SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 149 (2022) ·
published 14 July 2022
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High precision measurements of the polarized electron beam-spin asymmetry in SIDIS from the proton have been performed using a 10.6 GeV incident electron beam and the CLAS12 spectrometer at Jefferson Lab. The proceeding reports a multidimensional study of the structure function ratio $F^{sin\phi}_{LU}/F_{UU}$ extracted from single pion ($\pi^{+}$, $\pi^{-}$, $\pi^{0}$) SIDIS data over a large kinematic range in $z$, $x_{B}$, $P_{T}$ and virtualities $Q^{2}$ ranging from 1~GeV$^2$ up to 7~GeV$^2$. $F^{sin\phi}_{LU}$ is a twist-3 quantity that can reveal novel properties of quark-gluon correlations within the nucleon.
SciPost Phys. Proc. 8, 066 (2022) ·
published 12 July 2022
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Hard exclusive $\pi^{+}$n electro-production can be used to gain access to the 3D nucleon structure. The QCD factorisation mechanism in the "nearly forward region" ($t/Q^{2}$ small) allows a description by Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs), while for the "nearly backward" kinematic region ($u/Q^{2}$ small) a description based on nucleon to pion transitions (TDAs) is available. The paper presents a measurement of single beam spin asymmetries to extract the $A^{\sin\phi}_{LU}$ moments and the related cross section ratio $\sigma_{LT^\prime}/\sigma_{0}$ from the hard exclusive $\pi^{+}$ channel off the unpolarized hydrogen target in a wide range of kinematics based on data taken with the CLAS spectrometer at Jefferson Lab. In addition, under forward angles a detailed multidimensional study will be presented based on CLAS12 data and compared to theoretical predictions.