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Unifying semiclassics and quantum perturbation theory at nonlinear order
by Daniel Kaplan, Tobias Holder, Binghai Yan
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Submission summary
Authors (as registered SciPost users): | Daniel Kaplan · Binghai Yan |
Submission information | |
Preprint Link: | (pdf) |
Date submitted: | 2022-08-08 12:02 |
Submitted by: | Kaplan, Daniel |
Submitted to: | SciPost Physics |
Ontological classification | |
Academic field: | Physics |
Specialties: |
Approaches: | Theoretical, Computational |
Nonlinear electrical response permits a unique window into effects of band structure geometry. It can be calculated either starting from a Boltzmann approach for small frequencies, or using Kubo's formula for resonances at finite frequency. However, a precise connection between both approaches has not been established. Focusing on the second order nonlinear response, here we show how the semiclassical limit can recovered from perturbation theory in the velocity gauge, provided that finite quasiparticle lifetimes are taken into account. We find that matrix elements related to the band geometry combine in this limit to produce the semiclassical nonlinear conductivity. We demonstrate the power of the new formalism by deriving a quantum contribution to the nonlinear conductivity which is of order $\tau^{-1}$ in the relaxation time $\tau$, which is principally inaccessible within the Boltzmann approach. We outline which steps can be generalized to higher orders in the applied perturbation, and comment about potential experimental signatures of our results.
Current status:
Reports on this Submission
Report #2 by Anonymous (Referee 3) on 2022-10-27 (Invited Report)
- Cite as: Anonymous, Report on arXiv:2208.0827v1, delivered 2022-10-27, doi: 10.21468/SciPost.Report.5992
1 - The motivation of the study is very clear and interesting.
2 - The introduction is well written and it is accessible to a non-experts.
3 - The work presents new results on the second order nonlinear conductivity and introduces new terms to the conductance, which are not accessible using the Boltzmann approach.
4 - This is a very technical paper, therefore having preliminaries section is a good choice. This provides sufficient details about the work.
5 - Providing numerical results for a model Hamiltonian in order to support the findings increases the strength of the paper.
1 - The code and data for the numerical results are not publicly available. This makes difficult to reproduce the numerical results.
2 - As all the results depend on the tuning parameter $\alpha$, an extended discussion of the physical meaning of it is essential for better understanding of the results.
The manuscript presents a quantum perturbative treatment of second order nonlinear response and establishes a connection between semiclassical treatment and Kubo formalism. Using their formalism, authors carefully examine two limits, zero frequency and nonzero frequency limits, and they focus on two distinct phenomena, namely photovoltaic effect and second-order harmonic response. Furthermore, authors demonstrate that there are new terms contributing to the conductivity, which are inaccessible by semiclassical treatment.
The main strength of the paper is its clarity: the motivation is very clear and interesting to everyone. The motivation is conveyed in a very good fashion in the introduction. I find Preliminaries section very useful for the understanding of very technical derivation part. Even though the main focus of the paper is the formalism and its derivation, providing numerical examples improve the quality of the paper.
The main weakness of the paper is the physical meaning of $\alpha$. The results of this paper heavily depend on this parameter, therefore an extended discussion on the physical meaning of $\alpha$ would increase the quality of this paper.
Requested changes
1- An extended discussion on $\alpha$ is needed.
2- Authors use $x$ instead of $\alpha$ in Figures 3 and 4. I think changing them to $\alpha$ would increase the readability.
3- In the caption of Figure 5 and in the text below the Figure, authors mention particle hole symmetry, i.e. $\mu \rightarrow -\mu$, but this is not clear from the Figure as the $x-$ axis only covers $\mu > 0$. A further clarification of this aforementioned particle hole symmetry would be good.
4- Correcting some typos:
- second page second paragraph: "We present the main results of our work. In Sec. III, where..." $\rightarrow$ We present the main results of our work in Sec. III, where.."
