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Scale-free non-Hermitian skin effect in a boundary-dissipated spin chain

by He-Ran Wang, Bo Li, Fei Song, Zhong Wang

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Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Heran Wang
Submission information
Preprint Link:  (pdf)
Date submitted: 2023-08-24 04:32
Submitted by: Wang, Heran
Submitted to: SciPost Physics
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • Condensed Matter Physics - Theory
  • Mathematical Physics
  • Quantum Physics
Approach: Theoretical


We study the open XXZ spin chain with a PT-symmetric non-Hermitian boundary field. We find an interaction-induced scale-free non-Hermitian skin effect by using the coordinate Bethe ansatz. The steady state and the ground state in the PT broken phase are constructed, and the formulas of their eigen-energies in the thermodynamic limit are obtained. The differences between the many-body scale-free states and the boundary string states are explored, and the transition between the two at isotropic point is investigated. We also discuss an experimental scheme to verify our results.

Author comments upon resubmission

Dear Editor in Charge,

Thank you very much for handling our manuscript. We have revised our manuscript in response to the insightful feedback provided by the referees. Through careful consideration, we have carefully addressed all the comments and suggestions raised during the review. We believe that the revised manuscript is now suitable for publication.

Yours sincerely,

List of changes

1) We have cited Ref. [7] as an example of spin chains with diagonal boundary field, as suggested by referee 2.

2) In the second paragraph of the Introduction, we have added some sentences to discuss the previous literature on exact solutions of open spin chains with arbitrary boundary fields, where related references [26-28] are included.

3) Also in the second paragraph of the Introduction, we have added a sentence on the non-unitary CFT, together with Ref. [32,33]. The Ref. [33] is recommended by the referee 2.

4) In the third paragraph of the Introduction, we have cited Ref. [49,50] about exactly solvable models with bulk non-Hermiticity, and compared them with our work.

5) We have changed the term "imaginary Bethe equation" to the "imaginary Fredholm equation", and demonstrate it in the note Ref. [51].

6) In page 5 We have cited Ref. [58], and modified our expression to emphasize that we obtained the closed-form expression for the complex momentum distribution.

7) In the Sec. 3.2, below Eq. (11) we have added a paragraph to discuss the effect of adding integrability terms on the two-magnon spectrum.

8) We have conducted numerical calculations to solve the discrete Bethe equations at Δ=-0.8, and added the new data in Fig. 6. We have also added an appendix to demonstrate our method of calculations. The calculations are independent of the analytical solutions and the exact diagonalization.

9) We have added a paragraph at the end of Sec. 5 to discuss Fig. 8 thoroughly.

Current status:
Has been resubmitted

Reports on this Submission

Report #2 by Anonymous (Referee 1) on 2023-10-7 (Invited Report)


The authors provided a detailed reply to my comments, and they have improved their manuscript accordingly, I think the manuscript can now be published.

  • validity: -
  • significance: -
  • originality: -
  • clarity: -
  • formatting: -
  • grammar: -

Report #1 by Anonymous (Referee 2) on 2023-9-25 (Invited Report)


The authors have successfully addressed my main concerns, I believe the paper deserves publication in Scipost Physics.

  • validity: -
  • significance: -
  • originality: -
  • clarity: -
  • formatting: -
  • grammar: -

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Anonymous on 2023-10-02  [id 4021]

The authors provided a detailed reply to my comments, and they have improved their manuscript accordingly, I think the manuscript can now be published.