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Application of the JISP16 potential to the nucleon induced deuteron breakup process at E=13 MeV and E=65 MeV
by Volodymyr Soloviov1, Jacek Golak, Roman Skibi´nski, Kacper Topolnicki, and Henryk Witała
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Submission summary
Authors (as registered SciPost users): | Volodymyr Soloviov |
Submission information | |
Preprint Link: | scipost_201911_00015v3 (pdf) |
Date accepted: | 2019-12-13 |
Date submitted: | 2019-12-10 01:00 |
Submitted by: | Soloviov, Volodymyr |
Submitted to: | SciPost Physics Proceedings |
Proceedings issue: | 24th European Few Body Conference (EFB2019) |
Ontological classification | |
Academic field: | Physics |
Specialties: |
Approaches: | Theoretical, Computational |
The JISP16 nucleon-nucleon potential has been applied to investigations of the nucleon induced deuteron breakup reaction at the incoming nucleon laboratory energies E = 13 MeV and E = 65 MeV. We have found that for the studied process the JISP16 force gives a description of the exclusive cross section, which is generally similar to the ones obtained with the standard realistic nucleon-nucleon AV18 interaction. However, there are some regions of the phase space where the differential cross sections predicted by the JISP16 and AV18 models, differ by more than 100 %. These special kinematical configurations may possibly be useful to refit the JISP16 force parameters.
List of changes
1. We added (page 1, 1st paragraph of Introduction) an information
together with suitable reference
(new reference [3]) on a previous work by N.Barnea, W.Leidemann, and
on application of the JISP force to the photonuclear reactions.
2. At the end of the same paragraph we added a comment on expected
effects of three-body interactions,
which are smaller that the discrepancy observed in the presented studies.
3. In addition, we added missing units (deg and MeV) in figures 2, 3, 5, and 6.
Published as SciPost Phys. Proc. 3, 032 (2020)