- second page fourth paragraph: $v_{nm}^a = <n(\mathbf{k}\lvert \partial_a H \rvert n(\mathbf{k})>)$ $\rightarrow$ $v_{nm}^a = <n(\mathbf{k}\lvert \partial_a H \rvert m(\mathbf{k})>)$
5 - The inline equation in page 4, paragraph 3, in the sentence "The remaining contributions of this term are.." should be a full equation instead of an inline equation. This would improve readibility.
Report #1 by Anonymous (Referee 4) on 2022-8-18 (Invited Report)
- Cite as: Anonymous, Report on arXiv:2208.0827v1, delivered 2022-08-18, doi: 10.21468/SciPost.Report.5553
1. New results for second-order electrical conductivity and reproduction of previous results.
2. Clearly written with sufficient description of technical details, and careful discussion of approximations and limitations of the theoretical framework with respect to previous works.
1. Results are heavily-dependent on parameter alpha which seems to be a phenomenological fitting parameter (e.g. set to alpha = 2). Further discussion of this would be helpful.
This theoretical manuscript describes nonlinear electrical conductivity using diagrammatic perturbation theory, carefully regulating poles in the resonance expressions. The authors explicitly discuss zero frequency and finite frequency cases, reproducing previous results and introducing additional terms.
The manuscript is generally very well written. The introduction is clear and accessible to non-experts, and it clearly describes the motivation. Although the material is technical, there's an appropriate level of detail and qualitative description of the steps taken. The results appear to be valid, within the stated approximations, although I have not done detailed calculations to reproduce stated results.
My only question about this manuscript is about alpha which seems to be a phenomenological parameter. Is this the case? In principle, is it possible to determine the value of alpha for a particular model? Could the authors please clarify (beyond the level of discussion on p10,11 re fixing alpha = 2, etc.).
Requested changes
1. Clarify role of alpha
2 Correct typos:
abstract "...semiclassical limit can recovered from perturbation theory..." should be "...semiclassical limit can be recovered from perturbation theory..."
first line "...allows to probe properties of quantum materials..." possibly should be "...allows one to probe properties of quantum materials..."
p2, second column "..., starting a from a perturbation of the form..." should be "..., starting from a perturbation of the form..."
p2, \omega_{1,2} is not defined (perhaps I missed it?)
p3, first column "...corresponds to to the case when the photovoltaic or 2nd harmonic pole pole at..." should be "...corresponds to the case when the photovoltaic or 2nd harmonic pole at..."
p3, first column "...highest order derivative (2ndorder) by..." should be "...highest order derivative (2nd order) by..."
p3, second column "...are introduced through derivatives the dispersion,..." should be "...are introduced through derivatives of the dispersion,..."
p3, second column "...the matrix elements of the velocity operator is..." should be "...the matrix elements of the velocity operator are..."
p3, bottom of second column "Examining the the behavior of..." should be "Examining the behavior of..."
p4, first column "...when consider its abelian part..." should be "...when considering its abelian part..."
Note that "abelian" has / has not been capitalised in different parts of the manuscript.
p5, second column "the term within the brackets is..." should be "The term within the brackets is..."
p5, second column "The latter here is can be immediately" should be "The latter here can be immediately"
p6, first column "...expressions grow longer with each order descending order in..." should be "...expressions grow longer with each descending order in..."
p6, second column ". which emerges from the diagrammatic..." should be ", which emerges from the diagrammatic..."
p7, second column "would lead to an incorrect results for TRS-broken systems." should be "would lead to incorrect results for TRS-broken systems."
p7, second column "In the limit of the $\omega \rightarrow 0$,..." should be "In the limit of $\omega \rightarrow 0$,..."
p8, first column below Fig.2, too many brackets in \sigma_{res} and \sigma_{off-rest}; also "off-rest" is probably a typo?
p8, second column " corresponding roughly to region where..." should be " corresponding roughly to the region where..."
p8, second column "A monochormatic perturbation also..." should be "A monochromatic perturbation also..."
p9, first column " as they essentially become indistinguishable." should be " they essentially become indistinguishable."
p9, first column "...which reveals poles at the..." should be "...which reveals poles at ..."
