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Effective Field Theory descriptions of Higgs boson pair production
by Lina Alasfar, Luca Cadamuro, Christina Dimitriadi, Arnaud Ferrari, Ramona Gröber, Gudrun Heinrich, Tom Ingebretsen Carlson, Jannis Lang, Serhat Ördek, Laura Pereira Sánchez, Ludovic Scyboz, Jörgen Sjölin
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Submission summary
Authors (as registered SciPost users): | Gudrun Heinrich · Ludovic Scyboz |
Submission information | |
Preprint Link: | scipost_202403_00020v1 (pdf) |
Date submitted: | 2024-03-14 01:26 |
Submitted by: | Scyboz, Ludovic |
Submitted to: | SciPost Physics Community Reports |
Ontological classification | |
Academic field: | Physics |
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Higgs boson pair production is traditionally considered to be of particular interest for a measurement of the trilinear Higgs self-coupling. Yet it can offer insights into other couplings as well, since – in an effective field theory (EFT) parameterisation of potential new physics – both the production cross section and kinematical properties of the Higgs boson pair depend on various other Wilson coefficients of EFT operators. This note summarises the ongoing efforts related to the development of EFT tools for Higgs boson pair production in gluon fusion, and provides recommendations for the use of distinct EFT parameterisations in the Higgs boson pair production process. This document also outlines where further efforts are needed and provides a detailed analysis of theoretical uncertainties. Additionally, benchmark scenarios are updated. We also re-derive a parameterisation of the next-to-leading order (NLO) QCD corrections in terms of the EFT Wilson coefficients both for the total cross section and the distribution in the invariant mass of the Higgs boson pair, providing for the first time also the covariance matrix. A reweighting procedure making use of the newly derived coefficients is validated, which can be used to significantly speed up experimental analyses.
Current status:
Reports on this Submission
Report #1 by Anonymous (Referee 2) on 2024-5-10 (Invited Report)
- Cite as: Anonymous, Report on arXiv:scipost_202403_00020v1, delivered 2024-05-10, doi: 10.21468/SciPost.Report.9024
1-Summarises concisely EFT aspects of Higgs pair production
2-It presents the relevant codes.
3-Provides some guidelines for associated theoretical uncertainties
1-Reweighting procedure suggested is not precise enough.
2-Some clarifications would help at some points in the text.
I have the following comments:
What are the total cross-sections predicted by the various benchmarks points? Aren't some of these already excluded by the experimental bounds on the total HH cross-section?
I am not sure I follow the logic behind modifying the benchmarks by changing Lambda. This is not rescaling the EFT contribution by an overall factors (unless one only looks at the linear contribution only). This will also change its shape. Is this the intention?
On page 12, the authors suggest that option c) contains a subset of operators contributing at dim-8, but option c) only has dimension-6 operators. Are they referring to the possible mixing of dimension-6 double insertions with dimension-8 operators?
The reweighting should be done at a PS point by PS point basis, using the corresponding amplitudes. A reweighting based on just the invariant mass will not be precise enough . This becomes obvious in fig. 4.3. Is a more precise reweighting not an option?
Looking at 4.1, it's clear that one just needs 23 event samples, each one corresponding to a different coupling combination. Then results for any set of the couplings can be extracted by correctly combining those samples. Is it not possible to just produce those 23 samples and thus avoid the need for any reweighting?
Requested changes
In addition to addressing the comments above:
1-I would perhaps rephrase the sentence about SMEFTsim and SmeftFR. As these are tree-level models they cannot be used for HH production at all (even the infinite top mass limit is not available if the effective gghh vertex is not included).
2-I would suggest adding some results for the chromomagnetic operator given that some of the authors have now included this operator to the Powheg implementation. This would complete the SMEFT computation.
Ask for minor revision
Author: Ludovic Scyboz on 2024-07-26 [id 4657]
(in reply to Report 1 on 2024-05-10)We thank the referee for their comments and provide our replies below.
