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Modular Properties of Generalised Gibbs Ensembles

by Max Downing and Faisal Karimi

Submission summary

Authors (as registered SciPost users): Faisal Karimi
Submission information
Preprint Link: scipost_202410_00059v1  (pdf)
Date submitted: 2024-10-28 17:19
Submitted by: Karimi, Faisal
Submitted to: SciPost Physics
Ontological classification
Academic field: Physics
  • High-Energy Physics - Theory
  • Mathematical Physics
  • Statistical and Soft Matter Physics
Approach: Theoretical


We investigate the modular properties of Generalised Gibbs Ensembles (GGEs) in two dimensional conformal field theories. These are obtained by inserting higher spin charges in the expressions for the partition function of the theory. We investigate the particular case where KdV charges are inserted in the GGE. We first determine an asymptotic expression for the transformed GGE. This expression is an expansion in terms of the zero modes of all the quasi-primary fields in the theory, not just the KdV charges. While these charges are non-commuting they can be re-exponentiated to give an asymptotic expression for the transformed GGE in terms of another GGE. As an explicit example we focus on the Lee-Yang model. We use the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz in the Lee-Yang model to first replicate the asymptotic results, and then find additional energies that need to be included in the transformed GGE in order to find the exact modular transformation.

Author indications on fulfilling journal expectations

  • Provide a novel and synergetic link between different research areas.
  • Open a new pathway in an existing or a new research direction, with clear potential for multi-pronged follow-up work
  • Detail a groundbreaking theoretical/experimental/computational discovery
  • Present a breakthrough on a previously-identified and long-standing research stumbling block
Current status:
In refereeing

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