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This page lists Organizations which have benefitted from SciPost's publishing activities.

Organizations are linked through appearing in a publication's author affiliations, grant-giving agencies or explicit support acknowledgements.

For each Organization, the NAP (number of associated publications) is given (you can order in decreasing/increasing NAP using the header arrows).

Click on a row to see more details about the Organization, including per-year breakdowns of:

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Country Name  [acronym] NAP
SciPost sponsor?
DE flag [DE]  Germany Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden / Dresden University of Fine Arts  [HfBK Dresden]

Parent: Consortium of Saxon university libraries

0 Not yet
DE flag [DE]  Germany Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig / Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig  [HGB]

Parent: Consortium of Saxon university libraries

0 Not yet
DE flag [DE]  Germany Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden / Palucca University of Dance Dresden  

Parent: Consortium of Saxon university libraries

0 Not yet
DE flag [DE]  Germany Evangelische Hochschule Dresden / University of Applied Sciences for Social Work, Education and Nursing Dresden  [EHD]

Parent: Consortium of Saxon university libraries

0 Not yet
DE flag [DE]  Germany Berufsakademie Sachsen / Berufsakademie Sachsen  [BA Sachsen]

Parent: Consortium of Saxon university libraries

0 Not yet
DE flag [DE]  Germany Beratung für Informationssysteme und Systemintegration   1 Not yet
DE flag [DE]  Germany Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life, TU Dresden  [PoL] 1 Not yet
DE flag [DE]  Germany Hertie School / Hertie School   0 Not yet
DE flag [DE]  Germany Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen / Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits  [IIS] 2 Not yet
DK flag [DK]  Denmark Det Frie Forskningsråd / Danish Council for Independent Research  [DFF] 8 Not yet
DK flag [DK]  Denmark Danmarks Grundforskningsfond / Danish National Research Foundation  [DNRF] 11 Not yet
DK flag [DK]  Denmark Roskilde Universitet / Roskilde University  [RUC] 4 Not yet
DK flag [DK]  Denmark Københavns Universitet / University of Copenhagen  [UCPH]

Parent of: Niels Bohr Institute

38 Not yet
DK flag [DK]  Denmark Villum Fonden / Velux Foundation   21 Not yet
DK flag [DK]  Denmark Danish Open Access Indicator   0 Not yet
DK flag [DK]  Denmark Aarhus Universitet / Aarhus University  [AU] 5 Not yet
DK flag [DK]  Denmark Aalborg Universitet / Aalborg University  [AAU] 0 Not yet
DK flag [DK]  Denmark Syddansk Universitet / University of Southern Denmark  [SDU] 0 Not yet
DK flag [DK]  Denmark Danmarks Tekniske Universitet / Technical University of Denmark  [DTU] 1 Not yet
DK flag [DK]  Denmark Niels Bohr Institute  [NBI]

Parent: University of Copenhagen

27 Not yet
DK flag [DK]  Denmark QuantumWise (Denmark)   0 Not yet
DK flag [DK]  Denmark Carlsbergfondet / Carlsberg Foundation   3 Not yet
DK flag [DK]  Denmark Institut for Menneskerettigheder / Danish Institute for Human Rights  [DIHR] 0 Not yet
DK flag [DK]  Denmark Copenhagen Business School  [CBS] 0 Not yet
DK flag [DK]  Denmark Det Kongelige Bibliotek / Royal Library   0 Yes, past
DZ flag [DZ]  Algeria Laboratoire de Physique des Particules et Physique Statistique   1 Not yet
EC flag [EC]  Ecuador Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación  [SENESCYT] 1 Not yet
EC flag [EC]  Ecuador Universidad de Las Américas (Quito)  [UDLA] 0 Not yet
EC flag [EC]  Ecuador Universidad San Francisco de Quito  [USFQ] 1 Not yet
EE flag [EE]  Estonia Tallinna Ülikool / Tallinn University  [TLÜ] 0 Not yet
EE flag [EE]  Estonia Tartu Ülikool / University of Tartu  [UT] 0 Not yet
EG flag [EG]  Egypt جامعة القاهرة / Cairo University   1 Not yet
EG flag [EG]  Egypt جامعة طنطا / Tanta University   0 Not yet
ES flag [ES]  Spain Universidad Autónoma de Madrid / Autonomous University of Madrid  [UAM]

Parent of: Institute for Theoretical Physics

20 Not yet
ES flag [ES]  Spain Centro de Física de Materiales / Center for Materials Physics  [CFM]

Parent: Spanish National Research Council

5 Not yet
ES flag [ES]  Spain Donostia International Physics Center  [DIPC]

Parent: University of the Basque Country

13 Yes, current
ES flag [ES]  Spain Fundació Privada Cellex   6 Not yet
ES flag [ES]  Spain Generalitat Valenciana   15 Not yet
ES flag [ES]  Spain Generalitat de Catalunya / Government of Catalonia   32 Not yet
ES flag [ES]  Spain Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats  [ICREA]

Superseded by Government of Catalonia

8 Not yet
ES flag [ES]  Spain Institut de Ciències Fotòniques / Institute of Photonic Sciences  [ICFO]

Parent: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Superseded by Government of Catalonia

12 Not yet
ES flag [ES]  Spain Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad / Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness  [MINECO] 63 Not yet
ES flag [ES]  Spain Ministerio de Educación y Cultura - España / Ministry of Education and Culture - Spain  [MEC Spain]

Superseded by Ministry of science, innovation and universities

17 Not yet
ES flag [ES]  Spain Ministerio de ciencia, innovacion y universidades / Ministry of science, innovation and universities   0 Not yet
ES flag [ES]  Spain Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas / Spanish National Research Council  [CSIC]

Parent of: Center for Materials Physics,  Institute for Corpuscular Physics,  Institute for the Structure of Matter,  Institute of Mathematical Sciences

26 Yes, current
ES flag [ES]  Spain Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya  [UPC]

Parent of: Institute of Photonic Sciences

27 Not yet
ES flag [ES]  Spain Universitat d'Alacant / University of Alicante  [UA] 1 Not yet
ES flag [ES]  Spain Universitat de Barcelona / University of Barcelona  [UB]

Parent of: Barcelona Supercomputing Center,  Institute of Cosmos Sciences, University of Barcelona

16 Not yet
ES flag [ES]  Spain Universitat de València / University of Valencia  [UV] 14 Not yet
ES flag [ES]  Spain Universidad de Oviedo / University of Oviedo   5 Not yet
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