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Aichhorn | Prof. | Markus | University of Technology Graz | Austria |
Akhmerov | Dr | Anton | TU Delft | Netherlands |
Alba | Dr | Vincenzo | SISSA | Italy |
Albert | Dr | Victor V. | Caltech | United States of America |
Allan | Dr | Milan | Leiden University | Netherlands |
Ardonne | Dr | Eddy | Stockholm University | Sweden |
Armitage | Prof. | N. Peter | The Johns Hopkins University | United States of America |
Attaccalite | Dr | Claudio | CNRS/ CINaM Aix-Marseille Université | France |
Bailey | Dr | Nicholas | Roskilde University | Denmark |
Bar Lev | Dr | Yevgeny | Weizmann | Israel |
Behnia | Prof. | Kamran | ESPCI & CNRS | France |
Belzig | Prof. | Wolfgang | University of Konstanz | Germany |
Bernand-Mantel | Dr | Anne | Institut Néel-CNRS | France |
Bernard | Prof. | Denis | CNRS & Laboratoire de physique théorique de l'ENS-Paris | France |
Bouma | Mr | Tobias | Production Officer | Netherlands |
Bradley | Dr | Ashton | University of Otago | New Zealand |
Brand | Prof. | Joachim | Massey University | New Zealand |
Brun | Mr | Yannis | Statistical Physics Group - Université de Lorraine | France |
Bruognolo | Dr | Benedikt | LMU Munich | Germany |
Bruschi | Dr | David | University of Vienna | Austria |
Campisi | Prof. | Michele | University of Florence | Italy |
Carvalho | Dr | Patricia | SINTEF, Materials Physics, Oslo | Norway |
Caux | Prof. | Jean-Sébastien | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
Claeys | Mr | Pieter | Ghent University | Belgium |
Covaci | Dr | Lucian | Universiteit Antwerpen | Belgium |
Cremonesi | Dr | Stefano | Durham University | United Kingdom |
Dalla Torre | Dr | Emanuele | Bar-Ilan University | Israel |
Das | Prof. | Arnab | Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science | India |
De Nardis | Dr | Jacopo | École normale supérieure | France |
Delacrétaz | Mr | Luca | Stanford | United States of America |
Devakul | Mr | Trithep | Princeton University | United States of America |
Ding | Dr | Wenxin | University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kavli Institute of Theorectical Sciences | China |
Donker | Mr | Hylke | Radboud University Nijmegen | Netherlands |
Doyon | Dr | Benjamin | King's College London | United Kingdom |
Dubail | Dr | Jerome | CNRS | France |
Eisler | Dr | Viktor | TU Graz | Austria |
Essafi | Dr | Karim | LPTMC UMR 7600, CNRS | France |
Facoetti | Mr | Davide | King's College London | United Kingdom |
Felbacq | Prof. | Didier | L2C, University of Montpellier, CNRS | France |
Friedemann | Dr | Sven | University of Bristol | United Kingdom |
Ganeshan | Prof. | Sriram | City College of New York CUNY | United States of America |
Gendiar | Dr | Andrej | Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences | Slovakia |
Gogolin | Dr | Christian | ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences | Spain |
Gratus | Dr | Jonathan | Lancaster University | United Kingdom |
Greitemann | Mr | Jonas | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | Germany |
Grenet | Dr | Thierry | CNRS | France |
Guica | Dr | Monica | IPhT, CEA Saclay | France |
Hubig | Dr | Claudius | Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik | Germany |
Hélein | Prof. | Frédéric | Université Paris Diderot | France |
Jackeli | Dr | George | University of Stuttgart | Germany |
James | Dr | Andrew | University College London | United Kingdom |
Jochym | Dr | Paweł | Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN | Poland |
Keppeler | Dr | Stefan | Fachbereich Mathematik, Universität Tübingen | Germany |
Kosior | Dr | Arkadiusz | Jagiellonian University, Krakow | Poland |
Kung | Dr | Hsiang-Hsi | University of British Columbia | Canada |
