News Item
First Select label given to a SciPost Physics article
21 July 2018

"Phases of adjoint QCD3 and dualities" by Jaume Gomis, Zohar Komargodski and Nathan Seiberg is the first SciPost Physics article to receive the Select label.
This is an exploration of the phase diagram of three-dimensional gauge theory, both for large and
small fermion masses. It is particularly tricky to obtain the phase diagrams for small masses, where
quantum effects start to dominate. By applying general considerations of symmetries, anomalies
and renormalisation group flows, the authors identified a hidden “quantum phase” in between the
two semi-classical phase regions. This leads to the existence of certain dualities, for which the authors provide compelling evidence. Using a Chern-Simons term coupled to an adjoint Majorana fermion, the
authors are able to successfully create a convincing phase diagram for three-dimensional gauge