p9, second column, ref to Fig.1 in final sentence --- should this be Fig.4?
p10, first sentence "As a natural extension of the procedure we offer Sec. III,..." ?
p10, first column "And the Jacobi identity," should be "and the Jacobi identity,"
Author: Daniel Kaplan on 2022-12-08 [id 3112]
(in reply to Report 1 on 2022-08-18)
We are grateful for the referee's report and especially thank them for their thorough combing of our manuscript. We would like to apologize for the number of typos and other typographic errors, which we have corrected with the referee's help. We conducted another search for errors and fixed a few additional typos. We would like to thank the referee for observing that our work provides
New results for second-order electrical conductivity and reproduction of previous results
and that our text is
Clearly written with sufficient description of technical details, and careful discussion of approximations and limitations of the theoretical framework with respect to previous works.
The referee asked:
My only question about this manuscript is about alpha which seems to be a phenomenological parameter. Is this the case? In principle, is it possible to determine the value of alpha for a particular model?
We answer: We thank the referee for raising this point and we understand that it was not made sufficiently clear in the original version of the text. To remedy this, we have now added an appendix (marked App. A in the new version) focusing on the role of $\alpha$ and how to fix it in the semiclassical limit. We now restate the main conclusions that we expand on in greater detail in the revised version of the text. As $\alpha$ encodes the information from interband and intra-band processes (Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 227401 2020), it is a measure of the adiabaticity of transport in the presence nonlinear processes. In other words, let us consider a simple "two-band" limit, and assign quasiparticle $\tau_v$, $\tau_c$ relaxation times to the valence and conduction bands, respectively. Then the ratio $\alpha$ may be described by Matthiessen's rule, \begin{align} \alpha = \frac{\frac{1}{\tau_v}}{\frac{1}{2\tau_v}+\frac{1}{2\tau_c}}. \end{align} Clearly, in the limit $\frac{\tau_c}{\tau_v} \gg 1$ one obtains $\alpha \to 2$. Formally, this limit corresponds to the case of an infinitely sharp quasiparticle excited state, or an infinitely clean band in the single particle picture. It is precisely such a limit which gives the semiclassical formalism, since semiclassical equations of motion require well-defined bands, and sharp quasiparticle excited states ($\tau_v \to \infty, \tau_c \to \infty$, and $\frac{\tau_c}{\tau_v} \to \infty$). Therefore, the application of our results in the strict semiclassical limit is only possible when $\alpha = 2$. We have also looked at finite frequency expressions. There, the distance from the gap to the onset of semiclassics is controlled by $\alpha$ (Fig. 3., inset). In the simple tight-binding model we consider here for practical calculations, all broadening parameters ($\tau_v, \tau_c$ ) are indeed phenomenological. In models with realistic interactions, finite temperature and disorder it is possible to determine $\alpha$ in self-consistent manner.
We have looked up over and corrected all minor errors pointed out by the referee. We highlight a few examples below that the referee also phrased as questions. We stress again that we have fixed all the typos found by the referee.
p2, $\omega_{1,2}$ is not defined (perhaps I missed it?)
The two frequencies $\omega_1, \omega_2$ are explicitly introduced in Sec. II (A), as being related to the two electric fields perturbing the system, $E_a (\omega_1)E_b (\omega_2)$. Later we set the stage for either the dc component or the 2nd harmonic component $\omega_{1} = \pm \omega_{2} = \omega$. To prevent any ambiguity, we now add a sentence at the top-right side of page 2, which says
Here, $\omega_{1,2}$ refers interchangeably to the two frequencies of the electric field at 2nd order.
Note that "abelian" has / has not been capitalised in different parts of the manuscript.
We thank the referee for this observation and apologize for the inconsistency. Based on the nomenclature we found in the literature, we now prefer to keep "abelian" non-capitalized throughout.
p8, first column below Fig.2, too many brackets in $\sigma_{res}$ and $\sigma_{off-rest};$ also "off-rest" is probably a typo?
