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Muon Decay

W. Fetscher

SciPost Phys. Proc. 5, 006 (2021) · published 6 September 2021

Proceedings event

Review of Particle Physics at PSI


The decay of the muon has been studied at PSI with several precision measurements: The longitudinal polarization PL(E) with the muon decay parameters ξ′, ξ′′, the Time- Reversal Invariance (TRI) conserving transverse polarization PT1(E) with the muon de- cay parameters η, η′′, the TRI violating transverse polarization PT2(E), with α′/A, β′/A and the muon decay asymmetry with Pμξ. The detailed theoretical analysis of all mea- surements of normal and inverse muon decay has led for the first time to a lower limit |g V | > 0.960 ("V − A") and upper limits for nine other possible complex couplings, espe- cially the scalar coupling |g S | < 0.550 which had not been excluded before.

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