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The random free field scalar theory

by Alessandro Piazza, Marco Serone, Emilio Trevisani

This is not the latest submitted version.

Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Alessandro Piazza · Marco Serone · Emilio Trevisani
Submission information
Preprint Link: scipost_202409_00029v1  (pdf)
Date submitted: 2024-09-24 09:03
Submitted by: Serone, Marco
Submitted to: SciPost Physics
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • High-Energy Physics - Theory
Approach: Theoretical


Quantum field theories with quenched disorder are so hard to study that even exactly solvable free theories present puzzling aspects. We consider a free scalar field $\phi$ in $d$ dimensions coupled to a random source $h$ with quenched disorder. Despite the presence of a mass scale governing the disorder distribution, we derive a new description of the theory that allows us to show that the theory is gapless and invariant under conformal symmetry, which acts in a non-trivial way on $\phi$ and $h$. This manifest CFT description reveals the presence of exotic continuous symmetries, such as nilpotent bosonic ones, in the quenched theory. We also reconsider Cardy's CFT description defined through the replica trick. In this description, the nilpotent symmetries reveal a striking resemblance with Parisi-Sourlas supersymmetries. We provide explicit maps of correlation functions between such CFTs and the original quenched theory. The maps are non-trivial and show that conformal behaviour is manifest only when considering suitable linear combinations of averages of products of correlators. We also briefly discuss how familiar notions like normal ordering of composite operators and OPE can be generalized in the presence of the more complicated local observables in the quenched theory.

Author indications on fulfilling journal expectations

  • Provide a novel and synergetic link between different research areas.
  • Open a new pathway in an existing or a new research direction, with clear potential for multi-pronged follow-up work
  • Detail a groundbreaking theoretical/experimental/computational discovery
  • Present a breakthrough on a previously-identified and long-standing research stumbling block
Current status:
Has been resubmitted

Reports on this Submission

Report #2 by Anonymous (Referee 1) on 2024-11-25 (Invited Report)


1) Clarity
2) Relevance to the theory of disordered systems as well as CFT descriptions


1) Lack of consideration of previous literature


In their manuscript Piazza, Serone and Tevisani consider a free scalar field theory coupled to a Gaussian quenched random source and derive two manifestly conformally invariant descriptions of the theory. One involves treating the external random source as a quantum field and the other one relies on Cardy’s parametrization of the replica fields after making use of the replica trick to handle the quenched disorder. The description of the theory greatly simplifies in these two formalisms, which allows the authors to describe operator product expansion, normal ordering of composite operators, and other properties of more standard conformal field theories while providing exact maps between the correlation functions in the original and in the new descriptions. The new description of the free random-source scalar field theory also allows the authors to unveil new, exotic continuous symmetries, in particular nilpotent ones that in Cardy’s parametrization bear some strong resemblance to the supersymmetries of the Parisi-Sourlas construction for the random-field Ising model.

Despite being focused only on a free theory, the paper clarifies a number of properties of random-field systems and casts them in the CFT language. It is interesting and clearly written. I therefore recommend publication in SciPost Physics.

I would nonetheless like the authors to consider the following comments that touch upon comparison with previous literature on random field models:

- In the Introduction, the others state that “basic notions of ordinary QFTs such as how to properly define an RG flow (…) have started to be analyzed for quenched disorder QFTs only very recently”. Here and in several places of the manuscript, the authors overlook the many studies based on the functional RG that has been developed to precisely define RG flows in the presence of quenched disorder. To cite a few: D. Fisher, Phys. Rev. B 31, 7233 (1985), P. Le Doussal et al., Phys. Rev. E 69, 026112 (2004), P. Le Doussal, Ann. Phys. 325, 49 (2010), K. Wiese, J. Phys. A 17, S1889 (2005), M. Baczyk et al., JSTAT P06010 (2014), M. Tissier et al., Phys. Rev. B 85, (2012), etc.

- In a similar vein, accommodating the existence of additional correlators (page 3) and addressing the issue of assigning scaling dimensions in random-field models (pages 4, 6, 8) is precisely what has been done with the notion of a zero-temperature fixed point and the introduction of an additional scaling dimension for a running temperature: see the articles cited above.

Clearly this literature is not framed in the same CFT language and has not addressed several points considered in the present paper but a few words of acknowledgement or, better, of comparison would be welcome.

- Long-range random-field models have been considered, still in a functional RG framework, in
M. Baczyk et al., Phys. Rev. B 88, 014204 (2013) and Balog et al., JSTAT P1017 (2014); the former in particular investigates the Parisi-Sourlas supersymmetry with long-range interactions and disorder correlations and its breakdown.


