Mrs Chen-Lin: "Here I thank the referee for t..."
in Submissions | report on Symmetric Wilson Loops beyond leading order
Mrs Chen-Lin: "First, let me thank the refere..."
in Submissions | report on Symmetric Wilson Loops beyond leading order
Dr Quinn: "The listed weaknesses 2) and 3..."
in Submissions | report on Hidden structure in the excitation spectra of strongly correlated electrons
Dr Ponsaing: "Thank you for your kind commen..."
in Submissions | report on Finite-size corrections for universal boundary entropy in bond percolation
Dr Roscilde: "We would like thank the Refere..."
in Submissions | report on Detecting a many-body mobility edge with quantum quenches
Dr Roscilde: "We thank the Referee for the p..."
in Submissions | report on Detecting a many-body mobility edge with quantum quenches
Dr Weinberg: "Hello, Thanks for taking th..."
in Submissions | report on QuSpin: a Python Package for Dynamics and Exact Diagonalisation of Quantum Many Body Systems part I: spin chains