Mr Goihl: "Dear reviewer, Dear readers, ..."
in Submissions | submission on Edge mode locality in perturbed symmetry protected topological order by Marcel Goihl, Christian Krumnow, Marek Gluza, Jens Eisert, Nicolas Tarantino
Dr van Wezel: "Please note that the atomic st..."
in Commentaries | commentary on Chirality and orbital order in charge density waves by Jasper van Wezel
Anonymous: "I thank the authors for their ..."
in Comments | comment on Conformal field theory on top of a breathing one-dimensional gas of hard core bosons
Anonymous: "This is very interesting work ..."
in Submissions | submission on Diffusion in generalized hydrodynamics and quasiparticle scattering by Jacopo De Nardis, Denis Bernard, Benjamin Doyon
Dr Herrmann: "We would like to thank the Ref..."
in Submissions | report on First steps towards the reconstruction of the squark flavour structure
Prof. Rocca: "The referee wrote a very poor ..."
in Submissions | report on A rigorous calculation of the Feynman and Wheeler Scalar Fields propagators in the ADS / CFT correspondence using distribution theory