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Unweighting multijet event generation using factorisation-aware neural networks

by Timo Janßen, Daniel Maître, Steffen Schumann, Frank Siegert, Henry Truong

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Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Timo Janßen · Steffen Schumann · Frank Siegert
Submission information
Preprint Link:  (pdf)
Date submitted: 2023-02-07 22:21
Submitted by: Janßen, Timo
Submitted to: SciPost Physics
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • High-Energy Physics - Experiment
  • High-Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Approaches: Computational, Phenomenological


In this article we combine the recently proposed method for factorisation-aware matrix element surrogates arXiv:2107.06625 with the unbiased unweighting algorithm of arXiv:2109.11964. We show that employing a sophisticated neural network emulation of QCD multijet matrix elements based on Catani-Seymour dipole factorisation can lead to a drastic acceleration of unweighted event generation. We train neural networks for a selection of partonic channels contributing at the tree-level to $Z + 4, 5$ jets and $t\bar{t} + 3, 4$ jets production at the LHC which necessitates a generalisation of the dipole emulation model to include initial state partons as well as massive final state quarks. We also present first steps towards the emulation of colour-sampled amplitudes. We incorporate these emulations as fast and accurate surrogates in a two-stage rejection sampling algorithm within the Sherpa Monte Carlo that yields unbiased unweighted events suitable for phenomenological analyses and post-processing in experimental workflows, e.g. as input to a time-consuming detector simulation. For the computational cost of unweighted events we achieve a reduction by factors between 16 and 350 for the considered channels.

Current status:
Has been resubmitted

Reports on this Submission

Anonymous Report 2 on 2023-4-10 (Invited Report)

  • Cite as: Anonymous, Report on arXiv:2301.13562v1, delivered 2023-04-10, doi: 10.21468/SciPost.Report.7030


1- Developed a non-trivial efficient and reliable NN model for the emulation of (high-multiplicity) matrix elements applicable to massless and massive processes at hadron colliders. This as an extension from earlier work by some of the authors which was then applied to massless processes at e+e- colliders

2- Usage of the earlier emulation to produce a two-step unweighting algorithm based on a proposal earlier presented by some of the authors

3- Obtained very impressive speed up of the production of unweighted events for complex processes like Z+4,5 jets and ttbar+3,4 jets


1- Emulation of the matrix elements was performed including color sums for colored particles, which is known to be outperformed by Monte Carlo samplings. Nevertheless, the authors already consider an application without the color sums, and although not very successful it opens ways for future improvements


The future of collider phenomenology will hinge on our ability to simulate the enormous amount of data that will be produced for example at the HL-LHC. It is well known that a key bottleneck in such task is the fast simulation of complex unweighted events coming from the hard interaction. By complexity we mean processes that involve many colored partons in the final state.

In this article the authors target head on these difficulties by combining and further developing two methods proposed earlier (and separately) by some of the authors. Those are 1) a factorization-aware matrix-element emulation, and 2) a two-step unweighting procedure based on a fast surrogate for the computation of corresponding matrix elements and phase-space weights

Further developments that are carried in this article include: extension of factorization-aware emulation to processes that involve initial-state partons (to be applied to processes at hadron colliders); including radiation dipoles when massive partons are present; decoupling of surrogate calculation of matrix elements and phase-space weights.

The authors show impressive results, in particular when producing unweighted events for Z+5-jet production and ttbar+4-jet production, where more than two-orders of magnitude are gained in computational speed.

Further improvements are left for future developments, including a better emulation of matrix elements without color sums and a better emulation of the computation of phase-space weights.

Given the novel developments and promising results shown, which are of key interested for the future program at the HL-LHC, I recommend the article for publication.

Requested changes

1) The authors call systematically the radiation dipoles the "Catani-Seymour dipoles". But, as cited in the text, the massive dipoles are due to Catani, Dittmaier, Seymour, and Trocsanyi. Given the important results shown involving processes with a ttbar pair, I would recommend the authors change their terminology, in the cases when they refer collectively to massless/massive dipoles.

2) I'm confused by the multiple choices in equation (3). I think two choices suffice. One "if massless FI, IF, or II dipole", and second "otherwise" (with no parenthetical comment). This in particular more clearly state the choice for FF and FI massive dipoles.

3) The authors mention that lower-multiplicity processes (e.g. Z+2, 3 jets or ttbar+1,2 jets) can't be outperformed by their methodology, mostly due to the fast evaluation of corresponding tree-level matrix elements. Nowadays those types of simpler processes are simulated including (at least) NLO QCD corrections. The evaluation of corresponding matrix elements is much more complex as compared to the tree-level case. Can the authors comment, for example in the conclusions, what kind of extensions they would need to also emulate these more complex matrix elements?

