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Internet Policy Review: Benefitting Organization

FR flag [FR] France

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / French National Centre for Scientific Research  [CNRS]

Publications in Internet Policy Review associated to this Organization

Publication Publication date DOI PubFraction
Smart contracts
by Primavera De Filippi, Chris Wray, Giovanni Sileno
Internet Policy Review  Vol. 10  (2)
2021-04-20 10.14763/2021.2.1549 0.334
by Primavera De Filippi, Ori Shimony, Antonio Tenorio-Fornés
Internet Policy Review  Vol. 10  (2)
2021-04-19 10.14763/2021.2.1547 0.500
Digital commons
by Mélanie Dulong de Rosnay, Felix Stalder
Internet Policy Review  Vol. 9  (4)
2020-12-17 10.14763/2020.4.1530 0.500
Gaps and bumps in the political history of the internet
by Félix Tréguer
Internet Policy Review  Vol. 6  (4)
2017-10-18 10.14763/2017.4.714 1.000
Communication and internet policy: a critical rights-based history and future
by Aphra Kerr, Francesca Musiani, Julia Pohle
Internet Policy Review  Vol. 8  (1)
2019-03-31 10.14763/2019.1.1395 0.333
Public artworks and the freedom of panorama controversy: a case of Wikimedia influence
by Mélanie Dulong de Rosnay, Pierre-Carl Langlais
Internet Policy Review  Vol. 6  (1)
2017-02-16 10.14763/2017.1.447 0.500
Doing internet governance: practices, controversies, infrastructures, and institutions
by Dmitry Epstein, Christian Katzenbach, Francesca Musiani
Internet Policy Review  Vol. 5  (3)
2016-09-30 10.14763/2016.3.435 0.333
The invisible politics of Bitcoin: governance crisis of a decentralised infrastructure
by Primavera De Filippi, Benjamin Loveluck
Internet Policy Review  Vol. 5  (3)
2016-09-30 10.14763/2016.3.427 0.250
Bitcoin: a regulatory nightmare to a libertarian dream
by Primavera De Filippi
Internet Policy Review  Vol. 3  (2)
2014-05-23 10.14763/2014.2.286 1.000
Big data, big responsibilities
by Primavera De Filippi
Internet Policy Review  Vol. 3  (1)
2014-01-13 10.14763/2014.1.227 1.000
Flawed cloud architectures and the rise of decentral alternatives
by Primavera De Filippi
Internet Policy Review  Vol. 2  (4)
2013-11-01 10.14763/2013.4.212 1.000
Growing information asymmetries as the cloud spreads
by Primavera De Filippi
Internet Policy Review  Vol. 2  (3)
2013-08-22 10.14763/2013.3.192 1.000
Cloud computing: analysing the trade-off between user comfort and autonomy
by Primavera De Filippi
Internet Policy Review  Vol. 2  (2)
2013-06-13 10.14763/2013.2.135 1.000
Taxing the cloud: introducing a new taxation system on data collection?
by Primavera De Filippi
Internet Policy Review  Vol. 2  (2)
2013-05-01 10.14763/2013.2.124 1.000
Foreign clouds in the European sky: how US laws affect the privacy of Europeans
by Primavera De Filippi
Internet Policy Review  Vol. 2  (1)
2013-03-19 10.14763/2013.1.113 1.000
Visibility layers: a framework for systematising the gender gap in Wikipedia content
by Pablo Beytía, Claudia Wagner
Internet Policy Review  Vol. 11  (1)
2022-03-22 10.14763/2022.1.1623 0.250

Support history

Year Amount
No subsidies found

Balance of expenditures versus support received

Year Nr publications Pubfractions Unit cost Expenditure Subsidies Balance (€)
Cumulative -4399
2022 1 0.250 400 100 0 -100
2021 2 0.834 400 333 0 -333
2020 1 0.500 400 200 0 -200
2019 1 0.333 400 133 0 -133
2018 0 0 400 0 0 0
2017 2 1.500 400 600 0 -600
2016 2 0.583 400 233 0 -233
2015 0 0 400 0 0 0
2014 2 2.000 400 800 0 -800
2013 5 5.000 400 2000 0 -2000