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Publications in Affiliate Journal: Internet Policy Review

Publication Publication date DOI
Do as the Swedes do? Internet policy and regulation in Sweden – a snapshot
by Merlin Münch
Internet Policy Review  Vol. 2  (2)
2013-05-10 10.14763/2013.2.127
Taxing the cloud: introducing a new taxation system on data collection?
by Primavera De Filippi
Internet Policy Review  Vol. 2  (2)
2013-05-01 10.14763/2013.2.124
Internet filtering trends in liberal democracies: French and German regulatory debates
by Joss Wright, Yana Breindl
Internet Policy Review  Vol. 2  (2)
2013-04-26 10.14763/2013.2.122
WSIS+10: the self-praising feast of multi-stakeholderism in internet governance
by Francesca Musiani
Internet Policy Review  Vol. 2  (2)
2013-04-12 10.14763/2013.2.121
Cloud-friendly regulation: The EU’s strategy towards emerging economies
by Osvaldo Saldias
Internet Policy Review  Vol. 2  (2)
2013-04-04 10.14763/2013.2.119
Foreign clouds in the European sky: how US laws affect the privacy of Europeans
by Primavera De Filippi
Internet Policy Review  Vol. 2  (1)
2013-03-19 10.14763/2013.1.113
Dangerous Liaisons? Governments, companies and Internet governance
by Francesca Musiani
Internet Policy Review  Vol. 2  (1)
2013-02-18 10.14763/2013.1.108
Online privacy concerns and legal assurance: A user perspective
by Hanna Krasnova, Paula Kift
Internet Policy Review  Vol. 2  (1)
2013-02-05 10.14763/2013.1.107
Consent under pressure and the Right to Informational Self-Determination
by Julian Staben
Internet Policy Review  Vol. 1  (4)
2012-12-17 10.14763/2012.4.265
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