  • validity: top
  • significance: high
  • originality: high
  • clarity: good
  • formatting: excellent
  • grammar: excellent

Anonymous Report 1 on 2023-3-1 (Invited Report)

  • Cite as: Anonymous, Report on arXiv:2301.13562v1, delivered 2023-03-01, doi: 10.21468/SciPost.Report.6825


This is an interesting article, addressing a well-known problem,
that deserves publishing. I have no major physics objections.
Not being an expert, I have been confused in some places,
however, and then others may be as well. Therefore I would ask
the authors to seriously consider whether a more pedagogical
presentation is possible for the points raised below.

1) Normally one does not include references in the abstract,
but only in the main body of the event. Could this be respected
here as well, without any lack of readability?

2) Eq. (1) defines a recursive procedure, where an n+1 configuration
can be approximated by n, and in turn by n-1, n-2, and so on down
to a minimal topology. But eq. (2) would seem to indicate that only
the first step in this procedure will be approximated, while the
C_ijk coefficients will contain the full complexity of the n-parton
matrix elements (MEs). It would be useful to clarify this to the
reader. Take e.g. the double-colliner limit, where three partons are
almost collinear. Is it then to be assumed that one singularity
will be handled by the predetermined D_ijk factors, while the C_ijk
coefficients will have to reproduce the other singularity factor,
whithout any prior knowledge about it? Or have I misunderstood?
If so, all the more reason to write it out clearly.

3) For those of us not NN experts, it would have been helpful to
write out the shape of the swish activation function. Now I had to
look it up, only to find that it is as simple as x/(1 + exp(-x)),
which is so short an expression that you can easily have it inline
in the text, and then its listed properties become obvious immediately.
Maybe there is also a simple way to be a bit more explicit what
Glorot is all about.

4) It could be useful and would not take much space to show what an
y_ijk expression looks like, at least for the massless FF case. This
would then naturally lead up to eq. (3).

5) In view of the many input and output transformations used, it would
be helpful to be more explicit what is meant by loss in Fig. 2. Is it
the RMS of the true/predicted (squared) ME ratio, where then the
vertical axis has an easily understood meaning, or is it based on
transformed variables, where this is less obvious?

6) On p. 8 the different IF, FI and II dipoles are introduced, but
actually that terminology is already assumed for eq. (3). Reorder.

7) The results of Fig. 4 (and similar subsequent ones) are presented
in a positive spirit, while they rather make me worried. In a sample
of 10^6 events, it appears that a few events have truth/predicted
weights close to 10^6.
a) Does that imply that each such high-weight event has as much impact
on final distributions as the combined bulk of events with weight
close to 1? If so, a convenient way to show this is to add a further
histogram curve to the right-side projection, where each event has
been filled with its respective weight rather than unity.
b) If you were to extend the study to 10^7 events, is it then possible
that you would find events with weights around 10^7, and so on?
(in Fig. 5 weights stretch to 10^8.) Then you would have a serious
instability that should be mentioned.
c) What is the phase-space region actually sampled? Are results
extreme because you are exploring soft/collinear regions that would
be entrusted to showers in practical applications? It could then be
useful to relate to the behaviour also for events with better
separated partons? Notably, the narrowing of the weight distribution
for the largest true ME values may look nice, but what if the
experimentally interesting events are found for somewhat lower values,
where the spread is larger?

8) g is introduced just above eq. (6) as a probability density, which
means that implicitly its integral is normalized to unity. It would
improve readability to make this explicit in eq. (6), e.g.
I = \int f du = \int (f/g) dg du with \int g du = 1
(in shorthand, hopefully you get the idea). After eq. (7) you then
also add that the points u_i are drawn from the g distribution, as
reflected in the <w>_g notation.

9) In mid-page 14 you define 0.1% as an acceptable influence of
overweight events. But this is for the full cross section integral,
right? Which is dominated by high-ME events in the soft/collinear
regions, cf. 7c above. Do you have any estimate how much worse than
0.1% it could get in specific regions of phase space, e.g. for better
separated partons? Recall that a typical experimental application
would be to plot the pT spectrum of the n+1'th jet, and then one would
like this spectrum to be well predicted both at small and large pT
scales, i.e. large and small cross sections.

10) On top of p. 17 a R = 0.4 is introduced as a jet clustering scale.
Should this be viewed as defining the phase-space border, or is that
separate? Cf. point 7c.

11) On mid-p. 17 you note that x = w/s can be as high as 10^7, which
would seem to be inconsistent with an x_max = 3.6 and 0.1% allowed
weight contribution above that. Time to briefly remind the reader that
this is only consistent because 10^7 happens in events with small
ME weight? Cf. point 9.

12) In summary, impressive improvements. For the future, two questions
remain in my mind.
a) Could you break out further layers of dipole factors in eq. (2)?
(Point 2.)
b) The extremely large weights that can occur are worrisome (point 7).
Would it be possible and useful to increase the penalty for large
weights (and decrease it for small ones) in the training of the network?

  • validity: -
  • significance: -
  • originality: -
  • clarity: -
  • formatting: -
  • grammar: -

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