Mr Vadali: "We want to thank the referee f..."
in Submissions | report on Composite subsystem symmetries and decoration of sub-dimensional excitations
Dr Tsiares: "Dear referee, Thank you for..."
in Submissions | report on On the Virasoro fusion kernel at $c=25$
Mr Kip: "We thank the referee for their..."
in Submissions | report on The Higgs Mechanism with Diagrams: a didactic approach
Anonymous: "While implementing these chang..."
in Comments | comment on RG flows in de Sitter: c-functions and sum rules
Anonymous: "Referee: Dear Authors and Edi..."
in Submissions | submission on Timescales of quantum and classical chaotic spin models evolving toward equilibrium by Fausto Borgonovi, Felix M Izrailev, Lea F Santos
Dr Scyboz: "We thank the referee for their..."
in Submissions | report on Effective Field Theory descriptions of Higgs boson pair production
Dr Akers: "This review seems to be of a d..."
in Submissions | report on Background independent tensor networks
Mr Vadali: "We want to thank the referee f..."
in Submissions | report on Composite subsystem symmetries and decoration of sub-dimensional excitations