We thank the referee for this observation. This is indeed a typo which we have fixed to read "off-res".
p9, second column, ref to Fig.1 in final sentence --- should this be Fig.4?
We are obliged to the referee for spotting this important typo. Yes, we now correctly refer to Fig. 4.
p10, first sentence "As a natural extension of the procedure we offer Sec. III,..." ?
We have reformulated the introductory sentence of Sec. V, and removed any confusion regarding its meaning.
We would like to once again thank the referee for their in-depth and thorough review of our manuscript. The changes suggested have considerably improved our content and presentation.
Author: Daniel Kaplan on 2022-12-08 [id 3113]
(in reply to Report 2 on 2022-10-27)We are thankful for the referee's thorough and comprehensive review of our manuscript. We are obliged for their positive comments about our work, notably,
We are glad to implement all the changes requested by the referee.
We are thankful to the referee for raising this point and we have now added a subsection in App. A (Fixing $\alpha$) that specifically deals with the matter of fixing $\alpha$. Without repeating our response to Ref. 1 on the same point, we restate here the main message regarding the expected value of $\alpha$. As $\alpha$ is a parameter which controls the degree by which nonlinear transport remains adiabatic, we imagine a limit scenario in which there are two quasiparticle bands, each with a lifetime $\tau_v$, $\tau_c$ representing the valence and conduction states, respectively. Following Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 227401 (2020) we find that $\alpha = \frac{\frac{1}{\tau_v}}{\frac{1}{2\tau_v}+\frac{1}{2\tau_c}}$. The semiclassical limit is constructed as follows: we require infinitely sharp (clean) quasiparticle excited states, with $\tau_c \to \infty$ and $\tau_v \to \infty$. In order for the transitions to be delta-like, we also impose the limit $\tau_c / \tau_v \to \infty$, which also suggests a finite intraband relaxation as compatible with the semiclassical approach. However, this limit also imposes the condition that $\alpha \to 2$. We therefore conclude the semiclassical limit is \emph{only} obtainable from the perturbative formalism when $\alpha = 2$. Additionally we showed that the onset of semiclassics below the optical gap is also strictly dependent on $\alpha$, and can be used to extract it if necessary. In the simple tight-binding model that we used in this work, for practical evaluation of our terms, all broadening terms are naturally phenomenological. In a system where interactions, finite temperature, and disorder are taken into account, $\alpha$ may be determined directly from first principles, by evaluating valence and excited state lifetimes.
We thank the referee for this observation. We apologize for the confusion. This is a typo that appeared during the generation of the figures. We have changed $x$ to $\alpha$ exactly as the referee suggests.
We thank the referee for this comment, and indeed we understand that this point was not made sufficiently clear in the main text. To remedy this, we have added a section to the Appendix that specifically deals with the nature of this local particle-hole symmetry. We recap the main points of this new section: in typical tight-binding models used for, there exists a form of k-local particle-hole symmetry, that acts as a reflection about the $E = 0$ axis. In simple systems this is represented by the operation $U C$ where $U$ is a model-dependent unitary and $C$ is complex conjugation. If two bands $n, n'$ are connected by this symmetry, then the reflection we alluded to has $\varepsilon_n(\mathbf{k}) = - \varepsilon_{n'}(\mathbf{k})$. Consequently, all $\sigma^{ab;c}$ in the semiclassical limit which depend on odd powers of the dispersion (or derivatives thereof, e.g. velocities) are odd under this symmetry: $\sigma^{ab;c}_{\tau^2}$,$\sigma^{ab;c}_{\tau^0}$,$ \ldots$. Terms of odd power in $\tau$, such as $\sigma^{ab;c}{\tau}, \sigma^{ab;c}}$ are instead even. In the appendix, we provide a simple model calculation that shows this property.
We are obliged to the referee for catching these typos. We have since fixed them and with the help of Ref. 1's comments we have also corrected other mistakes and combed the manuscript for more errors of this type. 0
We are agree entirely with the referee's suggestion. We have converted the inline equation into a full equation.
We are once again grateful to the referee for their insightful, serious and professional review of our manuscript.