Dr Garcia Valdecasas: "We thank the referee for the p..."
in Submissions | report on Spontaneously Broken $\bm{(-1)}$-Form U(1) Symmetries
Dr Garcia Valdecasas: "We thank the referee for the r..."
in Submissions | report on Spontaneously Broken $\bm{(-1)}$-Form U(1) Symmetries
Dr Garcia Valdecasas: "Thanks for the careful report...."
in Submissions | report on Spontaneously Broken $\bm{(-1)}$-Form U(1) Symmetries
Prof. Kheruntsyan: "We thank Referee 2 for thoroug..."
in Submissions | report on Analytic thermodynamic properties of the Lieb-Liniger gas
Prof. Kheruntsyan: "We are grateful to our Referee..."
in Submissions | report on Analytic thermodynamic properties of the Lieb-Liniger gas
Dr Dillon: "We would like to thank the ref..."
in Submissions | report on Anomalies, Representations, and Self-Supervision
Dr Knakkergaard Nielsen: "Dear Referee, Thank you fo..."
in Submissions | report on Localized dopant motion across the 2D Ising phase transition