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Exploring the jamming transition over a wide range of critical densities

by Misaki Ozawa, Ludovic Berthier, Daniele Coslovich

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Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Ludovic Berthier · Daniele Coslovich
Submission information
Preprint Link: https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.10156v2  (pdf)
Date accepted: 2017-09-29
Date submitted: 2017-09-13 02:00
Submitted by: Coslovich, Daniele
Submitted to: SciPost Physics
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • Statistical and Soft Matter Physics
Approach: Computational


We numerically study the jamming transition of frictionless polydisperse spheres in three dimensions. We use an efficient thermalisation algorithm for the equilibrium hard sphere fluid and generate amorphous jammed packings over a range of critical jamming densities that is about three times broader than in previous studies. This allows us to reexamine a wide range of structural properties characterizing the jamming transition. Both isostaticity and the critical behavior of the pair correlation function hold over the entire range of jamming densities. At intermediate length scales, we find a weak, smooth increase of bond orientational order. By contrast, distorted icosahedral structures grow rapidly with increasing the volume fraction in both fluid and jammed states. Surprisingly, at large scale we observe that denser jammed states show stronger deviations from hyperuniformity, suggesting that the enhanced amorphous ordering inherited from the equilibrium fluid competes with, rather than enhances, hyperuniformity. Finally, finite size fluctuations of the critical jamming density are considerably suppressed in the denser jammed states, indicating an important change in the topography of the potential energy landscape. By considerably stretching the amplitude of the critical "J-line", our work disentangles physical properties at the contact scale that are associated with jamming criticality, from those occurring at larger length scales, which have a different nature.

Author comments upon resubmission

Dear Editor,

We thank the referees for their insightful and constructive reports. As detailed in our replies to the referees, we have addressed all their remarks and revised our manuscript accordingly. We hope that we these changes the manuscript will be considered suitable for publication in SciPost.


Daniele Coslovich

List of changes

- Sec. II A: add details on the choice of the model parameters; add appropriate references
- Add equation of state as Fig. 1(a)
- Add shaded region in Fig. 3 to highlight the regime where critical scaling holds
- Add diameter distribution for rattlers in Fig. 6(a)
- Add snapshots depicting the spatial organization of rattlers as Fig. 7
- Improve statistics in the analysis of finite size effects; update Fig. 10 and estimates of $\phi_J^\infty$ and $\nu$ accordingly.
- Rename section VII "Discussion and conclusions"
- Move the final paragraph of Sec. VI to Sec. VII
- Minor changes: reword and clarify some sentences (see replies for details), fix typos

Published as SciPost Phys. 3, 027 (2017)

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