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Geometric constructions of generalized dual-unitary circuits from biunitarity

by Michael A. Rampp, Suhail A. Rather, Pieter W. Claeys

Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Michael Alexander Rampp
Submission information
Preprint Link:  (pdf)
Date submitted: 2024-11-26 13:30
Submitted by: Rampp, Michael Alexander
Submitted to: SciPost Physics
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • Condensed Matter Physics - Computational
  • Quantum Physics
Approach: Theoretical


We present a general framework for constructing solvable lattice models of chaotic many-body quantum dynamics with multiple unitary directions using biunitary connections. We show that a network of biunitary connections on the Kagome lattice naturally defines a multi-unitary circuit, where three `arrows of time' directly reflect the lattice symmetry. These models unify various constructions of hierarchical dual-unitary and triunitary gates and present new families of models with solvable correlations and entanglement dynamics. Using multilayer constructions of biunitary connections, we additionally introduce multilayer circuits with monoclinic symmetry and higher level hierarchical dual-unitary solvability and discuss their (non-)ergodicity. Our work demonstrates how different classes of solvable models can be understood as arising from different geometric structures in spacetime.

Author indications on fulfilling journal expectations

  • Provide a novel and synergetic link between different research areas.
  • Open a new pathway in an existing or a new research direction, with clear potential for multi-pronged follow-up work
  • Detail a groundbreaking theoretical/experimental/computational discovery
  • Present a breakthrough on a previously-identified and long-standing research stumbling block
Current status:
In refereeing

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