Dr Schilling: "> The authors have made signif..."
in Submissions | report on Deriving density-matrix functionals for excited states
Dr Ulrich: "We would like to thank the ref..."
in Submissions | report on Lepton pair production at NNLO in QED with EW effects
Dr Ulrich: "We would like to thank the ref..."
in Submissions | report on Lepton pair production at NNLO in QED with EW effects
Dr Ulrich: "We would like to thank the ref..."
in Submissions | report on Lepton pair production at NNLO in QED with EW effects
Anonymous: "I am happy with the answers an..."
in Comments | comment on Quantum computation with cat qubits
Dr Borsato: "We thank the referee for the d..."
in Submissions | report on All Jordanian deformations of the AdS5 $\times$ S5 superstring
Dr Borsato: "We thank the referee for the c..."
in Submissions | report on All Jordanian deformations of the AdS5 $\times$ S5 superstring
Dr Ding: "Reply to Referee 2(Aleix Gimen..."
in Submissions | report on Special Transition and Extraordinary Phase on the Surface of a Two-Dimensional Quantum Heisenberg Antiferromagnet