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QuSpin: a Python Package for Dynamics and Exact Diagonalisation of Quantum Many Body Systems part I: spin chains

by Phillip Weinberg, Marin Bukov

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Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Marin Bukov · Phillip Weinberg
Submission information
Preprint Link: https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.03042v4  (pdf)
Date accepted: 2017-02-06
Date submitted: 2017-01-16 01:00
Submitted by: Weinberg, Phillip
Submitted to: SciPost Physics
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • Condensed Matter Physics - Theory
  • Quantum Physics
Approaches: Theoretical, Computational


We present a new open-source Python package for exact diagonalization and quantum dynamics of spin(-photon) chains, called QuSpin, supporting the use of various symmetries in 1-dimension and (imaginary) time evolution for chains up to 32 sites in length. The package is well-suited to study, among others, quantum quenches at finite and infinite times, the Eigenstate Thermalisation hypothesis, many-body localisation and other dynamical phase transitions, periodically-driven (Floquet) systems, adiabatic and counter-diabatic ramps, and spin-photon interactions. Moreover, QuSpin's user-friendly interface can easily be used in combination with other Python packages which makes it amenable to a high-level customisation. We explain how to use QuSpin using four detailed examples: (i) Standard exact diagonalisation of XXZ chain (ii) adiabatic ramping of parameters in the many-body localised XXZ model, (iii) heating in the periodically-driven transverse-field Ising model in a parallel field, and (iv) quantised light-atom interactions: recovering the periodically-driven atom in the semi-classical limit of a static Hamiltonian.

Author comments upon resubmission

The changes advised by the referees all seemed perfectly reasonable so I tried to address all of them in this submission.

List of changes

Referee report 1:

1) I added a footnote on page 5 to address this.

2) Added the TNT library to the introduction.

Referee report 2:

1) Concerning the issue of open-source, I added a comment to the introduction in order to make a distinction between the different packages listed.

2) I added a sentence to the abstract which states that there is a first example for doing standard ED calculations.

3) This didn't have much to do with the manuscript but I did update the website for QuSpin so that the examples are on the home page as well as adding an explicit link in the appendix which the readers can follow to find them.

Changes made outside of referee reports:

There have been some updates to the package since the article was posted so I decided to add some of those extra features to the conclusion of the paper.

Published as SciPost Phys. 2, 003 (2017)

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