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Vladimir Bashmakov et al. receive the Select label

15 April 2019 

"Living on the walls of super-QCD" by Vladimir Bashmakov, Francesco Benini, Sergio Benvenuti, Matteo Bertolini has received the Select label. Warm congratulations to the authors!

This excellently written paper concerns the 3d theory that lives on
the domain walls of SQCD with less flavors than colors. It contains
nice insights into the interplay between 4d bulk physics and 3d
worldvolume domain walls physics. In particular, the authors propose a
class of three-dimensional Chern-Simons-matter theories to describe
the effective dynamics on the walls. Moreover, they present several
interesting results in the topic, including successful non-trivial
cross-checks of their proposal. In addition, they also provide a
review section that clarifies their presentation. Overall, these
results will be useful in future explorations of 3d non-supersymmetric
QFTs and their connections to 4d physics.

Ful article