The possibility of an unconventional form of high temperature superconductivity in flat band (FB) material does not cease to challenge our understanding of the physics in correlated systems. Here, we calculate the normal and anomalous Green's functions in various one and two dimensional FB systems and systematically extract the characteristic lengthscales. When the Fermi energy is located in the FB, it is found that the coherence length ($\xi$) is of the order of the lattice spacing and weakly sensitive to the strength of the electron-electron interaction. Recently, it has been argued that in FB compounds $\xi$ could be decomposed into a conventional part of BCS type ($\xi_{BCS}$) and a geometric contribution which characterises the FB eigenstates, the quantum metric ($\langle g \rangle$). However, by calculating the coherence length in two possible ways, our calculations show that $\xi \neq \sqrt{\langle g \rangle.}$ This may suggest that the link between QM and coherence length is more complex, and leaves us with the open question: what is the appropriate definition of the coherence length in flat-band systems?
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Author comments upon resubmission
The PDF file of the response to the referees has been merged with the new PDF version of the manuscript. All modifications regarding this 3rd round appear in green.
List of changes
* Abstract has been modified and rewritten * Table 1 has been moved, and the caption has been extended to define “tunable QM” and “uniform pairings” * Few sentences have been modified according to referee’s 2 suggestions * Figure 2 has been modified according to referee's 1 suggestion * Conclusion has been modified