Mr Herr: "Dear Editor, We are gratefu..."
in Submissions | submission on Assessment of Quantum Annealing for the Construction of Satisfiability Filters by Marlon Azinović, Daniel Herr, Ethan Brown, Matthias Troyer
Dr Ribault: "Actually, generic $q$-deformed..."
in Comments | comment on Quantum q-Langlands Correspondence
Dr Castro-Alvaredo: "Answer to Referee Reports I..."
in Submissions | report on Massive Corrections to Entanglement in Minimal E8 Toda Field Theory
Dr Ribault: "How interesting is this articl..."
in Commentaries | commentary on Quantum q-Langlands Correspondence by Mina Aganagic, Edward Frenkel, Andrei Okounkov
Dr Hansen: "I have attached my reply to th..."
in Submissions | report on Multiscale response of ionic systems to a spatially varying electric field