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Localization engineering by resonant driving in dissipative polariton arrays

by Gonzalo Usaj

Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Gonzalo Usaj
Submission information
Preprint Link: scipost_202406_00044v2  (pdf)
Date submitted: 2024-07-23 14:02
Submitted by: Usaj, Gonzalo
Submitted to: SciPost Physics Core
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • Condensed Matter Physics - Theory
Approaches: Theoretical, Computational


Arrays of microcavity polaritons are very versatile systems that allow for broad possibilities for the engineering of multi-orbital lattice geometries using different state preparation schemes. One of these schemes, spatially modulated resonant driving, can be used, for instance, to selectively localize the polariton field within the particular region of the lattice enclosed by the driving laser. Both the frequency and the spatial amplitude distribution (module and phase) of the driven laser field are important and serve as a knob to control the leakage outside that region and hence the extend of the spatial localization. Here, we analyse both the linear and nonlinear regimes using the lattice Green function formalism that is particularly suitable for the case of polariton arrays described in a tight-binding approximation. We identify the conditions for the laser induced localization to occur on arbitrary lattice’s geometries and discuss some experimentally relevant cases. We find that the polariton-polariton interaction leads to a frequency shift of the optimal localization condition that could be used to further control it.

Author comments upon resubmission

I thank the Referee for the constructive comments and for pointing out some typos which I have now corrected.

As for the Referee questions: (i) implementations in 2D are numerically more demanding but straightforward. In the linear case there is no difficulty as there are many ways to efficiently calculated the lattice Green function. For the nonlinear case, a good routine for solving fixed point equations have to be added to the Green function calculation protocol. This is feasible and, for a few simple cases I tested, it works fine; (ii) the phase fluctuation was randomized for each value of the phase with a fine grid for the later. A small number of realizations was enough to determine the average.

List of changes

1-The bold style of the inline equations have been removed (this was due to a \mathbold command on the abstract section of the SciPost template).
2- Comments (2-7) of the Referee were addressed as suggested.
3- Reference [24] was updated.

Current status:
Voting in preparation

Reports on this Submission

Report 1 by Alex Ferrier on 2024-7-26 (Invited Report)


I feel that all my comments from the previous report have been sufficiently addressed and so am happy to recommend the manuscript for publication at this stage.

I have a final very minor suggestion, insomuch as the author has an opportunity to make small corrections to the text in the production stage, that it might improve the clarity if for figures where different symbols are also distinguished by colour, the colour of the symbols is also mentioned in the caption e.g.:
- "red solid symbols"/"black open symbols" in figure 3;
- "(black circles)", "(red squares)" etc. in figure 4;
- "Red open and magenta closed symbols …" in figure 6;
especially for the case of figure 6 where these colours were added in the latest revision to help readers more easily distinguish these different symbols.


Publish (meets expectations and criteria for this Journal)

  • validity: high
  • significance: good
  • originality: good
  • clarity: high
  • formatting: good
  • grammar: good

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