Ask for minor revision

  • validity: top
  • significance: good
  • originality: good
  • clarity: high
  • formatting: excellent
  • grammar: excellent

Author:  Marco Serone  on 2024-12-01  [id 5012]

(in reply to Report 2 on 2024-11-25)

We thank the referee for the nice feedback and the comments which we thoughtfully considered.

The three comments by the referee were related to missing citations to previous literature.
We would like to stress that the main idea of our paper is to clarify the CFT structure of the random free field theory,
where no RG flow is present. Because of this, the goal of our paper might have implications for RF models (being the starting point of RG flows when interactions are included)
but is not directly related to most of the vast RF literature, where interacting models are studied in a variety of ways
(not only by FRG techniques, but also by other methods like replica trick, Monte-Carlo simulations, etc.).
We think it would be improper and even misleading for the reader to have an excessive list of not so related references.
However, we agree with the referee that some sentences of the introduction were improper and prone to misinterpretation.
We therefore decided to make the introduction more sharp, we better stressed the goal of the paper, and we added a few more references.

More specifically, we removed the sentence ``basic notions of ordinary QFTs [...] have started to be analyzed for quenched disorder QFTs only very recently''.
We agree with the referee that the sentence was ambiguous and, in the way it was written, did not do justice to the previous literature on RF models.

We also rephrased the first two pages of the introduction, see around equation (1.1), after (1.4) and after (1.6).

In order to comply with the referee suggestion of giving more weight to the FRG results, we added 2 extra FRG references to the list of references about the RF Ising model.

Finally, we would like to thank the referee for letting us know about the paper 10.1103/PhysRevB.88.014204 which is very much relevant to our discussion in section 5.2.
We cited it at the end of the section.

We hope that the revised version of the manuscript can be accepted for publication.

Report #1 by Anonymous (Referee 2) on 2024-11-16 (Invited Report)


1. a simple exactly solvable model
2. a pedagogical paper.


1. difficult to reconcile with other methods
2. the model is well defined only in d>4


There has been growing interest in reconsidering random field spin models, particularly the Random Field Ising Model (RFIM), using a representation that dates back to the linear transformations of fields proposed by J. Cardy in 1985. This is a complex problem that has remained unresolved for many years. Significant progress was achieved about a decade ago through the use of functional renormalization group methods, especially in their non-perturbative form. Recent advances in conformal field theory methods have provided an alternative approach to studying this problem; however, to my knowledge, the perspectives offered by the two approaches have yet to be reconciled. This is difficult to realize because, despite the fact that both methods use the renormalization group language, the ways in which they attack this difficult problem are very different.

In the present manuscript the authors apply the conformal field theory (CFT) approach to a much simpler system, the random free field theory (RFFT). This is an exactly solvable model without interactions but with quenched random field. They show that the RFFT after changing variables can be viewed as a simple non-interacting CFT whose primary operators are related to the original elementary fields in a peculiar way.
In contrast to ordinary field theories, conformal behavior is observed only when considering specific linear combinations of correlators of local operators.
The authors provide two different effective conformal field theories with and without replicas and derive the explicit maps of correlation functions between these theories and the original theory with quenched random field.

The random field system with local interactions can then be studied using the RG flow considering the above effective conformal theories as a starting UV fixed point.

The problem under consideration is interesting, and the presentation is clear and pedagogically sound, making the manuscript suitable for publication. However, I am uncertain whether it meets the high standards of novelty and breakthrough required for general acceptance in SciPost Physics.
I encourage the authors to address several points that could enhance the manuscript and add significant value.

As mentioned by the authors, the RFFT model does not satisfy cluster decomposition for $d<4$. A natural question that arises for the reader, therefore, is: what are the consequences of this for the scaling behavior in physically relevant dimensions below $d=4$?

Is the RFFT model in the same universality class as the critical RFIM above $d=6$?

Since the the RFFT model is exactly solvable, could one compute the exact distribution of the order parameter at criticality?

The authors consider an extension of their model to the case where the action $S_0$ is replaced by a generalized free theory. Could the calculations be further extended to the case of correlated random fields, such as power-law correlated random fields?

In the seminal RG framework for the critical behavior of spin systems with random fields, one typically refers to a zero-temperature or infinite-disorder fixed point that governs the criticality of these disordered systems. It would be useful to discuss the connection between this picture and the approach developed by the authors.

