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Title:  Density fluctuations in the 1D Bose gas
Author:  M.K. Panfil
As Contributor:   Milosz Panfil
Type: Ph.D.
Field: Physics
  • Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics - Theory
Approach: Theoretical
URL:  http://hdl.handle.net/11245/1.398582
Degree granting institution:  University of Amsterdam
Supervisor(s): J.-S. Caux
Defense date:  2013-10-09


The thesis is organized in the following way • Chapter 2: Contains an introduction to the Lieb-Liniger model and to the density- density correlations which we study in various circumstances throughout the rest of the thesis. • Chapter 3: Contains a brief introduction to the method of Algebraic and Ther- modynamic Bethe Ansatz. Focuses on highlighting key concepts, sacrificing the completeness of discussion whenever it seems appropriate. For the complete expo- sure to the method we refer to the bible of the Algebraic Bethe Ansatz [18]. • Chapter 4: This is the first chapter containing the author’s contribution to the field. We show how the Luttinger liquid (macroscopic theory) can be fine-tuned with the microscopic (1D Bose gas) input. We focus on the zero temperature correlation functions. • Chapter 5: Here we present results on finite temperature correlation functions obtained directly from the microscopic description of the 1D Bose gas. • Chapter 6: Finally we describe a metastable super Tonks-Girardeau gas, that is a specific out-of-equilibrium regime in which correlations between particles are specifically strong. In a sense this describes a regime of the 1D Bose gas that is far away from the free gas. • Chapter 7: We conclude by giving an outlook on further interesting directions that could be undertaken in a future and would extend the results presented here. Notations and some extra calculations are placed in Appendices A, B, C.

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