News Item
CERN and SciPost to collaborate on Open Access innovation
20 December 2017
Significant news from the high-energy physics community: CERN and SciPost have just signed an agreement to collaborate to foster innovation in Open Access publishing.
CERN and its partners have long been a significant driving force in providing their community with infrastructures to publish and retrieve information, in particular through the SCOAP3 and INSPIRE initiatives. It is exactly in the same community-driven spirit that SciPost was founded and is currently being developed.
Thanks to this agreement, CERN will cover all SciPost expenses in publishing Open Access (under a CC-BY license) any articles from CERN-affiliated authors which successfully pass SciPost’s strict “peer-witnessed” refereeing process. CERN and SciPost will also cooperate to facilitate article discovery and linking within the existing INSPIRE infrastructure. Furthermore, CERN and SciPost will regularly collaborate in all areas relating to Open Access publishing, business models, technology and policy.
CERN thereby joins the growing list of research institutions and universities which support SciPost through its Supporting Partners Board.
SciPost looks forward to a bright future at the service of the high-energy community, and in good CERN company.