The authors identify the $O(-2)$ symmetry in their CFT. Another known example of disordered systems that exhibit this hidden symmetry is Charge Density Waves (CDW) pinned by disorder, which is also described by a zero-temperature fixed point and can be mapped onto a pure system with $O(-2)$ symmetry (see K.J. Wiese and A.A. Fedorenko, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 197601 (2019)). Is this a common property of systems controlled by a zero-temperature fixed point?


Ask for major revision

  • validity: good
  • significance: good
  • originality: good
  • clarity: good
  • formatting: good
  • grammar: good

Author:  Marco Serone  on 2024-11-25  [id 4985]

(in reply to Report 1 on 2024-11-16)
answer to question
reply to objection

We thank the referee for the feedback and suggestions which we have carefully considered. Below we reply to each comment.

1) "As mentioned by the authors, the RFFT model does not satisfy cluster decomposition for $d<4$. A natural question that arises for the reader, therefore, is: what are the consequences of this for the scaling behaviour in physically relevant dimensions below $d=4$?''

The random free field theory (RFFT) is actually well-defined for any dimension (it is, in the end, a Gaussian theory), but it has some subtle features in $d=2,4$ because of the appearance of logarithmic terms in the correlators. In the previous version, we wanted to avoid the discussion of these subtleties and for this reason, we focused on $d>4$, where the dimensions of all operators are positive (and thus the model satisfies cluster decomposition). Note that the model is non-unitary and the dimensions of the operators are allowed to take negative values (this is e.g. the case also for the Yang-Lee minimal model). Therefore focusing on $d>4$ is not a necessary requirement, but it was only a simplifying assumption. We have thus relaxed this assumption and now we consider $d\neq 2,4$. We briefly mention the subtleties related to $d=2,4$ in the revised sentence after eq.(2.7). We also added a new paragraph at the end of section 3.1, after the introduction of the $(\alpha,\beta)$ theory, where we explain better this point. We also changed accordingly a sentence after eq.(5.8).

This also addresses the second weakness of the paper reported by the referee.

2) "Is the RFFT model in the same universality class as the critical RFIM above $d=6$?''

Yes, indeed. We included a paragraph on page 3 in the introduction on this important point.

3) "Since the RFFT model is exactly solvable, could one compute the exact distribution of the order parameter at criticality? ''

Indeed the RFFT is solvable (it is a CFT so it is automatically critical) and we explained how to compute all observables, which can be defined in terms of the conformal dimensions and OPE coefficients of the associated CFT. We also explained how to compute all possible averages of correlation functions of the order parameter. In particular if one just computes the average of the one point function of the order parameter the result vanishes by $\mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry, as a consequence of e.g. (3.49).

4) "The authors consider an extension of their model to the case where the action $S_0$ is replaced by a generalized free theory. Could the calculations be further extended to the case of correlated random fields, such as power-law correlated random fields? ''

In equation (5.12) and below we did consider the case of both a generalized free theory and a long-range disorder.

5) About the last comment, we thank the referee for letting us know the reference Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 197601 (2019) about $O(-2)$ symmetry. We added a citation to this work in section 4.1.

6) The RFFT is a conformal field theory, so it does not undergo any RG flow. We thus do not have any difficulty reconciling our results with any other (F)RG method, because there is no RG! For this reason, we also believe that it would not be appropriate to describe any connection of our work with the ``\emph{seminal RG framework [...]}''. Also, we would like to stress that in our work we explicitly compared 3 different formulations of the model. One of these is the formulation in terms of Cardy fields mentioned by the referee. We also introduced a new formulation, the \abtheory. Moreover, these two formulations are always compared with the original RFFT. We proved that the 3 formulations agree and we provided a large number of explicit examples which establish without any doubt that everything is consistent. In particular let us stress again that we compared all our results to the original RFFT, which is the model that we want to study. So there is nothing more that we can compare to.

As a final comment, if any (F)RG setup wants to reproduce the RFFT in the UV, then it should match the standard computations of the RFFT. In this case, our work can be used as a simplifying tool for these types of checks. Indeed both Cardy and \abtheory~formulations make the scaling properties of RFFT more manifest, making computations far less cumbersome than in the original RFFT formulation. So, if the UV fixed point of any (F)RG setup does not agree with both Cardy and \abtheory~formulations, then one would simply conclude that it does not describe the RFFT (since these 3 formulations are proven to be equivalent).

This clarification should address the first weakness and the fifth question raised by the referee.

We hope that the revised version of the manuscript can be accepted for publication.

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