Mr Ahmadi: "Requested changes Questions/r..."
in Submissions | report on Quantifying non-stabilizerness efficiently via information scrambling
Mr Ahmadi: "We thank the referee for their..."
in Submissions | report on Quantifying non-stabilizerness efficiently via information scrambling
Dr Wang: "## List of Changes - In the r..."
in Submissions | report on Self-bound droplets in quasi-two-dimensional dipolar condensates
Dr Haisch: "\section*{Report of the refere..."
in Submissions | report on LHC tau-pair production constraints on $a_\tau$ and $d_\tau$
Dr Scarlatella: "We thank the Referee for their..."
in Submissions | report on Self-consistent dynamical maps for open quantum systems
Dr Scarlatella: "We thank the Referee for their..."
in Submissions | report on Self-consistent dynamical maps for open quantum systems
Dr Attaccalite: "Dear authors Your manuscrip..."
in Submissions | submission on Semiconductor Electron-Phonon Equations: a Rung Above Boltzmann in the Many-Body Ladder by Gianluca Stefanucci, Enrico Perfetto
Mr Ahmadi: "Requested changes (A) As de..."
in Submissions | report on Quantifying non-stabilizerness efficiently via information scrambling