We have added an extra column in Table 4.1. listing the corresponding total cross sections. We have also clarified the relation to previous benchmark points that had been derived to take updated constraints into account. At the time of submission of the manuscript to arXiv, the benchmark points were up-to-date with the current constraints. Furthermore, as the experimental shape analysis operates on normalised cross sections, the experimental bounds on the total HH cross section are not considered as a criterion that would strictly forbid these benchmark points. The benchmark points rather serve as a proxy for certain mHH shapes.
The purpose of changing Λ is to show that a translation from a valid HEFT benchmark point can lead out of the validity range for SMEFT values of the Wilson coefficients at low values of Λ, such as Λ=1TeV (associated, for example, with negative cross sections in the linearised dimension-6 case). Increasing Λ effectively leads to smaller deformations of the SM case, and the shape approaches the SM shape. Therefore, as pointed out by the referee, the shape of a benchmark point changes dramatically as a function of Λ. It follows that the benchmark points defined in HEFT cannot be used straightforwardly as shape benchmarks in SMEFT.
As the text was seemingly unclear, we have modified it to the following:
"Option (c) includes all terms of option (b) and in addition double insertions of dimension-6 operators. The double insertions formally are of the same order as dimension-8 operators, however they only form a small subset of dimension-8 contributions and also lack O(Λ−4) terms following the field redefinition of Eq. (2.3). Therefore, their inclusion can only be useful to get an idea of neglected higher-dimension terms, see also Ref. [83]"
The current reweighting, which is based only on the invariant mass of the di-Higgs system, does not always perfectly satisfy closure tests as pointed out in particular for the transverse momentum spectrum. Nevertheless, note that the overall shapes are still fairly well described. We argue that what is considered precise enough should be related to the current experimental sensitivity and how the analyses are influenced by other systematic uncertainties. Thus, we suggest that any user should evaluate systematic uncertainties when using this reweighting method. In the manuscript, we explicitly encourage the user to do so, p. 27:
"For experimental analyses, the closure between the distributions of the final discriminant(s) of a BSM sample and the SM sample reweighted to the same BSM scenario should be studied. Deviations such as the one reported here for pT (h) should be taken into account through a dedicated uncertainty treatment.''
It is expected that any non-closure uncertainties originating from the reweighting has a small impact compared to other systematic uncertainties in experimental analyses. Therefore, given the current experimental and theoretical uncertainties, this reweighting is expected to be precise enough for use by the experiments.
One could also consider including the transverse momentum of the di-Higgs system in the reweighting to account for the real radiation. However, as explained in the text, this variable is impacted by the Sudakov form factor from POWHEG, which would lead to a non-polynomial dependence of this variable and the Wilson coefficient. As argued above, the reweighting based on the invariant mass is expected to work well enough given the current experimental uncertainties, but users should evaluate non-closure uncertainties. A refinement of the reweighting, whether based on amplitudes or on an extra distribution, is therefore left for future work.
In the manuscript, we have added the following sentence:
"An alternative would be to add an additional variable to the reweighting, such as the cosine of the angle between one of the Higgs bosons and the beam in the CM frame, which is a suggested option for di-Higgs production via gluon-gluon fusion. However, this variable is expected to be flat for many BSM models. This can be understood from a partial wave analysis: the leading partial wave is independent of cosθ, and most BSM models are not expected to suppress the leading partial wave substantially for this process. Therefore such a double differential description is not expected to improve the reweighting."
The referee is right in pointing this out. The method of using samples is one possibility for extracting the EFT predictions. However, that method is already known and would not provide anything new to the field if we demonstrated it. The drawback of using that method in an experimental analysis is that one would need at least 23 full simulation samples (including full detector simulation), which is computationally expensive to generate. Here, we propose an alternative method, where we extracted our reweighting coefficients form a larger set (63 samples), such that the (MC statistical) uncertainty on the coefficients fitted to the larger set is reduced. Then one can use the reweighting polynomial to reweight one full simulation sample to extract the EFT prediction, thus making our proposed method much less computationally expensive. In the end, it is up to the user to decide which method they prefer.
We have now pointed out that only the heavy top limit would work with these tools.
We have added a comment about the availability of the chromomagnetic operator and four-top operators in the ggHH_SMEFT code, and have added a plot showing the contributions form CtG in Figure 3.4.