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Title:  Out-of-equilibrium dynamics in 1D Bose gases
Author:  Maximilian Schemmer
As Contributor:   Maximilian Schemmer
Type: Ph.D.
Field: Physics
  • Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics - Experiment
Approach: Experimental
Degree granting institution:  Université Paris-Saclay
Supervisor(s): Isabelle Bouchoule
Defense date:  2019-03-22


This thesis contains several experimental studies centered around the dynamics of bosons in one dimension (1D). With the use of an atomchip setup we create very elongated trapping geometries for 87Rb. This leads to the freeze-out of two dimensions and the creation of a 1D gas with contact interactions, described the Lieb-Liniger model. The manuscript contains three independent experimental studies: The first one investigates the out-of-equilibrium dynamics after an interaction quench. We observe the time evolution of squeezed Bogoliubov modes and show that this dynamics continues on times which cannot be observed on the first order correlation function.The second study shows that three-body losses cool a 1D Bose gas in the quasi-condensate regime. This work is accompanied by a theoretical study, which predicts this cooling for j-body losses. The third study consists of the first experimental study of a new theory in integrable systems -- the Generalized HydroDynamics (GHD). We show that GHD is the only "simple" theory which correctly describes the experimental results.In particular, the Conventional HydroDynamics (CHD) approach fails to reproduce the experimental observation. In contrast to GHD, CHD does not take into account the integrability of the system.

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