Anonymous: ""Passing from one oblique conf..."
in Comments | comment on Theory of oblique topological insulators
Anonymous: "Thank you for the reply. From..."
in Comments | comment on Cosmic ray interactions in the atmosphere: QGSJET-III and other models
Dr Di Pietro: "Dear referee, thank you fo..."
in Submissions | report on Factorization and global symmetries in holography
Anonymous: "The periodicity of m is more m..."
in Comments | comment on Theory of oblique topological insulators
Prof. Margiotta: "Many thanks for your comments...."
in Submissions | report on The KM3NeT infrastructure: status and first results
Prof. Wu: "We thank the referee very much..."
in Submissions | report on Fermionic Bogomolnyi-Prasad-Sommerfield Wilson loops in four-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=2$ superconformal gauge theories