R. Johanna Zijderveld, A. Mert Bozkurt, Michael Wimmer, İnanç Adagideli
SciPost Phys. 17, 147 (2024) ·
published 28 November 2024
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We demonstrate that the classical dynamics influence the localization behaviour of Majorana wavefunctions in Majorana billiards. By using a connection between Majorana wavefunctions and eigenfunctions of a normal state Hamiltonian, we show that Majorana wavefunctions in both p-wave and s-wave topological superconductors inherit the properties of the underlying normal state eigenfunctions. As an example, we demonstrate that Majorana wavefunctions in topological superconductors with chaotic shapes feature quantum scarring. Furthermore, we show a way to manipulate a localized Majorana wavefunction by altering the underlying classical dynamics using a local potential away from the localization region. Finally, in the presence of chiral symmetry breaking, we find that the Majorana wavefunction in convex-shaped Majorana billiards exhibits caustics formation, reminiscent of a normal state system with magnetic field.
Fahriye N. Gürsoy, P. Reck, C. Gorini, K. Richter, I. Adagideli
SciPost Phys. 14, 060 (2023) ·
published 4 April 2023
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Spin-orbit interaction (SOI) has been a key tool to steer and manipulate spin-dependent transport properties in two-dimensional electron gases. Here we demonstrate how spin currents can be created and efficiently read out in nano- or mesoscale conductors with time-dependent and spatially inhomogeneous Rashba SOI. Invoking an underlying non-Abelian SU(2) gauge structure we show how time-periodic spin-orbit fields give rise to spin electric forces and enable the generation of pure spin currents of the order of several hundred nano-Amperes. In a complementary way, by combining gauge transformations with "hidden" Onsager relations, we exploit spatially inhomogeneous Rashba SOI to convert spin currents (back) into charge currents. In combining both concepts, we devise a spin transistor that integrates efficient spin current generation, by employing dynamical SOI, with its experimentally feasible detection via conversion into charge signals. We derive general expressions for the respective spin- and charge conductance, covering large parameter regimes of SOI strength and driving frequencies, far beyond usual adiabatic approaches such as the frozen scattering matrix approximation. We check our analytical expressions and approximations with full numerical spin-dependent transport simulations and demonstrate that the predictions hold true in a wide range from low to high driving frequencies.
İnanç Adagideli, Fabian Hassler, Aurélien Grabsch, Michał Pacholski, Carlo W. J. Beenakker
SciPost Phys. 8, 013 (2020) ·
published 29 January 2020
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A $\boldsymbol{2\pi}$ phase shift across a Josephson junction in a topological superconductor injects vortices into the chiral edge modes at opposite ends of the junction. When two vortices are fused they transfer charge into a metal contact. We calculate the time dependent current profile for the fusion process, which consists of $\boldsymbol{\pm e/2}$ charge pulses that flip sign if the world lines of the vortices are braided prior to the fusion. This is an electrical signature of the non-Abelian exchange of Majorana zero-modes.
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