Kurchan | Prof. | Jorge | Laboratoire de physique statistique, ecole normale superieure | France |
LaRose | Mr | Ryan | Michigan State University | United States of America |
Laflorencie | Dr | Nicolas | CNRS, LPT Toulouse | France |
Leuzzi | Dr | Luca | Institute of Nanotechnology, CNR-NANOTEC | Italy |
Lewenstein | Prof. | Maciej | ICFO - Institute of Photonic Sciences | Spain |
Luitz | Dr | David J. | Technische Universität München | Germany |
Lychkovskiy | Dr | Oleg | Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) | Russia |
Maas | Prof. | Axel | University of Graz | Austria |
Maimbourg | Dr | Thibaud | The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics | Italy |
Massar | Dr | Serge | Université libre de Bruxelles | Belgium |
May | Mr | Alex | University of British Columbia | Canada |
Mermod | Prof. | Philippe | Universite de Geneve (CH) | Switzerland |
Miao | Mr | Yuan | Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
Moroz | Dr | Sergej | TU Munich | Germany |
Mukhi | Prof. | Sunil | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune | India |
Ng | Dr | Gim Seng | Trinity College Dublin | Ireland |
Nordström | Dr | Karl | Nikhef | Netherlands |
Olshanii | Prof. | Maxim | University of Massachusetts Boston | United States of America |
Panfil | Dr | Milosz | University of Warsaw | Poland |
Papageorgakis | Dr | Costis | Queen Mary University of London | United Kingdom |
Pavloff | Prof. | Nicolas | Universite Paris Saclay | France |
Perarnau-Llobet | Dr | Marti | Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics | Germany |
Pereira | Prof. | Rodrigo | International Institute of Physics | Brazil |
Rademacher | Mr | Markus | University of Vienna | Austria |
Rennecke | Dr | Fabian | Brookhaven National Laboratory | United States of America |
Robinson | Dr | Neil | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
Rousseau | Dr | Emmanuel | L2C, University of Montpellier, CNRS | France |
Rubin | Dr | Jacques L. | Institut de Physique de Nice | France |
Rychkov | Prof. | Slava | IHES & Laboratoire de physique théorique de l'ENS-Paris | France |
Saadatmand | Dr | Seyed Nariman | Centre for Quantum Dynamics, Griffith University | Australia |
Schmidt | Mr | Christian | IPhT Saclay | France |
Schoutens | Prof. | Kareljan | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
Schuricht | Dr | Dirk | Utrecht University | Netherlands |
Shamailov | Dr | Sophie | Massey University | New Zealand |
Sikhonde | Mr | Muzikayise | UCT, UNISA | South Africa |
Sotiriadis | Dr | Spyros | University of Ljubljana | Slovenia |
Säterskog | Dr | Petter | Nordita | Sweden |
Tagliacozzo | Dr | Luca | The University of Strathclyde | United Kingdom |
Taylor | Prof. | Marika | University of Southampton | United Kingdom |
Uhrig | Prof. | Götz | TU Dortmund | Germany |
Vaid | Dr | Deepak | National Institute of Technology Karnataka | India |
Van Regemortel | Mr | Mathias | University of Antwerp | Belgium |
Verga | Prof. | Alberto | Aix-Marseille University | France |
Vernier | Dr | Eric | Oxford | United Kingdom |
Viti | Dr | Jacopo | IIP | Brazil |
Weinmann | Dr | Dietmar | IPCMS (CNRS & University of Strasbourg) | France |
Weisbrich | Mr | Hannes | University of Konstanz | Germany |
Wiecha | Dr | Peter R. | CEMES/CNRS Toulouse | France |
Wiegmann | Prof. | Paul | University of Chicago | United States of America |
de Wit | Mr | Jorran | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
van Mameren | Dr | Joost | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
van Roij | Prof. | René | Utrecht University | Netherlands |
van Wezel | Dr | Jasper | Universiteit van Amsterdam | Netherlands |
van den Brink | Prof. | Jeroen | IFW Dresden | Germany |
Čermák | Dr | Petr | Charles University | Czechia |