Mrs Elmer: "We thank the referee for the c..."
in Submissions | report on To Profile or To Marginalise -- A SMEFT Case Study
Mrs Elmer: "We thank the referee for the c..."
in Submissions | report on To Profile or To Marginalise -- A SMEFT Case Study
Mrs Elmer: "We thank the referee for the c..."
in Submissions | report on To Profile or To Marginalise -- A SMEFT Case Study
Prof. Lan: "We thank the referee for the p..."
in Submissions | report on Quantum Current and Holographic Categorical Symmetry
Mr De Santis: "Authors: We are grateful to th..."
in Submissions | report on Heat-transfer fingerprint of Josephson breathers
Dr Firat: "We thank referee for their tim..."
in Submissions | report on Open string stub as an auxiliary string field
Mr Feng: "We thank the referee for the c..."
in Submissions | report on Decoding stringy near-supersymmetric black holes
Mr Feng: "We thank the referee for the c..."
in Submissions | report on Decoding stringy near-supersymmetric black holes
Prof. Kurchan: "Reply to the referees' reports..."
in Submissions | report on Fisher zeroes and the fluctuations of the spectral form factor of chaotic systems