SciPost Phys. 12, 180 (2022) ·
published 1 June 2022
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By using variational quantum Monte Carlo techniques, we investigate the instauration of stripes (i.e., charge and spin inhomogeneities) in the Hubbard model on the square lattice at hole doping $\delta=1/8$, with both nearest- ($t$) and next-nearest-neighbor hopping ($t^\prime$). Stripes with different wavelengths $\lambda$ (denoting the periodicity of the charge inhomogeneity) and character (bond- or site-centered) are stabilized for sufficiently large values of the electron-electron interaction $U/t$. The general trend is that $\lambda$ increases going from negative to positive values of $t^\prime/t$ and decreases by increasing $U/t$. In particular, the $\lambda=8$ stripe obtained for $t^\prime=0$ and $U/t=8$ [L.F. Tocchio, A. Montorsi, and F. Becca, SciPost Phys. 7, 21 (2019)] shrinks to $\lambda=6$ for $U/t\gtrsim 10$. For $t^\prime/t<0$, the stripe with $\lambda=5$ is found to be remarkably stable, while for $t^\prime/t>0$, stripes with wavelength $\lambda=12$ and $\lambda=16$ are also obtained. In all these cases, pair-pair correlations are highly suppressed with respect to the uniform state (obtained for large values of $|t^\prime/t|$), suggesting that striped states are not superconducting at $\delta=1/8$.