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On exactly solvable Yang-Baxter models and enhanced symmetries

by Khalil Idiab, Stijn Jurrien van Tongeren

Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Khalil Idiab
Submission information
Preprint Link:  (pdf)
Date submitted: 2024-04-04 06:53
Submitted by: Idiab, Khalil
Submitted to: SciPost Physics
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • High-Energy Physics - Theory
Approach: Theoretical


We study Yang-Baxter deformations of the flat space string that result in exactly solvable models, finding the Nappi-Witten model and its higher dimensional generalizations. We then consider the spectra of these models obtained by canonical quantization in light-cone gauge, and match them with an integrability-based Bethe ansatz approach. By considering a generalized light-cone gauge we can describe the model by a nontrivially Drinfel'd twisted S matrix, explicitly verifying the twisted structure expected for such deformations. Next, the reformulation of the Nappi-Witten model as a Yang-Baxter deformation shows that Yang-Baxter models can have more symmetries than suggested by the r matrix defining the deformation. We discuss these enhanced symmetries in more detail for some trivial and nontrivial examples. Finally, we observe that there are nonunimodular but Weyl-invariant Yang-Baxter models of a type not previously considered.

Current status:
In refereeing

Reports on this Submission

Anonymous Report 1 on 2024-6-5 (Invited Report)


1. The Nappi-Witten background was obtained from the flat space by the Yang-Baxter deformation, and the associated classical r-matrix was determined.

2. Classical integrability of the Nappi-Witten model is argued via the Drinfeld twisted S-matrix.

3. The symmetry enhancement of the Yang-Baxter deformed model was observed, which seems natural from the viewpoint of the local coordinates but non-trivial from that of the algebraic structures of the Yang-Baxter deformation.

4. Presented an example of r-matrix, which is not unimodular but results in the Weyl invariant backgrounds.


1. The mechanism of symmetry enhancement is not entirely elucidated beyond exhibiting the examples.

2. The reason why the r-matrix (6.24) shows the Weyl symmetry is not clearly explained. It would help readers if the authors wrote the resulting Weyl invariant backgrounds more explicitly.

3. I am afraid that 29 footnotes are too much.


This article investigates deformations of string sigma models, preserving the integrability of the original models, so-called Yang-Baxter sigma models. In particular, the authors have found the classical r-matrix that yields the Nappi-Witten background in Sec. 3.1 and its higher-dimensional generalization. The integrability is also argued in Sec. 4 based on the Drinfeld twist of the S-matrix. Then, the authors observed the symmetry enhancement of the Yang-Baxter deformed models in Sec. 6. Though the theoretical explanation of the enhancement is not completely solved, the authors listed such examples in Subsec. 6.5. In Subsec. 6.6, the non-unimodular r-matrix, which gives the Weyl invariant background, is discussed.
Since the results are significant in the context of the integrability of string background and its integrable deformations, I recommend this article for publication in this journal.

Requested changes

1. In (2.2), mod 2 in the superscript seems strange, and I think it is better to remove it. Instead, for instance, the author could write a grading as $(0), (1) \in \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$.

2. In Lax connection (2.9), $l_1(z)$ and $l_2(z)$ are not explicitly defined.

3. In (2.13), the indices $\mu'$ and $\nu'$ do not seem canonically contracted in the first term.

4. If footnote 13, the authors state
"This appears to be at odds with our results showing that there is a Yang-Baxter deformation taking the Nappi-Witten model to flat space."
If I could understand the argument of this paper correctly, I think the following comment is more precise;
"This appears to be at odds with our results showing that there is a Yang-Baxter deformation taking flat space to the Nappi-Witten model."
Because the starting background is the flat space, and the Nappi-Witten is the result.
If so, I don't think this work is not at odds with [46].


Publish (meets expectations and criteria for this Journal)

  • validity: high
  • significance: high
  • originality: good
  • clarity: good
  • formatting: good
  • grammar: excellent

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