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Off-Shell Strings I: S-matrix and Action

by Amr Ahmadain, Aron C. Wall

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Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Amr Ahmadain
Submission information
Preprint Link: scipost_202308_00047v1  (pdf)
Date submitted: 2023-08-31 12:27
Submitted by: Ahmadain, Amr
Submitted to: SciPost Physics
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • High-Energy Physics - Theory
Approach: Theoretical


We explain why Tseytlin's off-shell formulation of string theory is well-defined. Although quantizing strings on an off-shell background requires an arbitrary choice of Weyl frame, this choice is not physically significant since it can be absorbed into a field redefinition of the target space fields. The off-shell formalism is particularly subtle at tree-level, due to the treatment of the noncompact conformal Killing group SL(2, $\mathbb{C})$ of the sphere. We prove that Tseytlin's sphere prescriptions recover the standard tree-level Lorentzian S-matrix, and show how to extract the stringy $i \varepsilon$ prescription from the UV cutoff on the worldsheet. We also demonstrate that the correct tree-level equations of motion are obtained to all orders in perturbation theory in $g_s$ and $\alpha^{\prime}$, and illuminate the close connection between the string action and the c-theorem.

Current status:
Has been resubmitted

Reports on this Submission

Report #2 by Matthew Headrick (Referee 1) on 2023-12-14 (Invited Report)

  • Cite as: Matthew Headrick, Report on arXiv:scipost_202308_00047v1, delivered 2023-12-14, doi: 10.21468/SciPost.Report.8272


See report.


See report.


This paper takes up the long-dormant mantle of Tseytlin’s nonlinear sigma model approach to string theory. Many technical advances are made, and the whole theory is put on a somewhat more secure foundation. In addition, the theory is explained in a more transparent way than in Tseytlin’s many papers on the subject, which unfortunately suffered from leaps in logic, hidden assumptions, etc. Applications of the theory, in particular to black hole entropy, come in a second paper, which I am not reviewing here.

This paper is long and highly technical, and addresses many subtle and confusing issues. While I think I understand the gist, and did not find any suspicious or outright false claims, I cannot claim to have checked each derivation carefully. Nonetheless, based on what I do understand, I believe the paper easily clears the bar for publication in SciPost. The results are of great importance for our understanding of string theory, and, with some exceptions detailed below, the presentation is generally clear.

Requested changes

Before publication, I would like the authors to address the presentational issues listed below. Some of these are minor or cosmetic, while others are more substantive. In the cases where I suggest a fix, based on my understanding, the authors don’t have to follow my suggestion; but in all cases they need to address the issue. From p. 18 onward, where my list ends, the authors may want to follow the spirit of the suggestions and try to identify and clean up any further presentational infelicities.

p. 2 R column, a few lines below (T1), “super(string) theory”, why is “string” in parentheses?

p. 2 R column, near the bottom, first bullet: What does “the limit where $\log\epsilon^{-1}$ is small” mean? $\epsilon$ is dimensionful, so I don’t think you mean the limit $\epsilon\to1$. I think you just mean “at finite $\epsilon$”, i.e. not taking the limit of the next bullet.

p. 3 R column, near bottom: “The sigma model approach is most successful only when the characteristic length of the background spacetime is much less than the string scale”. Don’t you mean “greater”?

p. 3 4 R column, just below (3): “Unfortunately, this method does not give the correct entropy unless perhaps (following Dabholkar [82]) we allow tachyons to condense on the orbifold.” Perhaps the authors did not intend it this way, but to my reading this is a weirdly derogatory and dismissive throw-away comment, toward what many of us believe is an interesting and well-grounded line of research. Why “perhaps”? Why would we not allow tachyons to condense? Obviously this is not the place for a full discussion of these issues, which presumably comes in paper II. I would suggest just deleting this sentence (and maybe citing Dabholkar in the previous one).

p. 5 L column, top of page: “For products over $n$…” This really confused me. I think you don’t mean products “over $n$”, you mean products over the vertex operators at fixed $n$. The notation strongly suggests a product over $n$, making equations like (22), (30), etc needlessly hard to understand. I realize you don’t want to include yet another index, but some change of notation would be helpful. Maybe put the $n$ over (rather than under) the $\Pi$, since it is a product “up to $n$”?

p. 7 L column, bottom of page: “i.e. is proportional to some $E_A$” Shouldn’t that be $E_a$?

p. 9 R column: Eq (31) is impossible to understand. What does the colon mean? What is on the LHS of the equation? Please rewrite using standard notation.

p. 12 R column: I didn’t understand in what sense the S-matrix emerges in the limit that the effective action becomes non-local. Usual QFTs have a local action and an S-matrix. Related to this, my understanding was that the worldsheet cutoff $\epsilon$ is related to the size of the string: in the limit the cutoff is small, the string gets large and the effective action becomes non-local in the target space. However, here it seems to be related instead to the distance over which the string can propagate. What is the relation between these things?

p. 13 R column: Eq (40) is missing a minus sign in the exponent.

p. 14 L column: The measure factor in parentheses is confusing, with the $n$ subscript. Maybe just write $d^{2n}z$?

p. 15 caption to fig 5(i): “the hyperbolic volume of the regulated gauge orbit is noncompact” I think you mean “is infinite”.

p. 17 L column: The notation $ij\ldots z$ is confusing, given the other role of $z$ here. I would recommend instead $i_1\ldots i_n$ (particularly since the number $n$ of them is fixed).

p. 17 R column: On the LHS of (60), I believe that $I_0^{eff}$ should be $I_{(\chi)}$.

p. 17: Eq (61) follows directly from (57) and (58). I didn’t understand what was supposed to be gained by the detour through (59) and (60).

  • validity: top
  • significance: top
  • originality: top
  • clarity: high
  • formatting: perfect
  • grammar: perfect

Author:  Amr Ahmadain  on 2024-05-20  [id 4496]

(in reply to Report 2 by Matthew Headrick on 2023-12-14)
answer to question
reply to objection

Dear Matthew,

We have addressed all of your comments, questions and remarks to the best of our ability.

The attached PDF file contains a detailed 3-page exposition of the changes made to the text and responses to all of your questions and remarks. Our replies are the blue-colored text in the PDF file.

If you still have any further questions or remarks, we'll be happy to address them.

The Authors



Report #1 by Anonymous (Referee 2) on 2023-9-22 (Invited Report)

  • Cite as: Anonymous, Report on arXiv:scipost_202308_00047v1, delivered 2023-09-22, doi: 10.21468/SciPost.Report.7854


See acompanying file


See accompanying file


See accompanying file

Requested changes

See accompanying file


  • validity: top
  • significance: top
  • originality: top
  • clarity: good
  • formatting: excellent
  • grammar: excellent

Author:  Amr Ahmadain  on 2024-05-17  [id 4490]

(in reply to Report 1 on 2023-09-22)
answer to question
reply to objection

Dear Referee,

We have addressed all of your comments, questions and remarks to the best of our ability. We have made significant changes to section III.C and section VII especially VII.A, VII.B and VII.C. This is in addition to several other minor changes to the whole text.

The attached PDF file contains a detailed 6-page exposition of the changes made to the text and responses to all of your questions and remarks. Our replies are the blue-colored text in the PDF file.

If you still have any further questions or remarks, we'll be happy to address them.

The Authors



Anonymous on 2024-05-22  [id 4505]

(in reply to Amr Ahmadain on 2024-05-17 [id 4490])

I am satisfied with the corrections that have been made and do not think a further round of refereeing would be useful.

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