and Goldman groups are added.

2. Model and Generalized Wannier-Stark Ladder
According to the referee's comments 5), references related to the experimental realization of complex hopping have been added.
According to referee's comments 1) and 2), a brief review of non-Hermitian quantum mechanics has been added.
In response to the referee's comment 3), additional explanations regarding the periodic nature of P(t) have been incorporated into the main text and the caption of Figure 2.

3. Bloch Oscillation in a Non-Hermitian System
In response to the referee's comment 1), additional explanations concerning the two types of probability and experimentally related observables have been added.

4. Floquet-Resonance Dynamics
In response to the referee's comment 5), additional explanations regarding the relationship between the hopping constant and the associated observables have been incorporated.

In response to the referee's comment, 20 new references have been added.

Current status:
In refereeing

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