Anonymous: "1) That the mean-field equatio..."
in Submissions | submission on Conservation of angular momentum in Bose-Einstein condensates requires many-body theory by Kaspar Sakmann, Jörg Schmiedmayer
Prof. Obers: "We thank the referees for thei..."
in Submissions | report on Hydrodynamic Modes of Homogeneous and Isotropic Fluids
Anonymous: "The authors answered all my qu..."
in Submissions | submission on Generating dense packings of hard spheres by soft interaction design by Thibaud Maimbourg, Mauro Sellitto, Guilhem Semerjian, Francesco Zamponi
Ms Biekoetter: "Dear referee, Thank you fo..."
in Submissions | report on Tagging Jets in Invisible Higgs Searches
Prof. Plehn: "1) page 2, 3rd paragraph, last..."
in Submissions | report on Deep-learned Top Tagging with a Lorentz Layer
Prof. Plehn: "First of all, we would like to..."
in Submissions | report on Deep-learned Top Tagging with a Lorentz Layer
Dr Bernand-Mantel: "This is a reply to the anonymo..."
in Comments | comment on The skyrmion-bubble transition in a ferromagnetic thin film
Dr Keppeler: "Thank you very much for the de..."
in Submissions | report on Birdtracks for SU(N)
Anonymous: "We thank the referee for the c..."
in Submissions | report on Illuminating the photon content of the proton within a global PDF analysis
Mr Brun: "We are grateful to the referee..."
in Submissions | report on The Inhomogeneous Gaussian Free Field, with application to ground state correlations of trapped 1d Bose gases