Prof. Akhmerov: "We are happy that the referee ..."
in Submissions | report on Lack of near-sightedness principle in non-Hermitian systems
Dr Sun: "We thank the referee for their..."
in Submissions | report on Topological linear response of hyperbolic Chern insulators
Anonymous: "Thank you for pointing this o..."
in Comments | comment on Generative Learning of Continuous Data by Tensor Networks
Dr Chen: "Reply to Report 3: We appre..."
in Submissions | report on Generative Learning of Continuous Data by Tensor Networks
Dr Chen: "Reply to Report 2: Thank yo..."
in Submissions | report on Generative Learning of Continuous Data by Tensor Networks
Dr Chen: "Reply to Report 1: We thank..."
in Submissions | report on Generative Learning of Continuous Data by Tensor Networks
Prof. Wang: "We thank the referee for a hig..."
in Submissions | report on Building 1D lattice models with $G$-graded fusion category
Prof. Wang: "We thank the referee for a hig..."
in Submissions | report on Building 1D lattice models with $G$-graded fusion category
Prof. Allen: "We thank the referee for these..."
in Submissions | report on Population genetics: an introduction for physicists
Prof. Castro: "(reply in attachment)"
in Submissions | report on Floquet engineering of quantum thermal machines: A gradient-based procedure to optimize their performance