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disorder: Deep inelastic scattering at high orders

by Alexander Karlberg

Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Alexander Karlberg
Submission information
Preprint Link: scipost_202406_00009v1  (pdf)
Code repository:
Code version: v1.0.0
Code license: GPL-v3
Date accepted: 2024-06-12
Date submitted: 2024-06-05 13:37
Submitted by: Karlberg, Alexander
Submitted to: SciPost Physics Codebases
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • High-Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Approach: Phenomenological


We present a Fortran 77/95 code capable of computing QCD corrections in deep inelastic scattering (DIS). The code uses the Projection-to-Born method to augment an existing $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_{\mathrm{s}}^2)$ dijet DIS code, thereby obtaining predictions for photon-mediated neutral-current single-jet DIS production in the laboratory frame. The code is lightweight and fast, and yet includes the most common functionalities found in typical perturbative QCD programs, like automatic renormalisation and factorisation scale uncertainties, options to run and combine multiple seeds, and interfaces to fastjet and LHAPDF. Due to the underlying disent and Hoppet codes, the program also provides stable results in the infrared, relevant for extracting logarithmic coefficients for analytic resummations, and access to the massless DIS structure functions and (reduced) cross sections up to $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_{\mathrm{s}}^3)$.

Author comments upon resubmission

Dear editor, referees,

Thank you very much for the careful reading of the manuscript, and for
the constructive comments.

Whereas I certainly did not intend to mislead in the presentation of
the code, I can see how the manuscript was not entirely clear on the
application of P2B in the laboratory frame. I have tried to address
this by a modification of the abstract, together with a new paragraph
in the introduction. The discussion in section 2 has also been
extended. Wherever I referred to 'DIS + 1 jet' I have also made
replacements along the lines of "dijet DIS production' and have spelled
out whenever I was referring to single-jet production (in the lab

I would also like to point out that I fully agree that inclusion of CC
would be very valuable, and will endeavour to include it in a later
release of the code.

I hope that these revisions have sufficiently improved the manuscript.


List of changes

*) The abstract has been modified to highlight that the P2B method
gives prediction for photon-mediated neutral-current single-jet
production DIS in the lab frame only.

*) Paragraph 5 of the introduction has been added with a discussion of
jet definitions in the lab and Breit-frame. It highlights the
limitations of P2B in the Breit-frame.

*) Explicit mentioning of the zero transverse momentum jet in the
Breit-frame when giving the kinematics in eq. 2.

*) Section 2.2 has been extended to again highlight the limitations in
the Breit-frame.

*) Conclusion slightly modified to reflect the above changes.

*) Additionally DIS + 1 jet has been replaced by dijet DIS production
(or similar) and it has been made explicit whenever the manuscript
discusses single-jet DIS production.

*) A few references have been added and some updated with publication

*) The code can now handle incoming neutrinos in the inclusive mode. A
few lines have been added in section 3.2 and in footnote 9 to make
this clear.

Published as SciPost Phys. Codebases 32 (2024) , SciPost Phys. Codebases 32-r1.0 (2024)

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