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Chiral adiabatic transmission protected by Fermi surface topology

by Isidora Araya Day, Kostas Vilkelis, Antonio L. R. Manesco, A. Mert Bozkurt, Valla Fatemi, Anton R. Akhmerov

Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Anton Akhmerov · Isidora Araya Day · A. Mert Bozkurt · Antonio Manesco · Kostas Vilkelis
Submission information
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Date submitted: 2023-12-08 13:07
Submitted by: Araya Day, Isidora
Submitted to: SciPost Physics
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • Condensed Matter Physics - Theory
Approaches: Theoretical, Computational


We demonstrate that Andreev modes that propagate along a transparent Josephson junction have a perfect transmission at the point where three junctions meet. The chirality and the number of quantized transmission channels is determined by the topology of the Fermi surface and the vorticity of the superconducting phase differences at the trijunction. We explain this chiral adiabatic transmission (CAT) as a consequence of the adiabatic evolution of the scattering modes both in momentum and real space. We identify an effective energy barrier that guarantees quantized transmission. We expect that CAT is observable in nonlocal conductance and thermal transport measurements. Furthermore, because it does not rely on particle-hole symmetry, CAT is also possible to observe directly in metamaterials.

Current status:
In refereeing

Reports on this Submission

Anonymous Report 1 on 2024-2-5 (Invited Report)


1- The paper is, technically, a non trivial generalization of Ref. [3].


1- Very difficult to follow; toot little elements are given to understand the results contained in the 6 figures.

2- It is not clear to me whether a trijunction gives more information on the topology of the Fermi surface with respect to the single junction of Ref. [3].


The paper addresses transport of Andreev states in a Josephson trijunction finding quantized transmission between normal leads. The authors relate this result to the topology of the Fermi surface. The paper is a generalization of Ref. [3], where a single Josephson junction was considered.
I find the paper not clearly written and very difficult to follow, although the results seem interesting. The paper does not meet the first three general acceptance criteria of SciPost Physics.

Requested changes

1- The concept of energy barrier is unclear. It is related to Eq. (5), but more details are needed. Fig. 3 is also unclear: are the energies of Eq. (5) plotted? What represent the barriers? Why only the area below the red curve?

2- In Fig. 4: why the second panel is different from the right panel in Fig. 1? Why also T_{1,1} and T_{2,1} are different from 0? I was expecting only T_{3,1} to be quantized.

3- In Fig. 5, what is the meaning of unprotected transmissions (dashed lines)? What are the gray dashed lines?

4- Fig. 6 refers to a single Josephson junction? What are exactly T_{ea} and T_{ha}?

5- Many captions do not contain enough information to read the figures. For example: grey lines in Fig. 1 (right) and Fig. 5; values of k_x for the critical points in Fig. 2(b); ...

  • validity: high
  • significance: high
  • originality: high
  • clarity: poor
  • formatting: acceptable
  • grammar: perfect

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